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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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Minor bug on ship:


When jumping and hitting the ships structure a random out-of-place metallic noise is heard. 

It is a nice touch, the sound comes out of sync, often when the character is already stationary.

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I can't even log in still. I haven't even gotten to see anything past the log in screen. I'll probably catch heat for saying this, but it's frustrating and I'll say it anyways. This is the build the proposed to? This was the build they deemed okay to be sent into the wild? After waiting and waiting and waiting. Delay after delay after delay. I would expect AT LEAST being able to log in. I don't expect everything to be perfect by any means, but this is overkill. DE, you should have delayed a little bit longer, extend your deadline by another day or two, and given us something that wasn't completely broken. I'm not hating, it's just a super let down for all the hype and anticipation that was built around this update. 

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I'm sure this has been reported already but for the sake of throughly squashing bugs:

-consistently being logged out when accessing ship functions like the market or results screen after a mission.

-Have been unable to log in for a while now. I'm sure its just server trouble but bringing it up anyway.


Good luck DE.

Pay no attention to the greedy milk and their furious complaining.

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Wanted to add to this list being upable to quit the game after loging out and or when failing to login back in. Also always crashing after every Vor Question mission taking an average time of 15 minutes to log back in, guessing something to do with the servers still buggy after the update and having a hard time recording each Tenno's progress in the mission...

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After completing Vor's Prize tutorial, nothing in player ship is accessible.


After opening the esc menu and selecting navigation, camera is locked facing the main cockpit of the ship. Warframe can still move around and go out of camera, but I can't see where he's going. At the navigation computer, there is a large black rectangle with a white x on it. I walked up, mashed x, nothing happened.


Tried to relog, no success.


Check your info.

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I am sure you have already seen this bug but i am having a hard time logging in and staying in my game. It takes several attempts to log in before i am allowed to access my ship. When i am in my ship it will sometime randomly kick me from the game and force me to relog. Also the Kubrow quest keeps forgetting to put the current objective on the star chart.

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Chiming in on the frequent D/C followed by "check login info" bug.

Tentatively reporting occurrence of comms unit installation bug, this was following an earlier bug (link below—according to youtube, will be done in 6mins) with a mission timer and D/C. I am unsure whether it was intentional or not, but I had to perform the restore comms mission twice; with the first time showing a "press x to install section" popup in the liset (without pressing x doing anything other than hiding the popup until x was released), and the second time automatically having restored both the market and the codex. Actually, having (since I started this post) managed to login again and perform the 'rescue Darvo' mission, it seems that these missions need to be performed multiple times to proceed; is this correct? If so I'd recommend some sort of popup when trying to install the comms (assuming that popup was not in error) after first completing the relevant mission, saying something like "insufficient comms components" or somesuch, just to clarify that it is not a bug.

As a note: I completed the initial prologue tutorial mission using the one frame I did not yet have (Mag Classic—I got a bit greedy, and frankly my Excal and Volt are 30 already anyway), and as such completed the following missions with the frame I was working on at the time (Rhino Prime); the Ascaris did not render on Rhino, and I haven't yet had a chance to test whether it would on my Volt or Excalibur (I got D/Ced just now when I tried to switch to Volt); could the use of a frame not available to me in the prologue be causing bugs in the later prologue missions?

Timer Bug + D/C: I was using Rhino Prime as default here because I do not actually own normal Mag (the one I used in the prologue), and I was using RP when U14 went live (again, I didn't try to switch to Volt or Excal right away because the arsenal seemed a bit unstable and they were both fully-ranked anyway). At the start, note the timer which started at ~60,000 (but fixed itself when I canceled and restarted it, so I couldn't help replicate it for QA). At the end, the game D/C'ed me immediately following a few "stutters" in the games frame rate (that the in-game fps reading did not register) in the post-mission results review.

Edited by DZ1JMeyer
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can't log in (i am almost positive this is a bug, i managed to log in after reciving the "wrong info" message without changing the info at all) or if I get in I get kicked out like other tenno


there is no close window button in the login screen, I have to alt tab to close the game

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No luck in logging here either.


I managed to play a single mission (the interception one) before being randomly kicked out, and now, I can't log back on.


I'm pretty sure it's because of the HUGE MASS of players logging at the same time, but still, I hope to play soon.


Also, for the ones who think that their login info is suddenly wrong, don't worry, your info is right, the server is the one having problems.

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Forceful Log Out:
I keep getting logged out of the game at random times, barely managed to complete the Ascaris quest, I figured its just a server problem but I'll address it just in case 


Clan Dojo: 
Some of my fellow clanmates and me cannot seem to enter our dojo, we have our clan keys and everything but cannot access it

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having log in issues, once logged it, I'm kicked back out.  I even changed my password and still getting kicked out


Also, freezing problems in ship


Finally finished Earth mission for ship part, will not accept it when I hit 'X' to apply it


I know it's a work in progress, hope it'll get fixed in good time



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Sorry if this was already mentioned earlier in the thread, but in the short taste I got this morning I ran into a bug after doing the first interception mission, when I came back into the ship the bit to install the "communications module" never triggered and I was unable to access the star-map.  After logging out and logging back in it worked, but thought I'd point it out anyway.

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It is quite obvious that people are having connection issues, and adding one more voice to the list won't really mean much, but yeah. I'm having terrible connection issues as well. Other than that, I got through the new tutorial just fine and I loved it. My only real problem was when i came out of the mission, and before I got kicked, I couldn't access my star map. After being kicked and barely getting in however, it was up and working. So I honestly don't know if this was due to a connection problem or if it was in fact a problem. I thought I should share that here just in case.

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This is probably my own fault but in the tutorial mission at the wallrunning portion I got stuck inside the tree that climbs up the wall and I couldn't get out. I was playing volt and I accidentally wall ran up then apparently caught a flat surface and started wall running horizontally. Then I ended up in the tree. I live there now its kinda nice actually.

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I am currently stuck as I need to build the countermeasures in the foundry, but I have no counter measures.  This bug is known, but i found an interesting side effect.  If you are locked out of doing quests and try to access a clan dojo, you get logged out.  Not sure if its a bug or a fail safe to keep me from doing ANY missions without constructing the countermeasures.  Just thought I'd mention it.

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