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Old Games By Digital Extremes


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I was looking through the DE main website and it occured to me that many of the games they've made in the past could be set up with a simulator and put back on market. I wonder if they've ever considered this. and would people be interested in such a venture? 


solar winds


epic pinball

extreme pinball

on one small Download


Unreal plus all its sequels also on its own Download




the darkness 2


these could be some nice retro game downloads to give people something to play as well. 


btw, solar winds was fun to play in 93.

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Unreal plus all its sequels also on its own Download




the darkness 2


Thank you for reminding me that I still need to relocate that flash drive I have the original Unreal Tournament on. I absolutely loved UT GOTY, especially Facing Worlds (both original and FW 2), as well as the Assault game mode.


As for the others, well, Homefront wasn't actually DE. They just did the port for PC version, not the actual game. Not sure how much of Star Trek was their doing, and I'm sure you can easily find Darkness 2 at your local Gamestop still.

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Thank you for reminding me that I still need to relocate that flash drive I have the original Unreal Tournament on. I absolutely loved UT GOTY, especially Facing Worlds (both original and FW 2), as well as the Assault game mode.


As for the others, well, Homefront wasn't actually DE. They just did the port for PC version, not the actual game. Not sure how much of Star Trek was their doing, and I'm sure you can easily find Darkness 2 at your local Gamestop still.

I still have it on my flash drive. I play it every once in a while. I remembered it to be really fast paced, of course it stays unbeatable in that section, not even Warframe surpasses it (and Warframe is more fast-paced than most games I know).


To OP, main reason I like DE is because I love the UEgine and everything related to it. Can't wait to develop for UEgine 4, DE's contributions to Unreal series put faith in me and their artistic style and skill in game development is only getting better with each update. They should re-release some things but they would probably have to be re-mastered or something to support 4K and what non-sense we have nowadays :D


EDIT: AFAIK Star Trek wasn't much of their doing, that game was super buggy and not worth its money. DE probably ported it or made certain assets, don't want to believe that they would release a monstrosity like that (maybe it was fixed in patches but still).

Edited by noveltyhero
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Hm, I guess a better question then would be, what games are still acessable at this time from DE or in which DE was involved in the development


I'd like to play the unreal series, but i never see it anywhere.


Edit: ok thats what i get for not looking it up on steam, aparently you can stlll get the unreal games there.

Edited by -LTO-Malachi
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I've actually been playing through DE games in my Steam backlog over the past week.


Dark Sector had great atmosphere and music, and using the Glaive abilities never got old. The Protecta shotgun totally nailed it in sound and feel. Worth playing if only to learn about the lore that connects Warframe to it. Riding the Jackal, the Stalker and Nemesis boss fights, those were the highlights for me.


However the movement and melee were clunky, DE has certainly gone a long way to improve these aspects, comparing it with Warframe. It also felt like a shoddy PC port at times - hardly any options for graphics and some glaring mistakes even with the in-game tips - for example the game told me to press "[Mouse]" to activate the Glaive elemental explosion after a throw which was extremely confusing (which button was that, exactly?!). After aimlessly pressing every button on my mouse with nothing happening, it took a bit of searching online to find out it was actually the "T" button on the keyboard.


Homefront was a very average and forgettable "modern" FPS, at least the single player campaign. But if I'm not mistaken DE only developed the multiplayer aspect of it so I guess they can't be faulted for that.


I'm currently 3 hours into The Darkness II, and it's been a blast so far, just great silly fun. Wishbone execution FTW!


Moved to the proper section.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Btw I can see some weapons from UT in Warframe...

Stug feels like Biorifle (what was that called... u know that expoding-green-goo-firing pistol...)

there is one Corpus weapon that reminds me of Flack cannon...

And Miter is almost the same as Razor (whas that the name? I cant remember...) from Ut

I need to get mu Unreal anthology back from a neighbour...

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They did an awful job with Star Trek. Incredibly Linear and the AI partner was stupid useless and buggy not to mention the Co-op wasn't working when the game was released and had to be released in a later patch.


The only good Star Trek game left is Star Trek Online.


These types of games would do better if they didn't stick to the movies. One such series being the Batman Arkham series.

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