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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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I'm currently using Mirage and have the EDO Armor equipped, however, when I activate Eclipse in the darkness, it displays a glitched texture of the do armor animation. Took screenshots from two angles to help.






Also, the badge(s) doesn't seem to be centered on Mirage.

Edited by DauntlessCake
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Still having issues with Vor's Price.


It says I have a mission/quest in navigation available named Vor's Price. But the mission doesnt show in the navigation itself. It doesnt show on planets etc.



The quest statement as you can see here:

Navigation Console



But when entering navigation, this is the sight. No quest icon or whatsoever:

Inside Navigation Console



Kinda making me not able to continue with mission.. Any suggestions? :)

Edited by TheBulletStorm
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I'm getting serious stability issues in the current version of the game, the game crashes about twice for every match i play.


Often when trying to join a game the "Please Wait" message appears and nothing happens for 5-10 minutes. Options are all frozen so you are forced to quit the game.

The Kubrow loyalty drops but there seems to be no way of increasing it's loyalty again - from what i've been reading many people have had this issue, some have had loyalty drop to 0%, unable to get it any higher and have lost their lil' pet. Most people i have spoken to are putting it in statis until this is fixed.

Need clarification on what can cause the kubrow's health/loyalty to drop as it's very unclear on what the causes are.

Although it's mentioned on the main page, the Scrambler sometimes brings up the same skin you already have. It did this on my first try and i've raised a technical help call to get my 10p back as it seems very unfair.

The game is often crashing when purchasing formas from the Inventory menu.

Further to the above, the crashes often seem to happen when a pop up box would normally appear.

The adult kubrow's head sticks out of the dome shield when he stands up.

The kubrow, when following you in game, can often just vanish for 2-3 minutes at a time yet still cloak you.



I once bought a forma when in the weapon mod screen, it bought it ok but when it came to applying it to my weapon, the previous polarity slots that i had set all vanished. Had to restart the game for it to work poperly.



Edited by apw2
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Multiple bugs to report today:


-Medium Health Restores are NOT WORKING on Sentinels. As in, they are not being healed by them. They used to be... but not anymore. (did not test the low-grade) This is making my already-fragile Carrier even harder to keep alive. They are still healed by Health Orbs, but not from the "pancakes."


- As for the "constantly dying sentinels" I have realized the issue involves Kubrows and one of their attacks hitting multiple times when it seems that it should be hitting only once. My Warframe takes a single instance of damage, but the Sentinel I have seen get hit seven or eight times rapidly from a single charge. 


- I found Turok the Dinosaur Hunter hidden in a Tower Capture mission. Uploaded via imgur in album form here:




Shows that entering one of the "mini treasure rooms" with a few lockers and containers currently has MASSIVE ISSUES with fog effects. I included the mini-map so you can see that I am in fact not even MOVING in some situations but only turning my camera's axis w/o moving, and the fog effects change from perspective alone.


Now what's TRULY scary is that right after that? Stalker started flashing the lights. Imagine my frantic terror of trying to GET OUT OF THAT ROOM to fight him where I could actually see him! It was awesome. o3o


<3 All the hard work and effort and love being put into this. Keep doing your best, good sirs and ma'dams. o3o

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I've had a few issues with the quests but those seem to be fixed, really the only issues I have so far are periodic soft freezes that last anywhere from 2 seconds to almost a minute and these sometimes result in crashes. Also there's short little freezes when using the arsenal at times. So really my issues this patch stem from freezes, oh and OD always crashes for me now.

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I am Constantly freezing every time something ranks up in the middle of a match. i rank up and suddenly the games freezes and i lose connection to host plse help i keep having to do dark sector on pluto by myself

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ok, this is a classic bug. i hope that's easy.
i am at level 3, but i decided to play the tutorial, every little bit of new stuff is good.

for something like connection blackout or quitting from the mission menu (i think that's it) i left the mission of vor's prize "prey on the corpus stocks" (or something like that, i'm italian). when i go again on the star map, i can't find the symbol of the quest (altough it's there in the hud before pressing x), so i'm stuck there, unable to finish this quest and go on.
i'm happy to see that the localization (that is partial, you must admit :-)) up to now is good. if i find some errors like i did in u13, i will tell you.

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There seems to be an issue during Vor's Prize. When you get to the segment of the mission where you go to collect the resources needed to remove Vor's device, if you are a veteran player and already have the materials, creating the device before doing the resource mission locks you out of the rest of Vor's Prize.

Is there any way to fix this or is a workaround incoming at some point?

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Either my kubrow is smoking and is a bad puppy, or Odis short circuited the air filtration system....




and if this is a bug/unintentional....dont fix it lol, say it was on purpose

Edited by Trouvo
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Please fix the kubrow quest.  My kubrow is fully grown and I can't use her because the game won't register it is grown or something.  I am not getting the collar mission.  I also used plat to rush the incubation and considering my kubrow has been grown for awhile now that was a complete waste thanks to this bug. 

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Hosting a game and randomly d/c'd everyone or rather I was d/c'd


I was also a client on a game and got d/c'd.


In both cases I was able to finish the run and claim my rewards, appear back on the ship and chat.


During the mission I could not chat without it saying that the it did not recognize the host.

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the "rank up" minigame seems to be bugged: all the enemies are weird faint green outlines on a BLINDING WHITE BACKGROUND making it impossible to see them except at point-blank range...so trying to kill them all in one minute with a GUN is absurd! (2 attempts: got killed in wave 2 the first time, ran out of time in the first wave the second time)


AND i have a glitched "Vor's prize" quest: i finished it, got a letter in the mail saying i got a 25,000 credit reward for finishing it, but the "vor's prize" message STILL appears at the navigation console, and i STILL can't START any other quests...can't even get the "codex" to tell me what the other quests are called!

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I'm still stuck on the Vor's Prize Mission.  I had completed the mercury nav segment then went and killed Vor.  Now I can't move any further in the quest line.  It says I still need to complete the Vor's Prize Quest. 


Something to note is after I killed Vor it had me insert a mercury nav segment again.  From there I have been able to progress in the quest line.

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