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What Melee Weapon Do You Want To See?


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Hey... Diablo 2...


Needs more Spirit Crystal Sword, Ethereal Heart of the Oak Flail, and Faith Grand Matron Bow.


But in terms of weapons i'd like to see, i'd like to see clawed hands and feet, kinda like a followup to the Venkas but just including feet, might be too redundant tho.

Edited by Tyrannawn
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Seems similar to the Kamas.

Only in appearance, the Kusarigama is a scythe(Kama) with a weighted metal ball attached to it with a chain. The chain part was used to disarm, trip up, and pull enemies toward you so you could finish them off with the scythe. In that regard, it seems kinda similar to the Mios that we'll be getting at some point, probably in U15(...along with Typhus...or not, but we will get it at some point, Typhus or no)

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I see now. Thank you for Clarifying


And to clarify further I do mean SWORDS SWORDS, and not this dagger in the main hand bullS#&$ that plagues and ruins almost all the dual weapons that we currently have.


Full sword in one hand, full sword in the other, it's not that hard to make.


And don't anyone even THINK about getting started with that lousy "it's more realistic" argument because it damn well isn't "more realistic".  Have you ever heard of that Real Life swordsman who used a DAGGER in his MAIN hand and a Sword in his OFF hand and then killed all those people with his special combos in which he jumped and flipped all over the place while deflecting bullets with his dagger and sword?  


Yeah, me neither.   

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I would advise to go over the previous pages to make sure you're not suggesting a weapon again and again. Yes a spear would be awesome, but make it like a Javelin, a throwable melee weapon like the Glaive (Prime) and Kestrel. Mainly puncture and impact weapon. Maybe it'd be magnetic that returns to you after it's thrown, possibly called Gungnir, the spear of Odin. And no, it won't bounce around.


Lightsabers, yes it'd be cool, but copyrights and other legal matters.


A sword and board combo is already coming in U14, it's called the Aegis apparently.


After sword and board, a spear and shield combo.


Trident, all about that puncture damage, possibly called Poseidon or Charybdis.

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I would advise to go over the previous pages to make sure you're not suggesting a weapon again and again. Yes a spear would be awesome, but make it like a Javelin, a throwable melee weapon like the Glaive (Prime) and Kestrel. Mainly puncture and impact weapon. Maybe it'd be magnetic that returns to you after it's thrown, possibly called Gungnir, the spear of Odin. And no, it won't bounce around.


Lightsabers, yes it'd be cool, but copyrights and other legal matters.


A sword and board combo is already coming in U14, it's called the Aegis apparently.


After sword and board, a spear and shield combo.


Trident, all about that puncture damage, possibly called Poseidon or Charybdis.


Saying lightsabers are copyrighted is a stupid excuse not make them.  All you have to do is not call them lightsabers.  


Oh hello Disney Lawyers that now own Star Wars thanks to ol Georgie selling out, these aren't lightsabers and a violation of copyright.  These are just standard "Lazer Swords".  Yep standard Lazer swords, and no name violations.

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Fine, I guess we can call them a parody of some sorts, but the closest thing we have to a lightsaber would probably be the Ether line of weapons. Looking at their Codex entry, they cut like a hut knife through butter, super clean. Kinda like a lightsaber through flesh, but yes, they'd be cool. It just seems an energy sword is so overdone and overrated, but that's just me. I'd like to see how DE would implement a lightsaber-esque weapon.

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Hydrolic piston operated katana(for the speed draw). or ( power fist 40k stlye , wraith sword) some sort of cool collaplse-able/retractable swords or other kinds of weapons, chainsword of course, DUAL NITO RYU. some sort of crazy nunchucks. some sai's.... gawd i got a wish list WAY to damn long. do i have a healthy obsession with melee? *twitch* ;D

Edited by Raithon07
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