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Rest In Peace Rotating The Wrong Way Uranus.


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can't put ring on chunks :<

Asteroids come near to planet, planet has strong enough gravitational field to split it up into chunks, then make it stay still from a certain distance from the planet. Rinse and repeat until a coherent ring is formed. 


EDIT: And maybe a few moons as well.

Edited by Renegade343
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One thing has bugged me for a while about Uranus' ring in general, is it common for Rings to orbit vertically like that? Whenever I see a plaent with rings, fictional or not they're always horizontal. So is Uranus the odd case out or what?

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One thing has bugged me for a while about Uranus' ring in general, is it common for Rings to orbit vertically like that? Whenever I see a plaent with rings, fictional or not they're always horizontal. So is Uranus the odd case out or what?




Scientists reckon it was involved in a collision with some other body which put it on that tilted axis. Usually planets will spin in the same direction as they orbit, angular momentum and all that.

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One thing has bugged me for a while about Uranus' ring in general, is it common for Rings to orbit vertically like that? Whenever I see a plaent with rings, fictional or not they're always horizontal. So is Uranus the odd case out or what?


It is accurate in that regard.  Something happened long ago that caused Uranus to get knocked off its axis and thus it's pole, along with its ring was shifted to be vertical like that.  

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One thing has bugged me for a while about Uranus' ring in general, is it common for Rings to orbit vertically like that? Whenever I see a plaent with rings, fictional or not they're always horizontal. So is Uranus the odd case out or what?

d00d, from what i've heard, the rocks that uranus has, is rocks from the meteor that hit it, titled it on axis, and made the rocks rotate like that

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I don't think uranus is supposed to rotate...get that checked by a doctor...


I was waiting for this to happen, it was inevitable for an Uranus joke to appear at something



The ring wasn't the wrong way, someone rotated the planet 90 degrees, during the great Wizard Grineer War.


Hint:  A Wizard did it.


I thought that Wizard came from the moon? (if anyone gets the joke, I will somehow manage to give you a cookie)

Edited by Ninjaboy00
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One thing has bugged me for a while about Uranus' ring in general, is it common for Rings to orbit vertically like that? Whenever I see a planet with rings, fictional or not they're always horizontal. So is Uranus the odd case out or what?

The vertical alignment could be caused by a difference in the orientation of the magnetic poles of the planet. An example would be if you rotated the rotational axis of Saturn 90 degrees south based on the original orientation  then the rings of Saturn may be vertical or you could just rotate the camera/point of view 90 degrees in either direction.  You have to take into account that we use earth as a main reference point when looking at celestial bodies. Meaning if the axis of rotation of earth was 90 degrees different than that of Uranus then the rings would seem vertical but relative to Uranus' axis it may be horizontal. However science is way too far from finding the truth that this is a mere theory 

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