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Buff Braton Prime


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Seriously, this weapon needs a damage buff. i love my Braton Prime too much for it to be kicked aside by power creep. 


Fellow Tenno, let our voices be heard. Give the Braton Prime some love! 

30 base damage will do, or 50 crit chance will do.


Yeah, go wild DE make the braton a low crit moster. Just up the crit chance to 35% with 1.5x and call it a day.

Edited by OrphanMaker
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Since I posted this in another braton thread, figured I'll repost it since I definitely don't want to rewrite the whole thing:


[from other thread] 


In any "buff braton" thread I will show my support. Once in a while I will bump the huge thread that have spawned on this topic. And in most of the thread, it seems to get alot of support with no real negative comments or resistance. 


On top of that, we're not saying it should be OP, like the boltor prime, but we just want it to shine like any of its primed brethren. It's one of the best weapons in the game as far as mechanics go and yet it's so lackluster it's mostly not even given a second look as a main weapon as it cannot compete with many of the them. Hell, the karak (the karak for crying out loud) can actually equal its dps. And as to not embarrass it even more, I'll refrain from listing a few secondaries that can out dps it.


For comparison, let's take the Sustained DPS of some weapons and see how braton fares against them. Don't worry, I won't delve into numbers and break them down line by line, I'll keep it rough to show the big picture. 


All these are the optimal modding for each specific weapon type but completely maxed.


First off it's the boltor prime sitting around 21k S.dps (Not hit scan, made for spray and pray)

Next is the Soma sitting at 12k S.dps (Is hit scan, can be used as S&P, or at mid to longish range for heatshots)

Up next is the latron also sitting at 12k S.dps (made for headshot, hitscan, but cannot S&P)

Burston is in the same neighborhood as it should be.


As you can see, they're pretty evenly matched (well the boltor imo is a tad on the op side, but that's not for this thread). But then we get to the braton PRIME. It comes in at 6.5k S.dps in the best possible scenario. Basically half of what similar tiered weapons are doing. So do we need to be better than boltor p? not by a long shot. Better than soma, latron, burston? meh, we don't even need that much. Personally I would not like the braton to feel overpowered and thus cheap to use. We're just asking for a solid rifle. 


The braton would sit nicely at around 10k S.dps as it is one of the most balanced weapons in the game as if only the mechanics are considered. It is perfect anywhere from close to mid to long range. It can do S&P with the best of them while also burst from long range. It's accurate for those headshots; it's hitscan. Ammo efficiency and clip size are spot on. 


A 10k S.dps would mean increasing the total dmg (all other stats are fine where they sit) from it's current 25 total dmg, to 41 total dmg. That's all that needs to be done. This would place it nicely in the same tier as where it should be. However, may I suggest evenly dividing this dmg among the three dmg types just like the braton and not the mk1. Or like it has been mention in the past, release the REAL braton prime and not the mk1 prime.


Come on DE, we have presented countless examples of this in many a thread. We have crunched the numbers for you. We have tested the weapons. And if you simply look at warframe-builder.com and notice that the number of builds each weapon has is pretty much directly correlated to how popular the weapon is (17 for brat prime, 40-60 for good weapons, 82 for boltor p), it is simple to see this weapon needs it. We want it. 


I think I speak for the community when I say again that we don't want it to be OP, but we simply want a good rifle that lives up the braton prime name.


TL;DR - needs a buff, buff it. Don't make it OP. sustained dps 21k boltor; 12k soma, latron, burston; 6k braton. Make it 10k.

Edited by alfaomega04
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I don't think I can put words better than everyone has said on this topic.


Braton Prime doen't have to be the next OP stuff. We just want for Braton Prime to deserve it's prime status

Edited by Lorche
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Requesting buff to braton prime as well as the braton family. In other words, "BUMP."


Yes to Braton Prime, no to other Bratons (well maybe Vandal but IDK). The other Bratons as starter weapons to give you a feel of standard fully automatic weapons in Warframe are fine as is.

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O.O wow, might this mean that DE is thinking about buffing the braton prime!??!!


Turns out both the mk1 and the braton were ghost buffed or I completely missed that change. LOL, no wonder my four forma mk1 actually did ok on pluto. I did find it a little weird. Took me back to the days when I used the braton almost exclusively. Hopefully the prime version is next :D here's to hoping everyone!

Edited by alfaomega04
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maybe this help for DE balancing weapon

a simple comparation between braton prime & boltor prime

both with same mod type & what the result ? double damage for boltor prime while braton only get half of it, when both are prime weapon. but if i'm recall correctly braton should produce almost similar amount with braton prime while that gun isn't a prime weapon at all




and like i say on the other thread :


as a braton fan i'm pretty much agree with this, since when the normal version & the prime version have same status. While normal braton only cost 25k credits do full 8 damage to all faction while we need to collect material 10 Orokin cell which is hard as hell *not as much as crimson dervish or something else* + with "ALMOST" myth braton prime receiver. DE should reconsider this heavily, why a prime weapon as weak as the normal version one.


The status should be
+Impact 1.3 > this should be change to 6/7 or if DE still want to make this weapon ineffective against shield that's ok if they upgrade other damage

+Punc 8.8 > this should around 14/15 if DE don't want to upgrade the Impact, with that number braton prime won't be OP instead a balance weapon

+Slash 15 > already a ok for me

+Reload 2.2 > make it 2s. since this is an assault rifle, that a good rate for keep firing the enemy while the gun dmage still considerably low

+ Crit chance/proc rate need to be at last 15% for each one, that can be 15% for status or crit chance

+also adding 1 V polarities is a good idea since this is a prime weapon


which mean DE should really see braton prime & upgrade this gun for :

+ Resource we need to spend 10 Orokin Cell
+ Collecting the Part in Tower, especially the receiver hard to get
+ This is a prime weapon but the power same with the normal one (?)



Edited by sasanao22
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really?? buff this weapon? NOPE.


Braton was terrible, braton prime too.... even with that braton doesnt deserve prime version. If DE wants to make a powerfull prime weapon make Soma Prime buffing braton prime is a complete waste. Keep your terrible prime weapon and go away


If you don't care about Bratons and hate them so much, why are you even posting in this topic? Seriously? Oh and just an FYI: Your narrow-minded vitriol contributes absolutely NOTHING to this discussion.


This brings me to an important point. What is with all this unreasoning opposition to making certain old, lackluster weapons better? Are some people that scared that their own personal favorites might not be as shiny and OP anymore in comparison?

Edited by MirageKnight
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really?? buff this weapon? NOPE.


Braton was terrible, braton prime too.... even with that braton doesnt deserve prime version. If DE wants to make a powerfull prime weapon make Soma Prime buffing braton prime is a complete waste. Keep your terrible prime weapon and go away


Bratons is NOT terrible; it's a good starting weapons with the easiest handling from all primaries. Even if you said Braton doesn't deserve Prime version, it had already implemented waaaay before you even started active on this forum, so deal with it. The people in this thread didn't ask it to be powerful to the level what would Soma Prime (or realistically, Boltor Prime) do, they asked to buff Braton Prime so it would deserves the Prime status it had, to the level of what most other Primes do.


It's kinda weird to have someone asking for a weapon that already top-tiered to got its own Prime version, while completely dissed the other Prime(s) that already implemented but deeply forgotten in the falling side of imbalance, inside the topic that discusses how could it be buffed to what Primes would do.

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really?? buff this weapon? NOPE.


Braton was terrible, braton prime too.... even with that braton doesnt deserve prime version. If DE wants to make a powerfull prime weapon make Soma Prime buffing braton prime is a complete waste. Keep your terrible prime weapon and go away


*Wah mah powercreep weapons derserve more powercreep!*


Braton prime needs a buff becouse is in End Game Tier and has worst stats than the low-mid games one, sry if you dont like it but hey you can still using you powercreep weapons and being better no ?

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If you don't care about Bratons and hate them so much, why are you even posting in this topic? Seriously? Oh and just an FYI: Your narrow-minded vitriol contributes absolutely NOTHING to this discussion.


This brings me to an important point. What is with all this unreasoning opposition to making certain old, lackluster weapons better? Are some people that scared that their own personal favorites might not be as shiny and OP anymore in comparison?

He's probably trollin', man. But your points are valid and are food for thought.

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I see this is still a thing.


Good. It needs to be.


It's been said before, but is worth repeating: the gun is old. It's been around since U10 without changes. It needs a buff to bring it in line with the other Primes--and the fact is hasn't gotten one is particularly egregious since the Latron Prime did get such a buff.


I don't think it should change substantially. You'd lose the flavor of the weapon. It's a great handling weapon as it is; it just needs more oomph. A 20% increase in base damage would be good and I think would bring it up an acceptable amount. I'd hesitate to change crit rate or status. It's just not what this gun--or any of the Bratons, and this is the archetype--is about.


It has been curious that the gun is the archetype Braton, but shares the damage mix of the Mk1 rather than the garden variety Braton. Bumping it up to 10/10/10 does make sense, but would lose some of the flavor of the gun (namely its explosive effects on fleshy enemies). I still think bumping it 5 pts in damage (1/3/1) would be best. Bumping RoF to 9.5 wouldn't be a bad thing, either. I'd hesitate to make any other changes.

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really?? buff this weapon? NOPE.


Braton was terrible, braton prime too....

LOL, isn't this the whole point of buffs? 


But even if it did get a buff, how would it hurt the soma and those who use it? It would just allow user to actually pick from different alternatives. 

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I see this is still a thing.


Good. It needs to be.


It's been said before, but is worth repeating: the gun is old. It's been around since U10 without changes. It needs a buff to bring it in line with the other Primes--and the fact is hasn't gotten one is particularly egregious since the Latron Prime did get such a buff.


I don't think it should change substantially. You'd lose the flavor of the weapon. It's a great handling weapon as it is; it just needs more oomph. A 20% increase in base damage would be good and I think would bring it up an acceptable amount. I'd hesitate to change crit rate or status. It's just not what this gun--or any of the Bratons, and this is the archetype--is about.


It has been curious that the gun is the archetype Braton, but shares the damage mix of the Mk1 rather than the garden variety Braton. Bumping it up to 10/10/10 does make sense, but would lose some of the flavor of the gun (namely its explosive effects on fleshy enemies). I still think bumping it 5 pts in damage (1/3/1) would be best. Bumping RoF to 9.5 wouldn't be a bad thing, either. I'd hesitate to make any other changes.


well i'm agree with you but that 5 point still feel like nothing at all, puncture be like 12,8. still lack of something though


oh btw, don't feed the troll. just press the report button & put some logical reason. Like how we need this buff while he doesn't need it why even he comment here?

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