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Hate Needs A Buff


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46 damage and attack speed of 0.9. It's seriously underwhelming; even compared to ether reaper. Being a stalker weapon, the rarest stalker drop (from experience) may I add, it should be good or at least decent. It does virtually no damage, is not viable by any standard, and of course the part that nobody cares about for heavy weapons: slide attack. Air slide attack/copter: Stops you dead in your tracks, being a heavy weapon the inertia should move you forwards but jump lower and slower under the spin. Ground slide attack: stops you in your tracks, doing barely any damage but again, the inertia of something so heavy (weight judged by sluggish animation) would push you slightly.



It's DPS is extremely underwhelming, being outranked by every other scythe despite being an extremely rare weapon, dropped by a not-so-easy enemy, who only comes max of 5% chance, and you have to kill a qualified boss to make him come after you.


It's damage per hit is extremely underwhelming, being outranked by every other scythe despite being an extremely rare weapon, dropped by a not-so-easy enemy, who only comes max of 5% chance, and you have to kill a qualified boss to make him come after you.

It's slide attacking/copters is extremely underwhelming, being outranked by every other scythe despite being an extremely rare weapon, dropped by a not-so-easy enemy, who only comes max of 5% chance, and you have to kill a qualified boss to make him come after you.
Not to mention if you want to buy it with platinum you have to shell out 800 of the stuff for a bundle to get the thing.
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not just Hate, all Heavy Melee's have no purpose in Melee 2.0.


Hammers have managed to have a purpose, but other Heavy Melee's, don't. they're inferior to their lighter counterparts in... well, every single way.


(still a fan of varying Channeling bonuses on Melee's, so Heavy Melee's can have larger Channeling bonuses, for that Damage increase they desperately need in order to make up for the slowness).

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I agree, specially since its counter parts are so good, despair and dread are very high quality.

Also to reward the player for trying so hard to get this elusive weapon.

And also to compensate anyone who bought the pack, its the most expensive pack in the game, it should be worth it's money.

(well at least hate used to be super good, in the old days it was one of my best melee)


Also, heavy weapons have become obsolete since melee 2.0, not viable nor perks to use them at all no more.


So yah, DE should address this and some other problems that exist since melee 2.0

Edited by 7grims
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Also I hate how the slide/copter mechanics for scythes with weight at the far end defy physics. The inertia should carry you far, and on light weapons you should slide slightly less even if you are lighter, there's virtually no added force.

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Tell that to my 10 hate recipes (and maybe 4 of dread ones).


I envy the crap out of you.

I got eleven consecutive(!) Dread blueprints before my first Hate finally dropped a couple days ago.





The Hate is a relatively rare weapon, and it should be on-par with the strongest weapons of its tier. It should be a sidegrade to the Reaper Prime, not the marketplace fodder hatchet.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Hate is not that much of a Rare Weapon. Making the Stalker apear isnt that hard, the weapon requires no Rank to be used and it also doesnt require you to farm for individual parts to craft it. Can be easly crafted with very commun materials (Morphics, Ferrite, Nano Spores and Salvage).

In another words, its not worthy of a buff.

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It took me a year and 50 or more Dread bps before I finally got Hate to drop; as of now it has absolutely no place alongside Despair and Dread. It's an insult to everyone and everything--to all the bosses I've killed so I may spawn Stalker, to all the Stalkers I've killed, to my resource and time, to the respectable Despair and Dread forced to share the same drop location with this filth. 

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Yeah, the Hate truly needs a buff. If is sad to say that my Heat sword out perform this weapon and it is a rare stalker weapon. The Dread is so good. with its 50% crit chance it is a monster and despair also. The Hate is slow mid damage and those not live up to the Hype. A simple fix would be 2x the damage and increase the crit chance to 50% then, and only then, will it be worthy to be considered a stalker weapon.


DE show the Stalker some love and buff his Hate!

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I would love to be able to have a viable scythe weapon. I @(*()$ LOVE SCYTHES, yet all of the ones we have are utter crap.

And I remember when it first came out it was the cream of the crop, I mean that thing was literally at one point the best melee weapon in the entire game.

Edited by Instinction
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