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Theliset.com - U14 Official Hype Site - Updating Daily (It's Here Edition)


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SVN is a platform to distribute code and work on it individually. it doesn't save you from bugs someone submitted.

If a logic bug is committed to SVN and synced, everyone has it, if it goes undetected during Diff.

Same for functions called that were removed.

So you have to go thru all the commit/update cycle once again to get rid of it.


Quite tedious.

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then why even bring up the commit logging if your whole point was poor management? thats irrelevant to the initial point in the first place.


You coulda just left it at that and been done with the whole thing?


Because someone felt it needed to write a giant post to me about the limitless possibilties of iterative coding bugs and how hard it would be to ever find possible problem areas; maybe I should've just ignored it.




This I actually will ignore cause it's so dumb.

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I think everyone is going insane at this point.


To quote myself in the 'Official Hype thread', Since that topic and this are one in the same;



Yea, Fellow Tenno. For it may be in the late hours of the night.. Nearing the mark of 3AM, We shall not falter! Our Hype shall pierce the heavens!








We can do this. Ayup. (and Hopefully DE can too, For that matter.)

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It is slow till the end. Trust me, last 5 or so episodes make up for the slow start.


start was fine enough, just like FLCL it wasnt ticklin my pickle like i hoped is all. I'll finish eventually when Im bored but Im more into series like Ergo Proxy or GITS

Edited by Echoa
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Because someone felt it needed to write a giant post to me about the limitless possibilties of iterative coding bugs and how hard it would be to ever find possible problem areas; maybe I should've just ignored it.

Do you want me to write down a step-by-step process of how we got there, and here? Because I can. 

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start was fine enough, just like FLCL it wasnt ticklin my pickle like i hoped is all. I'll finish eventually when Im bored but Im more into series like Ergo Proxy or GITS


Kill La Kill feels like FLCL and Panty&Stocking (with Garterbelt) had a baby.

That huge freak "Iro Something" in his 3-Star Armor whipping himself reminded me strongly of that BDSM Demon in PSG


Ergo Proxy and GITS are still epic. I like Ergo Prox even more then GITS, though.

Edited by NoSpax
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my hype fuel is getting low, 2 hours for the sunrise here, the sun will kill it, help me guys, raise your hands, the hype train cannot be stapht


Oi! The train has been refuel'd, All you need to do is get back on! You can do et!, Though if you can not, Worry not, For we shall take up the Train ride!


All aboard!




Let the hype fill your soul!



Edited by SJunior
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Kill La Kill feels like FLCL and Panty&Stocking (with Garterbelt) had a baby.

That huge freak "Iro Something" in his 3-Star Armor whipping himself reminded me strongly of that BDSM Demon in PSG


Ergo Proxy and GITS are still epic. I like Ergo Prox even more then GITS, though.


Thats the feeling i go too, like FLCL and P&S had a love child lol

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