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Oberon's Role And Rework


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Oberon is part of the frames that are good for easy content. Weak utility/control makes him quickly subpar.

To fit the paladin theme (protector + avenger), I feel that dual-use powers (defensive or offensive, depending on the target) are a good way.

- Letting Smite being used on Tennos for a heal (or Oberon if no valid target), and bounce between friends and foes.

- As suggested before, Hallowed Ground could offer a bonus for friends standing in it, creating a sanctuary.

- I'm not a big fan of Renewal in its current form. It's decent for babysitting in easy content. But in the current damage model, in hard content, having health damaged means death, most of the time. Merging the healing into other abilities, and giving him a buff/debuff ability, or a control would help.

- As for Reckoning, I do not like PBAoE damage abilities... But I feel a lot of players enjoy them...


But I don't think Oberon is meant for CC at all.  You have Vauban, nyx, frost, etc for that.


I think Oby is for dmg and heals. 


I don't understand why people hate Renewal so much...when it received a speed increase a while back, it became pretty good IMO.  If youre running a defense, chances are your teammates aren't too far away from you, so the renewal will catch them quickly. 

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Hey Oberons, Im not going to spawn another topic, why does Oberon ult deal triple damage to corpus MOAs? Was it stealth buffed or yet another helpful bug?




It should do 1620 (with Intense) +minor bonus (25%/2)  = 1822 vs robots

Edited by Monolake
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Hey Oberons, Im not going to spawn another topic, why does Oberon ult deal triple damage to corpus MOAs? Was it stealth buffed or yet another helpful bug?




It should do 1620 (with Intense) +minor bonus (25%/2)  = 1822 vs robots

It's because Oberon that's why

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I don't understand why people hate Renewal so much...when it received a speed increase a while back, it became pretty good IMO.  If youre running a defense, chances are your teammates aren't too far away from you, so the renewal will catch them quickly. 


I don't "hate" skills in this game. I look at them objectively and deem them useful or useless. I don't know why this is so hard to grasp but Renewal doesn't work where it matters the MOST: in combat! The Healing stops ticking the instant the frame takes damage. You can spam Renewal all you want but if the group is taking damage the skill isn't doing ANYTHING and that if anything is a huge problem with the skill. I can press one [1] button on Trin which heals the entire group and their shields to full in half a second and it costs next to nothing. How useful is Renewal now?

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I don't "hate" skills in this game. I look at them objectively and deem them useful or useless. I don't know why this is so hard to grasp but Renewal doesn't work where it matters the MOST: in combat! The Healing stops ticking the instant the frame takes damage. You can spam Renewal all you want but if the group is taking damage the skill isn't doing ANYTHING and that if anything is a huge problem with the skill. I can press one [1] button on Trin which heals the entire group and their shields to full in half a second and it costs next to nothing. How useful is Renewal now?

I think the whole confusion of Oberon's Renewal's recovery is not only its low recovery per tick but also that its healing time affected inversely by Power Duration Mods.


Maybe a suitable buff would be to at best increase the recover by +50/100%.

Edited by FoxFX
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I think the whole confusion of Oberon's Renewal's recovery is not only its low recovery per tick but also that its healing time affected inversely by Power Duration Mods.


Maybe a suitable buff would be to at best increase the recover by +50/100%.


That is only a part of a solution. The heal needs to work in combat, otherwise it's completely pointless. Not only that, it needs to be different from what Trinity already brings for the party. There's all kinds of suggestions mentioned already, i'm just waiting to see what DE is coming up with.

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But I don't think Oberon is meant for CC at all.  You have Vauban, nyx, frost, etc for that.


I think Oby is for dmg and heals. 


I don't understand why people hate Renewal so much...when it received a speed increase a while back, it became pretty good IMO.  If youre running a defense, chances are your teammates aren't too far away from you, so the renewal will catch them quickly. 

Would you mind if one of Oberon's attack abilities were replaced with some sort of defensive ability? Namely the skill I mentioned in the first page: Obsidian Will

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IMO, "Smite" only sounds Paladin-ish in name, and could use a rework as well. 

Overall, I like the changes, though thematically, I would've liked the abilities to visually represent Paladin-like abilities as well. Like giant light pillars, holy lightning or ..something

Right now, he's sort of here and there. A satyr that throws little fairy balls around that somewhat passes off as a mage, but brings nothing new to the table.

I disagree with Obsidian Will buffing melee only though. [Looking at you, Contagion]

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Overall, I like the changes, though thematically, I would've liked the abilities to visually represent Paladin-like abilities as well. Like giant light pillars, holy lightning or ..something

Funnily, Corrupted Vor's Golden Eruption (the pillars of light) really look like an ability a paladin could use.

Edited by Mazikeen
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Funnily, Corrupted Vor's Golden Eruption (the pillars of light) really look like an ability a paladin could use.

Good eye. Its appearance does fit the whole "Divine Protector" theme. Just need to know if we would want an ability like that for Oberon to home in like Zephyr's Ultimate or to be a single target attack with a large blast radius affecting surrounding enemies.

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IMO, "Smite" only sounds Paladin-ish in name, and could use a rework as well. 

Overall, I like the changes, though thematically, I would've liked the abilities to visually represent Paladin-like abilities as well. Like giant light pillars, holy lightning or ..something

Right now, he's sort of here and there. A satyr that throws little fairy balls around that somewhat passes off as a mage, but brings nothing new to the table.

I disagree with Obsidian Will buffing melee only though. [Looking at you, Contagion]

Well it won't only buff melee, but it also gives a self-defensive buff that would make Oberon feel more "tanky" in a sense.

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Renewal needs some work. Oberon is my favorite/main frame, and currently I only use 2 of his moves: Renewal and Reckoning. The speed of the orbs of renewal did make it better, but as a team support skill its lacking. The regen speed of health can be painfully slow at times. Its nice we can heal for more with strength mods but there are times where I had 20-25 second heal times for the full effect. Even though Trinity's forte is healing and support this move doesn't even compare to Well of Life. The move should have a bit of insta-healing and buffs along with the regen considering its a key 3 attack. It costs 75 energy but the benefits feel more like a slap to the face at times. There were times that it saved my life but there are times where i can barely save the lives of my teammates and if oberon is a paladin that protects all this ability should reflect it.

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Smite: This ability should still remain. Its an effective ability that fits well with the paladin scheme.


I disagree. The name is decent, the ability itself is barely used for a simple reason: there is no reason to use it. It's a plain 'ol damage skill with mediocre damage and no controlled way for the extra projectiles. It's not even pretty but the last part is just my opinion.

I would make it a debuff, causing an enemy to take damage over time and causing damage to it's allies around - like a damage self and friends aura. It would be a simple-to-use first ability while still fresh compared to what we have on most frames and still staying as it is - a damage ability. Preferably no "power-in-use" response so you can spam it. First abilities are to be spammed - while ulties shouldn't be.



Renewal: This ability defines the nature of a general "paladin"-like entity. The only thing I feel that many players complain is that this ability does not affect players instantly upon cast like Trinity's Blessing. But for what I'll suggest might change that.


It would be nice if the ability affected players right away - I wouldn't feel offended even if it required for them to be in a 80 yard range. It would require rushers to stay with the team a bit (if they are dumb rushers who even get killed while still playing the fast-guy) - just like the current version but since the current version's projectiles are... interesting, they have problem following the players even if they just plain run in circles.


As for what it's real problem in my opinion: DE doesn't seem to know what the main advantage of a Heal-Over-Time is (or just wants to deny that to us). It's protection. The ability (current version) plain ends when we reach max health. It should not. Shouldn't "overheal" us, no - but when you take damage while the duration is still on, you should regenerate it.


Just that. This would make renewal an incredibly good ability. That and making it possible for it to have a LOOONG duration - so Power would affect the amount healed each tick while +Duration mods would give extra time to heal. It would be great.



Hallowed Ground: I feel this ability should not deal damage at all, but instead create a field that debuffs enemies and buffs allies. There is also the issue that players find the current Hallowed Ground's AOE relatively small. So I would suggest this change:


Hallowed Ground: "Forges the ground with a sanctified field that renders enemy defenses vulnerable while improving ally defenses."


> Creates a 8/10/12/15 m radial field that reduces enemy Shield/Proto Shield/Ferrite Armor/Alloy Armor and increases ally Shield/Alloy Armor which lasts for 12/15/17/20 seconds.


>This ability is affected by Strength/Duration. and Range mods.


Your hallowed ground is so much better than the original... I mean a damage-over-time effect in an aoe setting is cool and all but... we have seen it with ember already. It's nice, really, but CC and buffs are just so much more Paladin-ish (and overall better than any and all form of damage skills in-game, Nyx excluded).

I wouldn't make it so "über" though - just plain weaken the enemies that wander into it. Vulnerability seems nice - maybe I would provide some slow too so they find it harder to get out of the field - that way the range doesn't have to be changed. Either way, i'm cool.


I would point out that I particularly loath the way it looks (that swirly energy effect that Oberon seems to use for 1st and 3rd skills mostly - it looks so much like a low budget computer generated effect that it breaks immersion for me... just doesn't seem to imitate anything). The biggest issue here would be the edges - I can't imagine an attack ability with distinctly shown edges of aoe showing where to and where not to step. It's just so artificial that it hurts.

Also, does enemies not see it? Well, the AI is dumb as hell so no wonder...


Reckoning: I personally do not fancy this ability simply because of the range of the ability and if the enemy is not killed by this skill, it could cause some problems due to the energy cost of this skill. But that does not mean this skill should be removed. If anything, there should be some buff to the abilities radius.


I would change the "if it kills them, health globe pops up" effect to "enemies hit have a chance to pop a health or energy globe" to make the skill useful on higher tiers too. Maybe change the cc around a bit to make it's effect last longer. Hell, I would plain focus on the secondary effect and CC and cut out the damage as it is. It's just Boring to see so many nuke-ulties.



Oberon sweeps the area, forcing an amount of life energies out of the enemies to aid him and his allies.

The ability causes 1/2/3/4/5% actual health damage (not max health!) for enemies caught in it's range of 8/10/12/15 meters. Enemies hit are stunned for 2/3/4/5 seconds (diminishing returns apply on spammed ability) while having a chance of 8/10/12/15% to spawn a health or energy globe.


Aegis: "Grant your allies divine protection by overcharging ally shields and blessing your allies with invulnerability to statuses."


> Has infinite range like Trinity's Blessing.

> Player's Shields become Proto Shields

> Improves Shield Recharge Rates

> While ability is active, players are unaffected by status procs.

> lasts for 6/8/10/12 seconds

> affected by Strength and Duration mods


I pretty much like this - though I hate all and every kind of invulnerabiliy so I would give a 50% resistance instead. That should prove more than good while still not making you completely ignorant of certain threats.



Obsidian Will: Grants Oberon an aura that reduces incoming damage and grants him a melee buff.

>only affects Oberon

>reduces incoming damage to Oberon by 30%

>lasts 10/13/16/19 seconds

>melee attacks are granted additional status chance proc @ +50%

>Can be modded with Strength and Duration mods




I wanted to point out that we have self-buffs with damage mitigation, like Ironskin and Turbulence but I actually like this one. I would weaken Ironskin to begin with (making it into a "for the duration, every 2nd/3rd hit does not deal damage" kind of shield) so I have no real problem with another shield-buffs that are actually less übered while being Very useful still...

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Good some one that grasp what Oberons role was suppose to be we had an in dept discussion today while leveling mine and we had a few ideas that we think a paladin should be one like one of the other posters stated Smite needs work our idea was that it should work more like Novas antimatter drop but no control and or charge simply AoE small damage 300 maxed or there abouts and should proc fire maybe or some element we then thought maybe renewal should be ability 2 with a timer instead of a full heal ends deal and ability 3 should be  a armor buff something like 20/40/60 armor and 2%/6%/10% less proc damage then his final ability thou not bad might have more sense to be something like an attack buff like 5%/10%/15% attack speed and 5%/10%/15% damage these abilitys should not give a super buff but rather last longer almost like an Aura   

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I really like the aura ideas makes him much better for team play and solo play.  may I suggest he gets a bit of base stat buffs to the tune of armor? whenever I think of "paladin" I think of a armored warrior and Oberon now has less than most warframes.

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I really like the aura ideas makes him much better for team play and solo play.  may I suggest he gets a bit of base stat buffs to the tune of armor? whenever I think of "paladin" I think of a armored warrior and Oberon now has less than most warframes.


I too thought about the armor and then realized one thing armor will mean less speed now i was thinking more speed so you can run in and save your fellow tenno like a true paladin hero and if he had an armor buff that would result in more armor/defense  

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Every time I use Smite, I hit my intended target and maaaaybe one or two other hostiles. I've taken it off my frame entirely, along with Hallowed Ground.

I agree with you guys on the homing thing. Even in close quarters the projectiles glide off the walls like a beautiful lightshow, not doing much.


I always assumed Paladins had decent armor, since in most game/story variations they wear medium-heavy armor and shields. And a mace.

Oberon's more like a Priest than a Paladin right now, imo.

Hallowed Ground, though! The first few times I used it I just stood there, getting shot at, in shock.

Definitely needs a rework more than any other skill

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If Oberon is meant to be the Paladin-type Warframe, should Oberon's Speed/Shield/Armor/Health stats change as well to a more beefy version with slow movement?

I'm not sure about that. Ok, he is supposed to be a knight in shining armor.

But maybe not a heavy warrior, more in an Arthurian/fairy way (hence the name and the Celtic/druidic look).

Kind of an elve paladin, escaped from A Midsummer Night's Dream. I do not feel slowness would fit the theme.

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Thank you for being one of the few people who actually cite your claim.


The in-game description states he "embodies the balance the Tenno are sworn to uphold," so his hybridization ought to approach a 50/50 balance between offensive and defensive capacity.

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The in-game description states he "embodies the balance the Tenno are sworn to uphold," so his hybridization ought to approach a 50/50 balance between offensive and defensive capacity.

Here is the link of Oberon's release that specifically states that Oberon is suppose to be the "Paladin" Warframe:




"- New Warframe: OBERON – the Paladin Warframe! Equally adept at healing friends or striking down the enemy. Oberon embodies the balance Tenno are sworn to uphold. Find him today by fighting Vay Hek!"


I think you are only emphasizing the "balance" part of that quote, but for the most part a paladin's main role is to provide defensive support for his teammates.


Yes, Obeorn should have some sort of offense, but not to the point of being another "keyboard [4]" spam Warframe.


My only concern is that if Oberon players keep playing him for his Reckoning ability and for that ability alone, he might get the Nova treatment she had with her Molecular Prime.

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An ability that could work with Oberon


Aegis: "Grant your allies divine protection by overcharging ally shields and blessing your allies with invulnerability to statuses."


> Has infinite range like Trinity's Blessing.

> Player's Shields become Proto Shields

> Improves Shield Recharge Rates

> While ability is active, players are unaffected by status procs.

> lasts for 6/8/10/12 seconds

> affected by Strength and Duration mods


I like the idea that the ability could restore a % of his hp on reaching 1hp (depending on the level). Sort of a death buffer. It activated automatically if he has enough mana, and it can be maually cast on a single ally to transfer the buff for a limited time (effected by duration). While effecting an ally it wont effect him or be re-castable (untill cooldown refreshes rather than the ally using it).

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