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Concerning Vet. Players And New Ships


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I'll try to keep this brief and to the point. :)
During the last Devstream, Veteran players not having to build their ships like the new Tenno will have to (i.e. foundry, market, etc.) was very shortly talked about. That giving older players running and functional ships was an idea that was being thrown around.
When the new player ships arrive, how are us older players going to manage the new content? Are we going to be given a ship with the main components already there, or can we be given a choice to start with an "old and busted" ship like the new Tenno will start with?

I for one would gladly sacrifice however much time it took to build a ship, starting with no foundry, no market, no -insert component here-; if it meant the chance to play with the new choices and see my ship being earned. I would hate to miss the opportunity to see all of the content DE is throwing out just because I started before some of the newer people have.

In conclusion. Tenno ships, can veteran players be given an option to build their ships from scratch like new players do? Or, How will the new content affect older players who want to go through the new player experience.


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I hope we will be given an option. I don't want to be given all the new content for free. Having to build it all means more to do. If they just give us everything from the beginning, I'm gonna be very disappointed.

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I don't watch livestreams since an year and don't know anything about the new ship for players. BUT, if this 'new ship' will be completely customizable I agree with you. On the other hand, I can't see the sense of need to farm for resources just to have the old Foundry (for example) with just a different layout. 


Because, it that case, it's just a joke. And that's not funny at all.

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everyone will have to fan out and get the required parts for their ship


i agree with zareek i dont want everything handed to me only for the enjoyment to soon after go away


the most stuff i need to farm for the better IMHO

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It's a different story and opinion for everyone no doubt. Some players would want to build their ship from the ground up. Others are content with having everything together fully assembled from the get go.


Veteran players should have an option to choose. I believe that would be the most well-accepted step. If DE decides to make all ships pre-assembled, maybe a reward should be given as recognition instead.

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To be honest, getting a ship and farming for the materials does seem like a way to bring players to play more, but its just farming materials, it will get boring after a while, for the last 4 months i've been farming materials for things i want to buy, thats the only motivation and its kinda of lame, i want content and at least a story to follow or something rather than farming materials to do in the game. who knows, maybe update 15

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yeah everyone wants to build it but i wouldn't be surprised if DE finds another way to put stuff behind a huge time wall or grind wall just so people spend plat rushing stuff in that case i would rather just get everything if we are going to have quest to get parts and build stuff then its fine but if its gonna turn out being wait 3days to buiild or rush it with plat then i rather have it already 

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yeah everyone wants to build it but i wouldn't be surprised if DE finds another way to put stuff behind a huge time wall or grind wall just so people spend plat rushing stuff in that case i would rather just get everything if we are going to have quest to get parts and build stuff then its fine but if its gonna turn out being wait 3days to buiild or rush it with plat then i rather have it already 


Hey are you tired of grind for materials? Want you to buy your Foundry for 250 platinums? 

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if veterans get a ship for free, then DE has to remove the "being a special founder owning the excalibur" prime


i would suggest that things have to keep more neutral by all the ideas and things which come up


i would start to give us more new maps instead of the repeating stuff which we have now :-)



just my 2 cents ...

neutrality and balance should be a keyword for everey game-designing and -selling company ... and fullfilled customers have to be earned :-


ps: im more then interested how DE handles the situation in general, is DE more on money or balanced with and for offers to us customers where for giving my/our hard-earned money is worth for ?


(sorry about my english, im not english native as well as im shure its understandable)

Edited by X4MYN
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Am i the only one who would like all the freebies?

You're not. It's not like we get something new we didn't have before, only a redesign of the existing UI. A UI which makes is possible for you to interact with the game in the lowest tier you can access. That should really not be hidden behind ANY walls.

Furthermore, as MR10, I don't like the thought of loosing all my Inventory and Mods if I have to build an Arsenal and Mod station at first.

I know we have all agreed to a possible account reset, nevertheless I would feel this as a very rude action of DE.

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I totally agree with this! I want to work and gather all the stuff I need to upgrade my ship because I have nothing else left to do in this game! Like seriously, nothing!

That's why I was looking forward to this update cause I imagined that I will finally have something to do.


So the option to build your ship from scratch should really be implemented.

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I don't wanna lose my Foundry and other valuable options behind timewalls. DE relying too much on grind-, time- and RNGwalls.

It's less about grinding, to be honest. it's about facing the problem of being presented with a dozen features that you're left to figure out on your own.


With this, it gives you a couple to start with, then hands you more when you're ready.

That's why it's the new player experience. Because it's for new players. Without it, the game is daunting as hell.

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