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Xbox One Warframe Opinions


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FIrst of all let me say that this shall not be a contest about which console is better. The point of this is to state what the cost of having an xbox one version of warframe is compared to the actual benefits. After ALL of this information is stated please tell the community your opinion on the matter.



-More Staff needed to keep up with the updates

-More players complaining about not having their updates fast enough

-More stress on the staff to support more platforms

-More management needed for the primetime dates and transactions

-Possible lower quality complaints because the Xbox doesn't support full 1080p

-We have to await the xbox appproval for updates

-More controller configuration differences

-The chances of Cross-Platform play because of the update differences

-Crowding of the forums and disputes over console abilities within the forums between mostly PS4 and Xbox One players

-Complaints of Xbox players will be even worse than those of PS4 players because xbox players are missing a whole year and a half worth of content and event exclusives

-More monitoring of the forums for bad content and player needs etc.



-More players to chat with

-More revunue for DE


Personally I think that the downsides outweigh the upsides so I think that DE is making a bad decision. Comment and tell me your opinions.


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I don't think cross platform will happen at all, since ps4 has the longer wait times for updates and microsoft doesn't support the cross platform play to begin with. that's why planetside 2 is only going to ps4 since it will support cross platform play and microsoft doesn't.


I think there are individual teams for each console so I don't think supporting extra consoles will have a big effect on patch/updates.


I don't think a few more complaining people on the forum will change much since thats like 50% of the forums anyways

Edited by Ja_man
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Agreed. Warframe on Xbone will bring only "Gibi cal prajm i wusnt der giv me de excloozivz!!!1111""Way r de updatez so slow hold back de pc ones!!111" and "U FKN WOT M8 1V1 ME IRL ILL REK U I FKD UR MOM!!!!!11111"

While I could agree very much this is the type of comment I don't want. I want logical explanations with support behind their statements. These kind of comments will make DE think this is a console competition which is exactly what I don't want.

Edited by (PS4)Clannad12w
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You do realize the "more revenues" for DE solves 99.% of the actual problems right? And all those other complaint were the same PC had when ps4 was coming.

A well proven point but I think that not very many people would be willing to buy plat after having to pay for gold to play a free to play game...

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Oh, and agressive M$ policies about exclusive DLCs. They'll want at least few items exclusive for Xbone version. And I'm not talking about one palette and Braton skin.

Edited by Angius
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A well proven point but I think that not very many people would be willing to buy plat after having to pay for gold to play a free to play game...

There is playstation+ and that doesn't make any sense. They aren't paying for xbox live specifically for warframe, that cost is basically folded into the console




Oh, and agressive M$ policies about exclusive DLCs. They'll want at least few items exclusive for Xbone version. And I'm not talking about one palette and Braton skin.

You mean what sony has done with Destiny and did with Mass Effect DLC? Both companies do it.

Edited by immolator1001
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There is playstation+ and that doesn't make any sense. They aren't paying for xbox live specifically for warframe, that cost is basically folded into the console

Still it's an added cost that xbox requires while all other consoles do not making people spend money on a pre requirement before they can spend money on warframe which means less funding for DE

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Still it's an added cost that xbox requires while all other consoles do not making people spend money on a pre requirement before they can spend money on warframe which means less funding for DE

Ya and I had to buy a nice computer, more than an xbox and years of live to run games at a good quality, that doesn't factor into how much a spend on warframe (way more than I care to admit).


That's a cost that people don't really think about, sure it'll effect low income players, but the majority will be fine.

Edited by immolator1001
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This same sort of thread popped up in the weeks after Warframe was announced for the PS4, moaning about doom and gloom etc. 


Since that time the game has gone live and PS4 guys have joined out community. As a whole I really don't mind, apart from the moans about update times and founders exclusives (which already come from the PC dudes here) there has really been no negative impact upon the community.


The more the merrier I say, hell, it would be nice if in future events a bit of cross platform competition was put in, scaled of course to the number of people playing.


Regardless, I refuse to see the induction of more Tenno into our ranks as a bad thing. EVER.

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Bottom line: increased player base = good for DE and good for all of us. 


The more people get aboard, the better the game will be and longer the DE train can keep chugging along. 




I do share the OP's concern that having so many builds to contend with may divert some time and energy of dev, but I think that what it will contribute in income and momentum and enthusiasm for the game should more than compensate for this (as, I believe, has been the case since the inclusion of our awesome PS3 community).


Growth for Warframe = win for us Tenno. 

Edited by TennoSimons
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-More Staff needed to keep up with the updates

-More players complaining about not having their updates fast enough

-More stress on the staff to support more platforms

-More management needed for the primetime dates and transactions

-Possible lower quality complaints because the Xbox doesn't support full 1080p

-We have to await the xbox appproval for updates

-More controller configuration differences

-The chances of Cross-Platform play because of the update differences

-Crowding of the forums and disputes over console abilities within the forums between mostly PS4 and Xbox One players

-Complaints of Xbox players will be even worse than those of PS4 players because xbox players are missing a whole year and a half worth of content and event exclusives

-More monitoring of the forums for bad content and player needs etc.

-Staff members easily out weighed by the influx of revenue. 

-When has this ever been any different (at the end of the day there is no real difference between 100 people complaining and 200 people)

-I don't get this one there are 3 major gaming platforms and they will all be supported sounds like less stress to me when you support all 3 no one will whine about not having it.

-Again this does not seem to be affected at all prime times take very little to set up

-I honestly cannot see the difference between 720 and 1080 and I can guarantee most console gamers don't care about it

-Xbox cert time is about the same as Sony's

-Xbox controllers are already supported 

-Lets face it cross play was never going to happen in the first place 

-Again this is a none issue this is the internet this S#&$ happens anyway

-No it will not mission one exclusive or mission 20 people will complain the exact same 

-get a few more moderators problem solved 

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FIrst of all let me say that this shall not be a contest about which console is better. The point of this is to state what the cost of having an xbox one version of warframe is compared to the actual benefits. After ALL of this information is stated please tell the community your opinion on the matter.



-More Staff needed to keep up with the updates

-More players complaining about not having their updates fast enough

-More stress on the staff to support more platforms

-More management needed for the primetime dates and transactions

-Possible lower quality complaints because the Xbox doesn't support full 1080p

-We have to await the xbox appproval for updates

-More controller configuration differences

-The chances of Cross-Platform play because of the update differences

-Crowding of the forums and disputes over console abilities within the forums between mostly PS4 and Xbox One players

-Complaints of Xbox players will be even worse than those of PS4 players because xbox players are missing a whole year and a half worth of content and event exclusives

-More monitoring of the forums for bad content and player needs etc.



-More players to chat with

-More revunue for DE


Personally I think that the downsides outweigh the upsides so I think that DE is making a bad decision. Comment and tell me your opinions.

Same could've been said for ps4. does that mean anything? because it looks like your looking down on xbox because of extra costs when those same extra costs helped the ps4 version which you are a member of. o.o if it can happen for the ps4 then it can happen for the xbox (crap it could even extend to wii) if they did it once they can do it again lol





I don't have a Xbox One and I'm not planning on getting one any time soon but I'm still excited.


meh they can have it with the gold membership package. They were raving on how there would be free games with a gold membership in all of them emails. Well thats if im assuming that you have a 360

Edited by dragonkingdx
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I don't think cross platform will happen at all, since ps4 has the longer wait times for updates and microsoft doesn't support the cross platform play to begin with. that's why planetside 2 is only going to ps4 since it will support cross platform play and microsoft doesn't.


I think there are individual teams for each console so I don't think supporting extra consoles will have a big effect on patch/updates.


I don't think a few more complaining people on the forum will change much since thats like 50% of the forums anyways


id be amazed if crossplay happened at all, imagine all 3 platforms having to share the dark sector rail system, theres not even enough nodes/etc on a single platform for all those clans/alliances to play with never mind 3 all clamouring for them.


then theres the simple stuff like player names being taken, would only serve to peeve people off.

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Everything you said could be applied to the PS4 as well. Maybe we should close that down because all of the extra problems it causes?

short and simple truth.


also updates will not be slow, the only reason it seems slow is because of the group that has to approve and test the patches thats on Sonys List which xbox wont interfere with.


there i nothing at all wrong with DE expanding thier playerbase. there are trolls, grubbers and whiners everywhere no need to exclude one console because u dont want to deal with them

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-Possible lower quality complaints because the Xbox doesn't support full 1080p


Actually the Xbox One can now support full 1080p, but at the lose of the Kinect. Game Developers would have to create the game in 1080p on the Xbox and in order for them to achieve that is to not even support the kinect.


ALSO! Controllers, I use a Razer Sabortooth Xbox 360 Controller, and I know that they released drivers for the Xbox One Controller to be physically hooked to your PC and can be used in place of a Xbox 360 controller, I know this because Major Nelson, Microsoft's Rep, announced this, and shared a photo of him playing Halo 2 on his Windows 8 Tablet, WITH a Xbox One controller connected to it.


So Controller issues aren't that hard, the ONLY difference between current controller support and what would need to be changed to better support the Xbox One Controllers on the Xbox One is the mini tumblers in the triggers. 


Cross play, don't really care, BUT Xbox did support cross plat from at one point in time, There was a game that actually was released on Xbox 360 and PC that had cross platform gameplay, granted the game wasn't the best game on earth, but still, it had cross platform gameplay.


Honestly OP, do you even follow the official Xbox One news and the Xbox One rumors? Or do you only listen to the anti Xbox rumors that make the Xbox One sound like the worst console on the market?


Not trying to make this a console debate here, but half of what you've said is misinformation, and/or none issues.

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