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Update 14 Hype Megathread... U14 Has Been Released!


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Made official.


Enjoy your new thread guys ! Other thread will be merged !

1 question, which thread did u merge mine with, and am I the only 1 that can edit the 1st post of this thread or the other guys thread that I merged with? o.O

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New environment looks gorgeous.


The new cosmetic helmets kinda resemble Infinity Blade's art style.

Warframe didnt let me post another img of the environment cuz I cannot exceed a limited amount of pictures sadly, but the other img is of a planet floating like right in the sky

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Well... Let's start with Melee 2.0:


Combos provide no meaning to use them, save for a few; we can't attack flying enemies with our melee; Stances are locked behind grind walls; Parrying is RNG-based, not skill-based as was promised.


Mods are ridiculously skewed in terms of importance, some being required, some being absolutely useless.


Core-mechanics such as parkour don't need mods, so why does Handspring need a mod, when it can be a skill-based mechanism, just as Parry could have been? 


Why do guns out-do swords in every instance? Why is knockdown the primary killer of Tenno? Why is stamina so useless? 


I don't know. These look like issues that at least need addressing to me. Does it look the same to you? Opinions differ. But I dislike grinding and cash-grabs. 


By the way, these are excluding the topics DE has announced that they are aware of and will fix in the future, even if it has been a long time. The ones I've noted are things that DE has not acknowledged with anything more than a rather short comment (Couple of words), or just outright have not acknowledged it. 


Sure, there's a lot of good going for it. But it can be better. It can be a lot better.

I believe in the most recent devstream they were talking about how they were working on the mods and core mechanics of them, talking about ratings that play into the effectiveness and thus overall importance of using a mod in a build. This also tied in with core mechanics (I specifically remember flame resistance as one) and they said something along the lines of it needs to stay so the games stay balanced, and we are looking nfor more effecient ways of updating them.

Also they addressed the stances issue, since they do have useful abilities with combos (some stun, some cause blast, etc) but they just aren't front end in the UI, but you can find them online. They wanted to bring a lot of that into the game directly so new and old players alike can know what is really going on. As for attacking air units with melee, they realized they messed that up some and were addresing it.

They want to keep new material coming so it keeps people interested, else bordem instills. I do agree some mechanics and mods are worthless in most if not all situations, but they seem to be aware of them and working on them somewhere. Where? I do not know, but they acknoledge them and are working towards fixing them. Also this is a large game, so they will constantly be updating, fixing, patching, etc because as more game is added, the old has to catch up.

DE is better than most with listening to the community, so I have faith they will do their best. They aren't the biggest developer in the world, so they will be taking more time to do what is needed, but at least they promised not to release unfinished material intentionally. No deadlines = better finished product (most of the time xD).

Tenno out.

Edited by ArthurSemilla
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I believe in the most recent devstream they were talking about how they were working on the mods and core mechanics of them, talking about ratings that play into the effectiveness and thus overall importance of using a mod in a build. This also tied in with core mechanics (I specifically remember flame resistance as one) and they said something along the lines of it needs to stay so the games stay balanced, and we are looking nfor more effecient ways of updating them.

Also they addressed the stances issue, since they do have useful abilities with combos (some stun, some cause blast, etc) but they just aren't front end in the UI, but you can find them online. They wanted to bring a lot of that into the game directly so new and old players alike can know what is really going on. As for attacking air units with melee, they realized they messed that up some and were addresing it.

They want to keep new material coming so it keeps people interested, else bordem instills. I do agree some mechanics and mods are worthless in most if not all situations, but they seem to be aware of them and working on them somewhere. Where? I do not know, but they acknoledge them and are working towards fixing them. Also this is a large game, so they will constantly be updating, fixing, patching, etc because as more game is added, the old has to catch up.

DE is better than most with listening to the community, so I have faith they will do their best. They aren't the biggest developer in the world, so they will be taking more time to do what is needed, but at least they promised not to release unfinished material intentionally. No deadlines = better finished product (most of the time xD).

Tenno out.

it is quite true that DE is like the only game company that actually takes players advices which I admire

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Personally Stance mods are not considered "Core mechanic" you can do fine with or without them. And id beg to differ on the Stamina is worthless thing. I have my hydroid with stamina mods and i block with melee reflecting every bullet back at my attacker killing all of them. And sometimes it burns even my maxed marathon stamina! Its not worthless its how you play the game. I use antitoxin on the new breeding grounds event. I don't run through press 4 and everything dies! Ive been using my weapons, and NOT pentas or ogris. The problem with every player is they ALL use the same weapons! Why use a melee weapon when i can press 4!!! why use a shotgun when i can blow up an entire enemy battalion with a penta shot!? So of course you wont see a reason for putting Antitoxin on your warframe because you press a button and those flying infested die! I on the other hand have 5-6 of those dodging rats leaving multiple trails of toxic fog in there wake ticking me for near 50+ damage per second! then it gets worse if I'm proced! These mods are made for specific instances or players who find themselves being knocked down a lot. When your Rhino with Iron skin of course you think Handspring is worthless! But all of this is my opinion. Although i will agree they DO need to flesh out some of the mods polarity coast! Seeing my freeze mod coast 11 points then seeing a dual freeze mod coast 7? sorry but shouldn't that be the other way around? Otherwise the mods are fine FOR NOW IMO


Edit: OH! and yea handspring i guess shouldn't really be a mod. We are "ninjas" this should be ninja training 101 lol


I really don't know what you're getting at here.  And melee SHOULD be a core mechanic and they screwed the pooch on melee 2.0 BADLY.  Melee is a joke.  It drains stamina fast to use, it does less damage, and you have to get right up in there and endanger yourself just to be able to use it.  Why even bother with that when you can just stand back with your Soma and unload it into the bad guys from a safe distance while occassionally pressing 4 to kill everything?


Also for new players starting out, they won't even be able to take advantage of it as the Sword stances are "Rare"  and it could be quite some time before they can craft a weapon AND find a stance that works for it.  


Honestly DE needs to go back to the drawing board with melee 2.0.

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