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Weird Warframe Themes?


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personal i think ash is the closest to being a real ninja

Loki doesn't do damage, he may be indivisible for longer but ash wan do more damage with his first ability the the rest of the 3 other abilites that Loki has, and lokies other disadvantage is he looks like a hammerhead shark!

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DE has started down a weird road for these frames, at least that's how it feels. They started with Oberon and his weird goat/deer theme, but we have animal themed frames from go (Rhino) so not really that big of a deal, then a bird... okay still kind of holding on to the threads of the ninja theme? Then a Pirate... what? Now a harlequin themed frame. Does anyone else feel like the ninja left the building?


It is becoming Halloween themed, we even have a ghost type frame with Nekros, just need a witch tossed in and we can call it quits.


Ninja was never the theme but just a tagline.The theme was laways mutant person in a suit.Idont think they planned ahead much more than that.

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Warframes since my very first days playing this game have been odd ever since mag came out and had that swirling head of hers. Since then frames have been popping in and out of the realm of strange, to just plain stereotypical, to we saw this coming. As for the Hydroid comment I think he's a good frame and all but very Stereotypical.....the Tenno's a pirate plain and simple based off Davy Jones. Any more stereotypical and he would have a parrot with him....Oh wait he dose! Aside from that his abilities I cant complain the least, their fun and creative what more could I want.


As for the new frame her abilities do all seem to be the "Trap" type of frame I was expecting, I also expect her name to hint on how she handles the enemy. One second you think she's their the next its a trap, just like a mirage in the desert. As for design I personally like it....but I'm not sure if she's a infested frame or not? Her abilities say differently and her name, but her looks appears well Syranish and still rather infested like.


I wont ever complain on Warframes art style and Design the least bit its one of the most creative designs out their iv ever seen in a game. Plus remember everyone who says Warframe is less "ninja" then it used to be just take a look at mag and tell me did you really expect Warframe do go down the "typical ninja role" with a helmet like that? I sure as heck didn't, and that's why I love this game!

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The first 4 frames are rhino, excal, loki, and volt. Which of those resembles a ninja in any way, shape, or form?


There is an overall ninja theme, but really, the number of "looks like a ninja" frames is very limited... and the actual "ninja" frame is a giant ant.


You may have not noticed this, but it's been "halloween frame" from the get go.


EDIT: And that's what makes it awesome.

Edited by Llyssa
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You all seem that we can act ninja without having their appearance...


Moreover, the common ninja look that we see & like so much(Gah these outfits are awesome!)




may just come from the Kabuki kuroko.


By Ninja, we can show it by being actual spy/warriors! We already are warriors (look at that crazy Nova,nuking an entire room), we just need Stealth,silent assassinations, distracting tools,etc... Ash is a step in this direction, but this is not enough.


It is necessary,because "Ninja play free".

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You people need to study up on how ninja actually behaved and acted. They weren't the legendary shadow warriors media makes them out to be.

Taken from wikipedia:


While the image of a ninja clad in black garb is prevalent in popular media, there is no written evidence for such a costume. Instead, it was much more common for the ninja to be disguised as civilians. The popular notion of black clothing is likely rooted in artistic convention; early drawings of ninja were showed them dressed in black in order to portray a sense of invisibility.

Edited by The-Ancient
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Taken from wikipedia:

ninja (忍者?) or shinobi (忍び?) was a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan. The functions of the ninja included espionagesabotageinfiltration, and assassination, and open combat in certain situations. Their covert methods of waging war contrasted the ninja with the samurai, who observed strict rules about honor and combat.


While the image of a ninja clad in black garb (shinobi shōzoku) is prevalent in popular media, there is no written evidence for such a costume. Instead, it was much more common for the ninja to be disguised as civilians. The popular notion of black clothing is likely rooted in artistic convention; early drawings of ninja were showed them dressed in black in order to portray a sense of invisibility

Hard to see text is hard to see. That being said, there are also numerous studies and authorities on the subject in addition to the wikipedia page that confirm that while they were known for more covert methods of warfare, they could and would perform more open forms of warfare if it meant getting things across, especially in terror tactics.


There is also the strange notion that people believe ninja were masterfully trained shadow warriors, when in reality they were farmers that no one noticed because they were just such a common sight, and one would never suspect a simple civilian, farmer, or beggar to be a fighter. We really need to get this "dressed in black, used bows and arrows and shuriken" idea out of our heads. 

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Was thrown out the window when half the players go gun blazing. 


It was thrown out the window when the game was first made available and the focus was on gunplay and not swordplay. Also when Ash is the only ninja frame, that tells you that this isn't a ninja game. But like most things in this game, DE continues to use that tagline because it's "cool".

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I heavily approve of the variety of warframe themes, and hope they continue down this path.  The art direction of Warframe as a whole has never failed to impress me yet.  


I mean, how boring would it be if every warframe looked like Ash?  That's a rhetorical question, the answer is obvious: boring as hell.

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I've come to terms with the whole idea of ninjas in this game just being their play on "oh look you can parkour" thats about as ninja as the game gets really. Not really sure what sorts of ideas they will have for future frames but the whole pirate frame thing was pretty out there... and by out there I mean like what were they thinking out there.... 

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