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Weapon Tier List


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In your opinion what are the top 3 weapons of each class. I am curious to see if there is any type of consensus.



Here are mine:


Primary: Soma, Penta, Boltor Prime


Secondary: Tysis, Stug, Angstrum


Melee: Scoliac, Duel Ichor, Fang Prime

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These don't really work because the highest tier weapons are completely meaningelss outside of very long periods of time on endless missions. Most of the weapons in the game with lots of forma +potato can stomp the guts out of T3, any boss, and the whole star chart. I really think once you've got your Boltor Prime jacked up, everything else permanently in your collection should just be picked based on what you like.





On topic:

Boltor Prime / Penta / Ignis


Twin Wraith Vipers / Stug / ???


Dakra Prime / Dual Ichors / Dragon Nikana



DPS from Ignis is pure fire making it stronger than you'd think with Accelerant, and it has no max targets so that DPS adds up very very quickly. Boltor Prime with fire mods and the same Accelerant build will still do higher DPS, but ignis has no max targets, so vs crowds it wins out real hard when it's dealing that DPS seven or eight times and Boltor Prime is only hitting 2-3 with punch-through at best.


Twipers and Stug are the only pistols I'd call top tier. I guess Angstrum could be the third but that seems like such a bad choice when there are primaries that do that job better. If you want AoE get Ignis. If you want explosive in a small area, get Stug or Penta.


Melee is pretty much just stats making Dakra / Ichors win out. Dragon Nikana for counter attacks, because it's base damage is so insane I believe it's counters will be the highest in the game. Not 100% sure on any of that though. Never looked into it too deeply.




Honorable mention to Dread. Crazy, crazy damage headshots. o.o

Edited by VKhaun
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Objectively correct list:

Primary single-target - Boltor Prime, Phage, Soma

Primary AoE - Ogris, Penta, Amprex

Secondary - Brakk, Angstrum, Marelok

Melee - Dakra Prime, Dual Ichor, Dragon Nikana


Everything else is opinion. These are the best weapons whether you want them to be or not.

And believe you me, it pains me that it can be so easily defined.

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Amprex, Angstrum, Dual Heat Swords.


A lot of people miss the DHS as the best melee because they don't count the non-standards of it--the "slam attack"(triggerable via either jump+attack or various combo manuevers) hits for 100% fire proc to all enemies in the rather large radius. Which means it not only does damage, and looks cool, but starts a DoT on all enemies it hits, PLUS a stun on all enemies it hits. Combined with the nice attack speed and a decent stance(I prefer swirling tiger), it lets you shred remarkably large groups regardless of how insanely high their level is--just keep 'em toasty.

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Objectively correct list:

Primary single-target - Boltor Prime, Phage, Soma

Primary AoE - Ogris, Penta, Amprex

Secondary - Brakk, Angstrum, Marelok

Melee - Dakra Prime, Dual Ichor, Dragon Nikana


Everything else is opinion. These are the best weapons whether you want them to be or not.

And believe you me, it pains me that it can be so easily defined.

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The Dual Heat Swords have another secret power...

By using Excalibur Prime, Snipetron Vandal, Wraith Twin Vipers, Dual Heat Swords, and Extinguished Dragon Key you have the most obnoxiously long loadout preview.

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  • 2 months later...

Primaries: Amprex, Boltor Prime, Dread, Penta, Phage.


Secondaries: Angstrum, Brakk, Castanas, Marelok, Tysis.


Melee: Dakra Prime, Dragon Nikana, Dual Ichors.


I don't necessarily agree that these are the "objectively" best weapons, since every weapon is situational (and some have niche usage that the top-tier weapons can't provide), but I can agree that these are generally the best weapons in each class. Some of them outclass others by such a wide margin that you have to say they're better (Boltor Prime is better than, say, the Mk1-Braton) but imo it really doesn't matter either way.


Everything else is opinion. These are the best weapons whether you want them to be or not.




That's fair to say, but...


In your opinion...




OP was asking for opinion so I don't think you can really give an "objective" list here. I can agree that opinions can be correct or incorrect, but not objectively so. I s'pose that's just a tidbit of philosophy, but I won't argue over semantics since I agree that the difference in power is greater than it should be.

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In terms of practicality on all tiers of play


Primary:Latron Prime,Grinlok,Vectis (status abuse and ammo efficiency for damage dealt)


Secondary:Tysis,Acrid (Same as above)


Melee:Serro,Lecta,Darkra Prime (Status abuse or high end damage)

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1. Boltor Prime ( ~ 21k DPS )  

2. Attica ( ~ 16k DPS) 

3. Latron Prime ( ~ 15k DPS)



1. Brakk  


3. Marelok



1. Dragon Nikana

2. Orthos Prime , Dakra Prime

Edited by bWild
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Instead of listing top 3 in each category by personal preference why don't you make this into a constructive tiering thread of the top weapons of each class and creating tiers for the weaker, balanced, UP, OP, etc. From there we can also see what would be next in needing a buff to bring it into a higher tier. Makes sense considering Fighting games do this all the time which helps in changing characters for a new release.

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Instead of listing top 3 in each category by personal preference why don't you make this into a constructive tiering thread of the top weapons of each class and creating tiers for the weaker, balanced, UP, OP, etc. From there we can also see what would be next in needing a buff to bring it into a higher tier. Makes sense considering Fighting games do this all the time which helps in changing characters for a new release.

Some weapons are obviously UP and relatively few are OP especially after the recent changes to launchers


Personal preference keeps lists like these from being any kind of relevant anyways


Alot of them simply list paper numbers of the top hitting weapons without including the many x factors that weed out these guns at a point where other guns are still holding relatively strong

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