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Should We Keep The Design Council Out Community Event?


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Compare the Grineer women (they RULE, have high positions, have extensive and worthy warrior professions and schools) versus... what exactly? Tenno are half and half male to female so our women are warriors of great renown.

Corpus got nothing and its gonna be a retcon to the Corpus lore to start introducing more humans versus more machines

Do we wanna look at Corpus enhanced boobs? Sure. Would it make any sense given what we think we know about the Corpus? No, not really. Like at all

Only way to add quality humans to Corpus is through these Mercs we keep hearing about. Even then though, nonCorpus personnel. Same faction I guess, but not real Corpus

Edited by Kartumterek
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Perhaps female Corpus won't appear as enemy units. Perhaps robotic units are in favor over human units. But why would pople want to see more human Corpus? Easy: Lore.


Like the factions' respective society for example. The Tenno are equal, the Grineer are ruled by Twin Queens and they obviously respect their women, but the Corpus? No info on that yet. That's one of the reasons why players want female Corpus in the game. We want to see how things will go. Are the Corpus misogynistic A******s? Or they won't let the ladies fight because they value them too much? Or they just treats them as livestock and breeding cattle?


We don't even have solid lore on civilians yet. All we have now is Tenno sympathizers like the  Red Veil, faction-less humans and possibly, civilian Corpus and Grineer. Are the Grineer civilians clones that only want to protect their culture? Are non-Crewman Corpus merely merchants, scientists, engineers, et cetera? -cough-Darvo-cough-


How do each faction's society work?


There's still much to explore.

I'd like to see Corpus Minis wielding batons.

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I think votes should be put to accounts that have purchased Founders or Prime Access, this preserves the founders importance but also allows people willing to invest in the game to help make the votes more meaningful to a larger group sample. Keep the founders DC, but open the votes to Prime Access users as well.

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Perhaps female Corpus won't appear as enemy units. Perhaps robotic units are in favor over human units. But why would pople want to see more human Corpus? Easy: Lore.


Like the factions' respective society for example. The Tenno are equal, the Grineer are ruled by Twin Queens and they obviously respect their women, but the Corpus? No info on that yet. That's one of the reasons why players want female Corpus in the game. We want to see how things will go. Are the Corpus misogynistic A******s? Or they won't let the ladies fight because they value them too much? Or they just treats them as livestock and breeding cattle?


We don't even have solid lore on civilians yet. All we have now is Tenno sympathizers like the  Red Veil, faction-less humans and possibly, civilian Corpus and Grineer. Are the Grineer civilians clones that only want to protect their culture? Are non-Crewman Corpus merely merchants, scientists, engineers, et cetera? -cough-Darvo-cough-


How do each faction's society work?


There's still much to explore.

This. The only way to know these things is to find out.

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Worth pointing out that maybe female corpus are the mechanics in their society, or the pilots, or something. We don't really know, because we know all of jack about the Corpus except that their society is based around being a Orokin cult, is likely some form of capitalist due to their obsession with profit and that Alad V is, frankly, a bit of a @$$ when it comes to the Tenno. We're kinda in the same situation with the Grineer, we just don't know anything meaningful except that Ruk is somewhat honourable and has a intense hate for Vay Hek over the G3. We're told about the races and what they do, but we're not really told anything about them, if that makes sense. I dunno how to explain it.


Ironically, the one that we arguably know the most about is the Infested, and we had a whole 'nother game to work out their deal, but we'll ignore that because its only tangentially relevant.


Perhaps more so then new enemies, what we need is better lore and multiple enemies who don't perform the same role. All the factions are guilty of that to some degree, too.

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I can't say that I like the idea of the final vote being left to the DC, I've seen many posts from DC members since the game started who show nothing more than their massive ego just cause they get to see alot behind-the-scenes stuff. They add nothing to the game, they just wanted their shiny title and emblem.



I still remember a DC member saying that we need to listen to him and not someone like me who didn't buy any kind of Founders Package and that our decisions/suggestions/ideas are not as important as his are. He only bought the full package because he wanted DE to listen to his ideas first. He then finished it by saying that we shouldn't bother with the game because we are not founders.


Do I really want to leave important decisions to someone like him?

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I can't say that I like the idea of the final vote being left to the DC, I've seen many posts from DC members since the game started who show nothing more than their massive ego just cause they get to see alot behind-the-scenes stuff. They add nothing to the game, they just wanted their shiny title and emblem.



I still remember a DC member saying that we need to listen to him and not someone like me who didn't buy any kind of Founders Package and that our decisions/suggestions/ideas are not as important as his are. He only bought the full package because he wanted DE to listen to his ideas first. He then finished it by saying that we shouldn't bother with the game because we are not founders.


Do I really want to leave important decisions to someone like him?

He's 1 person in the crowd of founders. He doesn't run things around here.

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well, it's not like design council is closed to the public forever. DE invites "good" players to it every month. as long as the number of council members is large enough. the result of the vote should be roughly the same as a more public vote. why? because DE filters the submission first, so DE has quality control over the design(yes i'm suggesting DE leads the vote. look at the final vote. one of the two has clearly better art design. ), and the council members are NORMAL players. trust us, we have NORMAL taste, dont worry about horrible outcomes.

Edited by Eric1738
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people who paid more money into the game than you get to make more meaningful decisions than you.... who would of thought?

You should read more carefully before posting. I'm totaly fine with the DC making decisions, but when it's related to community events it's another story.

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You should read more carefully before posting. I'm totaly fine with the DC making decisions, but when it's related to community events it's another story.

And mind you I am fine when it comes to optional content such as weapons or warframes, but enemies we will be forced to eventually encounter... yeah I'd rather leave that up to DE entirely.

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The design council system is a perfectly legitimate concept in which (conceptually), the players who care about the game the most - and the ones with the most monetary investment in it - are given a greater influence.



I don't see the problem, and, quite frankly, if the design council's power is lowered or abolished, then they best be refunding Master and Grandmaster Founders - myself included - for part of our purchase. That design council access is a large part of the incentive to upgrade from Hunter to Master tier. 

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In DC no one is ever contented. Too much nitpicking on stuff, too many conflicting opinions.



We have 3 female units who made it in the 16. The other two was the Saboteur and Conduit. Despite being female units they got eliminated from the competition early. How does the Aux being female be 99% of the reason why she made it to the final round? Make her male and he'll probably still make it that far because Corpus are badly in need of support units. But, they need a heavy unit as well (hence the Riot MOA takes the cake).


TL;DR: DC, summarized in one GIF is...


Because every other second people were saying in the thread that it need to be added because it's a female corpus unit.  Especially when it started losing.  It wouldn't have gotten nearly as far if it weren't one.



The design council system is a perfectly legitimate concept in which (conceptually), the players who care about the game the most - and the ones with the most monetary investment in it - are given a greater influence.



I don't see the problem, and, quite frankly, if the design council's power is lowered or abolished, then they best be refunding Master and Grandmaster Founders - myself included - for part of our purchase. That design council access is a large part of the incentive to upgrade from Hunter to Master tier. 

Caring doesn't == understanding.

Edited by Aggh
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Caring doesn't == understanding.


And you know what every single founder has in common? They have been with the game since closed beta (or whenever the founder's program ended). That implies - barring those who have taken a long break - a greater familiarity and experience with the game than is present on much of the community.


So yes, founders do typically have a greater understanding than the average of the community at large. Is that an elitist statement? No. Does it mean that all founders are experts or that there are not experts among the non-founder community? Absolutely not.


But I would damnwell expect my player council to be one that has been around since Closed Beta and has enough investment in the game to lay down money on it in its worst possible state.







But that's all beside the point. The Design Council's influence is grossly overstated. If I were to look in there, what would I find? A few enemy design polls with near-unanimous winners (that would probably also reflect results taken from the community at large)? Far too few previews of upcoming weapons? A few threads that quite frankly should be archived?


The Design Council isn't given half the sway or half the sneak peeks that it used to receive. And you want us to receive less still.

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Anyone have a quick description of what the DC is? Is it just a group of players with a hidden board or something?


If DE isn't asking the DC for ideas, then how about you DC people start offering them? And if you already are offering them and DE isn't listening, then they must not be very good ideas, or they're too hard/expensive/time consuming to implement. Try simpler ideas I guess?

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Anyone have a quick description of what the DC is? Is it just a group of players with a hidden board or something?


If DE isn't asking the DC for ideas, then how about you DC people start offering them? And if you already are offering them and DE isn't listening, then they must not be very good ideas, or they're too hard/expensive/time consuming to implement. Try simpler ideas I guess?

A group of players with a hidden board, that gets to see what will be released on Warframe, as well as make suggestions to that content.

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And you know what every single founder has in common? They have been with the game since closed beta (or whenever the founder's program ended). That implies - barring those who have taken a long break - a greater familiarity and experience with the game than is present on much of the community.


So yes, founders do typically have a greater understanding than the average of the community at large. Is that an elitist statement? No. Does it mean that all founders are experts or that there are not experts among the non-founder community? Absolutely not.


But I would damnwell expect my player council to be one that has been around since Closed Beta and has enough investment in the game to lay down money on it in its worst possible state.







But that's all beside the point. The Design Council's influence is grossly overstated. If I were to look in there, what would I find? A few enemy design polls with near-unanimous winners (that would probably also reflect results taken from the community at large)? Far too few previews of upcoming weapons? A few threads that quite frankly should be archived?


The Design Council isn't given half the sway or half the sneak peeks that it used to receive. And you want us to receive less still.

I would have bothered upgrading to master if I hadn't seen some DC discussions a friend showed me.  Simply playing the game doesn't automatically mean you have a proper understanding of it either.  No one would have voted for the fumigator of that was the case.

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