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Update 14 Hype Megathread... U14 Has Been Released!


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Anyone else feel absolutely depressed that for another week update 14 and the new frame will not ensue?
I'm sitting here bored out of my mind waiting for this elusive update that they've been talking about multiple times as I farm more sicarus prime barrels in hopes for a bo handle.

I need this update DE PLEA ;-;

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Well we're getting Kubrows, first quest and Player ships. Which are all hard to do because they're gonna try to fix all the bugs before releasing this stuff. And it's the players own fault for constantly hyping themselves.

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We've known for several days now (since the devstream) that U14 wouldn't be today.


Although the redtext for today's hotfix suggests that U14 could be hitting us next week if we're lucky. I think that U14 is two weeks away, tops.

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A broken down hype train is better than a fully functional hype train.


Hype does things to people.  Clouds their minds and makes 'em crazy, like a poison.  Then the Hyped try and spread the poison by spewing it from their mouths in the form of a gas.  Gotta wear a gas mask just to be able to browse the forums.  The Hype does eventually evaporate, but it leaves the Hyped in a pitiful state of depression.  In some poor souls, the Hype never leaves; they enter a catatonic state, as if they're hibernating until the next time there's something to Hype about, and the process starts all over again.


The less hype in the air, the better for everyone.

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Well we're getting Kubrows, first quest and Player ships. Which are all hard to do because they're gonna try to fix all the bugs before releasing this stuff. And it's the players own fault for constantly hyping themselves.


Not sure why people are so much hyped , maybe I'll when they will release it... just hope it doesnt end like specter hight cost for one use...

Player ships , maybe but that hype will end really fast , going to try fix all the bugs , I heard this enought , if you still want to believe that good luck 

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Play a different game.


EDIT: Until u14 is out.

This action is occurring a lot more than usual.  Even to the point where people don't even download weekly updates and/or skip a few updates.  I think DE cares a little about this and will hay maker the community with U-14.  That or the UI will just be a nice screensaver at night.


I still think DE should up the ante as far as teasers.   I would release visual teasers of the next update every update.  Like this update would of came with a cool "beta" preview of the new frame.  Or just a preview of any dramatic fix.  Not saying they don't do this already (which they do) ..just sayin' push the envelope..


At the same time I can understand why they don't at certain times.....this games hype thread(s) are sickening at times...why tease when people have enough fun by just mentally teasing their selves with "what ifs"

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This action is occurring a lot more than usual.  Even to the point where people don't even download weekly updates and/or skip a few updates.  I think DE cares a little about this and will hay maker the community with U-14.  That or the UI will just be a nice screensaver at night.


I still think DE should up the ante as far as teasers.   I would release visual teasers of the next update every update.  Like this update would of came with a cool "beta" preview of the new frame.  Or just a preview of any dramatic fix.  Not saying they don't do this already (which they do) ..just sayin' push the envelope..


At the same time I can understand why they don't at certain times.....this games hype thread(s) are sickening at times...why tease when people have enough fun by just mentally teasing their selves with "what ifs"

I guess I should've altered my stalemate, personally I'm the kind of player who (once I've dedicated myself to a certain game) will actively check for any updates for the game.

But I agree with what you say 100%.

Especially the part about the hype threads...


*memories of becomelikewater come flooding in…*

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