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This Was A Disapointing Update. No; This Was An Insulting Update.


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Warframe is a solid coop game. It manages to beat Borderlands on my scales


I disagree.  I so totally disagree.  I cannot even explain the level of my disagree-ness.

I like Warframe.

Borderlands was "Da Awesomenezz!"


(I'd be playing it currently if my Playstation wasn't still broken...* sad face* )

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@OP: Don't play then. FYI wyrm has a useful AOE knock back.

While I agree there is room for improvement - this is their Business Model.

I suggest: New storymissions / campaign to hold the new items instead of dumping new into the old mission types.

Edited by ItPutsTheLotion
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Unfortunately, I don't agree with anyone here. Sure, I was pretty let down by the drop tables, but I didn't lose my confidence in DE.


I love how the bulk of people are just going to outright insult the people who make the game, now. Get over it.

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It was a reasonable patch for what it is. We've got new shinies and T4 for the high end users (for hitting the high level walls faster).


However... I like grinding. I absolutely adore grinding. Warframe is all about the shinies almost to a Diablo esque manner (for me anyway).


You know what i don't like though? Ridiculously diluted drop tables and multiple walls of RNG. I don't mind working for dem shinies, but as it stands even getting a single chance at a Loki Prime component drop (aside from BP) takes anywhere between 15 and 30 minutes. Plus getting the key could be 5-20 minutes (5 assuming some key sharing going on) . If i understand the loot rotation system in survival correctly anyway.

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I will never know how this forum is so full of whiners and sooth saying doom and gloomers.


The reason its a small update is because they are balancing the larger game play elements they plan on adding in a large expansion patch such as; deployable pvp rail arenas, a dozen or so new enemy types, player designed weapons, reworked bosses, new bosses, aggressive environments, new infested home system, player ships system, a pet system, and numerous other things. Its all right there in the dev streams, they aren't making those working proto types for nothing.


The unified patch will allow for better cross platform distribution. Also... Beta. In 9 months time they have gone from 1.5gigs when i started playing to 7.2gigs currently. This is unheard of in a playable public release, literally has NEVER been done EVER.


every day people claimed that WarFrame is dieing the the earlier people claimed this more wrong they still are as it has very conservatively at least 150k weekly active users, during small releases like this patch. if you were to draw its total registered users on a Graph it matches World of Warcrafts graph in its first year. This is a beta. That is not a dieing game. All things die but Warframe is still growing. 

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These type of games? Name an example. I don't know many games that offer hundreds of cosmetic items and churn out new weapons whilst completely ignoring core gameplay issues. 


GW2 Ignored horrible Hit detection and player culling while adding stupid crap to their online store.


Neverwinter Online Added feeble content grinds and monthly "Chest" rewards involving their In game purchased currency while ignoring completely IMBA class balance issues involving those rewards of said Chest, forcing players to get those items in order to compete in PvP.


Path of Exile kept adding "Player donated" items instead of fixing horrible network code and genuine content.


Pretty much every MOBA adds skins at a rate of x5 to genuine content and balance updates.


It's actually pretty common for a F2P game to work their marketing around cosmetics instead of obvious Pay2Win scenarios and while they are deff better than P2W; they often overdo it. In the case of DE they at least acknowledge many problems and eventually fix then. Be it for better or worse.

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Unfortunately, I don't agree with anyone here. Sure, I was pretty let down by the drop tables, but I didn't lose my confidence in DE.


I love how the bulk of people are just going to outright insult the people who make the game, now. Get over it.

You must have started out with low standards...

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I'm just gonna say this: DE will come around sometime, they are doing what they want to do first, don't expect super ungodly amounts of content in a simple update. I really would love to see you guys make your own game, S#&$s tough.

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dunno about others but racing for primes does even interest me, ive got plenty of them, esp ones that count, the rest hold no interest, many arent even worth the inventory slot, mastery has no value or purpose and "restricting" yourself to certain frames isnt even a factor in boredom.


in my case real boredom is because ive got every frame type, all the weapons that count and are effective but theres nothing to actually use them on, starmap is ofc clear, and replaying the same old thing for seemingly no reason is why im bored, ive got kickass frames, modded to the back teeth with loads of 5-6x forma'd weapons and absolutely nowhere with no reason to use them.


so currently when we get a patch giving us more weapons (that i dont even need) and not even a new frame but a primed frame (which brings nothing new) i have to ask myself, why would this interest me.


^ thats the cause of my boredom, sounds like your not as bad as me and thats a fair one, but i cant feel that im alone on this.



You're not man, I totally see your point and I agree, I've faced that fact before. What keeps me going is experimenting with different frame builds, things I want to be possible and try to achieve with custom builds that aren't carbon copies of other people's builds that are often basic Min/Max builds. Not only that, but along with said builds, I construct loadouts around them, try to synergize them. My drive to achieve my own styles of playing ( that are fun, and effective) with my favoured frames is what keeps me interested. I do take breaks though of course, one cannot simply drive the same nail in for so long. 

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I am always amused by the notion that the playerbase needs the developers to personally cradle them and tell them how special they are on a semi-frequent basis. They really should sell body pillows that say "digital extremes" on them. I imagine they'd sell unfathomably well. 

Stamina nerf all over again. Calm down summer... kids. 

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You're not man, I totally see your point and I agree, I've faced that fact before. What keeps me going is experimenting with different frame builds, things I want to be possible and try to achieve with custom builds that aren't carbon copies of other people's builds that are often basic Min/Max builds. Not only that, but along with said builds, I construct loadouts around them, try to synergize them. My drive to achieve my own styles of playing ( that are fun, and effective) with my favoured frames is what keeps me interested. I do take breaks though of course, one cannot simply drive the same nail in for so long. 


yeah i left ME3 Multiplayer in U10 coz this felt bigger/better/more varied, however as ive basically had nothing to do for a while ive popped back to ME3, played Loadout, Tried more of GW2, Hawken, STO, Infinity Wars, and a few more, but its this game i keep hoping doesnt go down that dark path that Eve Online took, i loved that game when i started in Jul'03, then every patch/update promised more content (some dumped, most of it unused and pointless) just turned into "oh look more ships the game doesnt need", which sounds like the weapon additions we get here.


i like wasting my life on games that can keep me occupied with varied interesting things, that used to be UT99, CS, BF2, Eve before carebears ruined it, WOW before their raid system turned into a joke and the talent trees became inflexible crap made by tomy/fisher price for kids, ME3, POE, and im still trying to claw myself into a "main game" i can spend time on.


im open to suggestions btw for a game that can keep my interest for a long time.

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