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New Boss Incoming Great But


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Let me tell you how long the last updated boss last. Two weeks utill I grab all Hydroid parts and never visit VH again. Such a waste for a whole new design level that took months to create, don't you think? I hope the upcoming new boss will be worth revisiting for a very long time like void tower.

Also, give us harder and more rewarding content for people that already own every top tier gears. There's nothing worth doing in current game unless I force myself to bear through the boring first 30 minutes of a survival or defense mission

Edited by Neogeo
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They problem with Hek is not that he isn't a rewarding boss (not entirely), it's the stupid and unnecesary grindwall (even bigger than Lephantis') that makes people not want to bother after they get all the rewards. Trust me if I didn't have to farm for those stupid beacons I'd actually bother to visit Hek.

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They problem with Hek is not that he isn't a rewarding boss (not entirely), it's the stupid and unnecesary grindwall (even bigger than Lephantis') that makes people not want to bother after they get all the rewards. Trust me if I didn't have to farm for those stupid beacons I'd actually bother to visit Hek.

I agree with you but think of it this way. DE had to think off something to make people revisit the new shipyard tileset.

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The only thing stopping me from revisiting bosses at this moment, is the lack of mechanics. Lephantis is a fun boss, I've revisted him several times just for fun, but with him being the only boss of many with decent mechanics (Vay Hek is just annoying), I'm eager for the next boss.

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They problem with Hek is not that he isn't a rewarding boss (not entirely), it's the stupid and unnecesary grindwall (even bigger than Lephantis') that makes people not want to bother after they get all the rewards. Trust me if I didn't have to farm for those stupid beacons I'd actually bother to visit Hek.




The grind wall behind Hek is ridiculous, and even more so now that Nuovo doesn't spawn Prosecutors (will most likely be fixed). It's just annoying when a new boss with interesting mechanics have to be behind grind walls.


I hope that the new bosses don't follow in this model, and if they don't, that DE still make them just as interesting to fight again.



I agree with you but think of it this way. DE had to think off something to make people revisit the new shipyard tileset.


Though I'm no game designer, doing this was far from the most appealing idea. Those people, for the most part, are not going back to the shipyard because it's fun and because they like the design. They go back because they need those beacons, and they are probably getting annoyed/exhausted by it.


That's no way to keep something alive when you're simply exhausting the players, instead of creating a fun incentive to go there. In fact, if they were to make ideas similar to CELLS, then I'd probably go back there a lot more for better reasons, and I won't tell myself "god I've got to farm beacons again..." every time I do.

Edited by Casardis
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I would have to agree with you, I probably wouldn't have done Lephantis if he wasn't the only boss that dropped the glaive bounce mod, which is also a shame for such a fun boss fight.

I keep getting lots of quick return and rebound mods and I haven't seen Lephantis in a very long time. I think they drop from some of the Void enemies.

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Grind-wall to reach the boss in the first place is negligible if RNG wasn't such a big problem once we actually defeated these bosses, although i suppose theres a reason we have both :/


As long as it doesn't take more than a month to obtain the item, i think ill be ok building a wall to contain my rage :3


Godspeed though :D

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At least With Lephantis you could grind navs by doing other missions, and just go into OD whenever you need to farm golem navs.


Afaik u can only get beacons off of the elemental spawns, which I personally farm off the lek krill boss mission.

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At least With Lephantis you could grind navs by doing other missions, and just go into OD whenever you need to farm golem navs.




Nekros and a slash weapon.  Cut them to pieces and Desecrate multiple times on the elemental prosecutors.  You won't get one every mission, but once you get a mission that does drop deltas, you'll probably get more than one.  And I usually go for the 15 or 20 minute mark before restarting, the 10 minute mark has been a sweet spot for me in the past.

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Nekros and a slash weapon.  Cut them to pieces and Desecrate multiple times on the elemental prosecutors.  You won't get one every mission, but once you get a mission that does drop deltas, you'll probably get more than one.  And I usually go for the 15 or 20 minute mark before restarting, the 10 minute mark has been a sweet spot for me in the past.


Point is...RNG is really crappy concerning the ludicrous amount of times I did defense and have not gotten a single delta. I have like...500 omegas or something.

Edited by PeripheralVisionary
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Ok, maybe VH is a bad example. Let's put it this way. How many of you continue grinding void tower even though you already had every reward on the table? How many of you only go visit Alad V when you need neural sensor? See the difference?

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Ok, maybe VH is a bad example. Let's put it this way. How many of you continue grinding void tower even though you already had every reward on the table? How many of you only go visit Alad V when you need neural sensor? See the difference?

You don't grind tower for new bosses? I'm a bit unsure of my stance on weapon grinding, but I dislike the notion of content like bossfights being held behind grind walls that even the colossal titan can't look over.



Edited by PeripheralVisionary
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You don't grind tower for new bosses? I'm a bit unsure of my stance on weapon grinding, but I dislike the notion of content like bossfights being held behind grind walls that even the colossal titan can't look over.


DE said they are putting mini boss in survival and defense mission. Sorta like Killing Floor. Anyway, my point is, as long as people are getting something out of the run, they will still do it. For example, I still do T3e for Rhino BP even though I already build a rhino prime, it's still good for plats. Edited by Neogeo
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Stance mods got me to revisit some old bosses. 


I've heard a couple of decent ideas about making boss fights relevant again. Some of my favorites;


Make Prime frames also require non-prime parts, plus the void drops

Argon Crystals from all bosses too, 2x chance from Hek

Increased credit rewards to viable credit-farming levels (makes sense an assassination should pay way more)[increased sale of bps would work too]

More boss drop weapons like the Seer, possibly also clantech (can pick which way to acquire, don't insist people get a clan)

When they release generic abilities, have them as boss drops

Implement boss(es) into waves of survival/defense

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