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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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It seems that now we are waiting for typical PR response... Because if all of this wouldn't be true DE would give us any informations at least two hours ago...

It's about 11AM, going on 12PM. :P They're probably a little more busy doing stuff.

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The one thing I'd like to know is how the players have responded 1.5k times in about 5 hours, almost every time objecting to the plan, and no member of DE has stepped in and told us what's happening. We badly need a response.

Edited by AlchemistMute
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Perfect World Entertainment.

Most games are just bad from them. Blacklight retribution had potential and now its dead. All mmo's they are involved with are boring and have horrible ingame shops.

At this point ill keep playing cause i love this game - but dont expect me to purchase anymore plat.

Thank you for all the fun and take care!

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I think Blacklight's pretty solid right now. You can still wreck with scrub mods.


Also, aren't you usually saying "Screw new content, give us fixes"? Which I agree with, I'm just calling you out.


Except it's a veritable ghost town a fair amount of the time, and that's ALL its good for. Blacklight has some pretty decent balance, but the things that really need tweaking go untouched and unacknowledged.


Yes, I'm usually saying "screw new content, give us fixes." Because right now that's what Warframe needs. However, there needs to be a balance of sorts between the two. Ideally, we get a bit of content delay in exchange for some core gameplay fixes that allow us to enjoy existing content in a new way. Things that make the game engaging and attractive on its own, rather than being forced to subsist off of acquisition novelty. However...


Under a PWE model I feel fairly safe saying that we will not only be starved for content, we'll be even more starved for fixes. Maybe BLR is a niche case that is just the neglected child in the corner, but if Warframe updated as seldomly as that game does it'd be done for. I'm not saying "never release new content until this game is completely fixed." I'm saying "stop shelving what you know are necessary fixes in favor of new content."


"We'll get around to it after U14." No, you won't. You'll be sucked into fixing up unforseen issues with U14, and then by the time you finish with those you'll be working on U15. Just stop. Make the time. Do the laundry, so to speak.

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I had my fair share of PW (Perfect World) as a lot of you I presume .... Im afraid ill take my money elsewhere i do not support BAD company's as Perfect World they are game terrorists this is year 2014 not 1999 ...just because you have money does not make you better and PW is perfect example what not to do and how to do things in a wrong way. (based on experience) .

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