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What Do People Have Against Red + Black Colour Set-Ups?

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I agree with many others here that the darkest blacks, especially those on the Smoke palette are freaking AWFUL!

People look like they have been covered in tar... all shiny and... URGH!


I don't complain to them because "Each their own", and I have no right to do so since it's MY problem and there are far more passive ways to express my displeasure. But I can say it does irk me somewhat when I see it.


I'd love the option to substitute the colours of other users. So anyone with with stupid shiny blacks will show up in some of the cleaner matt blacks. Until then I will ignore it and occasionally refuse to revive them since I don't want to look at them.

Really? You won't revive because you don't like their color scheme? LOL. Insane people...


Some of us like the 'shiny' look, I personally like it when a warframe almost has a wet/oiled look to it, depending on the frame. I find matte colors to sometimes be ok, sometimes be boring. But how often do I even look at other people's warframes or notice their specific colors in a mission? Barley at all, because I'm busy playing...not making sure your shoes match your belt. It's like you guys are playing Barbie-frame instead of a shooter sometimes x(

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Really? You won't revive because you don't like their color scheme? LOL. Insane people...


Tis a simple notion don't you think?

If you do not like something, or it bothers you in any way... where it be within your power, you don't expose yourself to it.


I don't like being stung by wasps either so I generally don't interact with them or try and pick them up and thus, I stay away from them. If that means it dies because it's stuck in a spider's web, or because it fell in some water then that's an unfortunate fault of that creature's nature. It's not the fault of the wasp that their nature is what it is, and yet we must share this crazy old world we live in.


Also... Insane?

You have no idea ;)

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Tis a simple notion don't you think?

If you do not like something, or it bothers you in any way... where it be within your power, you don't expose yourself to it.


I don't like being stung by wasps either so I generally don't interact with them or try and pick them up and thus, I stay away from them. If that means it dies because it's stuck in a spider's web, or because it fell in some water then that's an unfortunate fault of that creature's nature. It's not the fault of the wasp that their nature is what it is, and yet we must share this crazy old world we live in.


Also... Insane?

You have no idea ;)

Fine with me, at least you let us know ahead of time, so we know who to stay away from in public matches...the oh-so sad days when I allow randoms in my games. 


I long for the day when DE finally introduces the 2 most needed features for any online game: kick and block. 

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I don't normally go for it, but I do have a third color palette for my Zephyr that's got red black and white, with the Illiac set. She kinda looks like a weird dragon knight, I only picked the colors because I had a copy of Legend of Dragoon chilling nearby and thought it fit. :x


Generally my palettes are orange, white, and black. I would love to use blue more but I'm colorblind, it's very hard to tell what's blue and what's purple in the color palettes for the game. I always pick what I think is a blue for energy color, then I get in game and it's purple or dark magenta. :(

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So what if they want to look like the stalker. Is it hurting you and your game?

Didn't think so.

Its hurting me to know that the black/red guy is most likely going to be terrible during the span of my game, hey it doesn't always happen but it's happened way more often than not. It just happens because stalker is badass and then people go "ooh i want to be badass too" and copy the colours, without realizing that it's their playstyle that makes them "a badass" not how dark and mysterious they look and how much of an &#! they are to people.

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I have one Red/White/Black color for a specific frame, plus variants if need be. It's not as black as you can get since I don't think it's available to me in the colors I have (bought only the Classic Saturated). I did it before I knew what a Stalker was, so he wasn't my inspiration thankfully. He looks dang nice in the scheme and it's where I shall keep him. Everybody else I have has a much brighter color thing going for them. Nekros is always so dreary and typical looking, so he's nice and cheery on my end with white and blue :)


Thankfully I'm pretty immune to color schemes picked by other players. It's their frame, they can do what they want. Thankfully if I don't like their choice, I don't have to look at them for too long.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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It just feels needlessly edgy and lacks creativity. 

I use greys more often than blacks. With the recent color fix blacks look darker than ever before, so it makes most color sets look kinda silly if it's used as the primary color. 

I tend to use a dark blue from the ice pallete, grey, and a light tan from the shamrock pallete. 

Edited by Plasmaface
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