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Was playing Warframe when a steam friend of mine just started messaging me about why he thinks Warframe sucks although he has about 5 hours. I just kept saying it's his opinion but he just kept on going. I've seen so much hostility shown towards this game from people who've barely played it and it's just annoying. 






EDIT: inb4 some post that is around 5 words long, disses me, and gets upvoted like crazy 

Edited by Moving_Target32
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Sounds like someone needs to be deleted from your buddy list.

Yeah, I understand he's entitled to his opinion, but he doesn't need to be annoying about it.

Edited by Yaer
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What exactly did he say, also ive seen people hate this with out any knowladge of the game but i thought it was just trolls, does your friend ussaly do that? 


talked about how this game is pay to win somehow and how the game is never updated... :L 

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Just walk him through it; teach him the basics, run some missions, etc...,etc...


Edit: The BP section of the market is less conspicuous than the plat-only department, so he may have mistaken Warframe for P2W.

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talked about how this game is pay to win somehow and how the game is never updated... :L 


With 5 hours into the game, any claim to a lack of updates is frankly a steaming load. :/ Though the impression of pay-to-win might be indicative of how free options aren't particularly obvious.

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The game is never updated.......... Well this guy just hates Warframe to the core or is just didn't understood it, gonna bet Warframe ruined his life or something. [guy grabs a poster of warframe 'YOU DID THIS TO ME" kills poster]

Edited by Yaer
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he thought the game was really cool then never played it again. 3 weeks later this happens 


Probably a subtle way of trying to convince you to stop playing it. He probably doesn't like that you are playing a game that he doesn't like.

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talked about how this game is pay to win somehow and how the game is never updated... :L

I'm sorry to break this to you but..

Your friend understood nothing.

Edited by Yaer
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If he can't respect your game for your sake at least and incessantly harps on without regards to your beliefs: Why are you associating with him? Real friends respect other friends beliefs, Reasonable people give way to truths: from your posts, he's neither.

1000+ hours in and I'm still having the occasional bout with someone saying you have to pay real money (plat) for weapons (they aren't talking about slots) and please, no "new player experience" excuse, if you can't take less than 2 minutes to look in the market then you are too dumb for warframe.

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every person I try and get into the game have a S#&$ty attitude about it I gave up big time if they don't like it they never will

delete him if he is being annoying no need too put up with that bull any more then you have to

Edited by Yaer
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I edited several posts because: rude language.

Stop talking like that about people, right now.

Even if they are outside of our fanbase. Even if you don't like their attitude.

Now, OP, edit your post and modify it in a constructive way.

You observed hostility from a new player. That's a thing.

Try to find why this happened. Share your suppositions. May it be linked to the game itself? If not, PM me cause this thread has no place in these forums, then.

If yes, try to find ways to improve Warframe in order to reduce these kind of reactions. Propose your ideas.

Everyone, stop the random rants, insulting people that you don't even know, and be constructive.

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Proposed these things already. Very few people seem to care about the new player experience. Those who do get their voices drowned in the hate of Veterans who say "Just play the game and like it, scrub!" We can't get people to like the game if they can't get over that hill. 

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Proposed these things already. Very few people seem to care about the new player experience. Those who do get their voices drowned in the hate of Veterans who say "Just play the game and like it, scrub!" We can't get people to like the game if they can't get over that hill. 

Then please post the links towards the topics which already propose explanations/solutions about this issue.

Share your resources/ideas among the community. Connect your ideas together rather than telling "already proposed".

It will be greatly profitable! ^^


I draw your attention to the last DevStream. They talked about the new player experience to come in U14.




Scott: Right now, players feel like there are must-have mods, like Serration and Multishot. We're looking at adding a quality rating to mods, which will then affect the fusion level. So if you get a low quality Serration, you fuse that into your rare, high-quality version. As part of the new player experience leading up to killing Vor, you would receive the must-have mods needed to progress through the game. We readdressed the tutorial, so 3.0 of that is coming. We also give new players a shield mod right out the gate, and that turned out well. The new player experience is a series of levels leading up to the first boss, and we want you to feel fully equipped coming out of that.
Rebecca: What it sounds like is a new mini-quest to help getting players up to speed?
Scott: A lot of the complaints were that after the first level, you're presented with 25 different things to click, which can be overwhelming, Some give up there, some find the proper information and keep going.
Steve: Someone in chat said that the player ship is not going to fix the new player experience. But the way the player ship is structured is that systems get introduced as the ship is powered on. The ship is a way of assisting with gradual disclosure of all systems.
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It'd be nice if DE would post links to tutorial videos on the launch window, so new players can take a look while they wait for the game to download and update.  YouTube was my second best learning resource when I started playing, mostly because I couldn't figure out how to open my chat tab. 

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