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Trinity Veterans



Hi I'm planning on revisiting Trinity as I sort of just levelled her quickly for mastery and never really paid much attention to how to mod her, if anyone who reads this has played Trinity recently, or are veteran Trinity players could maybe give me a few tips/builds, was thinking something like this---> http://goo.gl/8xW5MQ    I play mainly high level survival, both in the solar system and void, plus I take advantage of team energy restores,due to the amount of eximus, any help would be greatly appreciated. 

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That one seems to be alright.


I personally don't use link but I can see what the duration is there for. I was about to suggest you should go duration on blessing but I undestand if you want to keep an active blessing spam.


Inb4 Darzk's copy & paste post.

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She's basically a cleric now: the adjustments make "high" level play nothing more than a combination of watching status bars and hoping to get the sweet spot for healing as you'll be time locked after you cast.


Still a powerfull team asset but not really fun to play.


As to builds, I build to reduce my overall duration to minimise the lock out, you seem to have gone for as much duration as you can fit. I'll assume you intend to be less of a support player and more of a link reliant tank. Should work well for you. although if your using consumables, the duration becomes less of an issue.

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You should completely remove duration. IMO, Blessing is better spammable, which is why, I'm assuming, you had it at R0 is the first place.


Trinity is a pancake lover.

Do not take her pancakes.

Beaten to the punch, I agree with Dev, solid advice.

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Honestly, I'm a bit more selfish with my trinity. I equip the following:


Quick Thinking






Fleeting Expertise

Sure Footed


Decaying Dragon Key.


This is a great build for keeping the team alive and well, but focuses on spamming. The key is you need to take loads of health damage for the most benefit from this build, but you can spam Blessing on the team every 2 seconds (Good for those surviving in those t4) missions. This is a great build for leveling melee weapons, and other weapons that require closer range. It's pretty much God mode.


Sure footed is primarily there because every match I've lost with trinity was due to me being unable to spam heals due to knockdowns, or staggers, and by the time I can swipe it, they've damaged my energy so far that I cant use it.


The Decaying key is there because Rage is useless while your shields are up, and reducing that obstacle will seriously help you and your trinity.

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I use all of her abilities except Well of Life. Energy Vampire keeps your squad on good supply, and you use it at the beginning of a game to boost your energy. After using EV, activate Link. I use Link primarily because you cannot take any status damage (this includes disruptors), so you can wade through enemies fairly easily. Finally, Blessing is a spam heal for you and your teammates. Don't worry about duration-in fact, it helps if duration is low so that you can continually spam it. All of that said, here's what I use-


Energy Vampire


Blessing (Rank 0)



     Blind Rage

     Narrow Minded

     Over Extended

     Fleeting Expertise




By using all four corrupted mods, it cancels out most of the detriments of the build, while leaving power strength (Energy Vampire, Link), Efficiency (All), Range (Link, EV), and a lower duration (Blessing). This builds works really well for me, I've taken it to wave 70 defense.


So yeah.

Edited by TheGlade
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If you're using Rage on a frame that can heal itself (which is generally all you should be using Rage on), don't use Redirection.

The redirection is sort of a back up, this coupled with the sentinel replacing my shield also, is for the most case in case of hit by leech eximus, because at 30 -40 mins T4 they strip shields instantly. and to get caught with no energy is a real no no

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Needs moar Energy Vampire.


Did you really forma a third D polarity?  That really limits your options.


By the way, what is your goal with this build?  I'm confused by the huge Link radius but lack of damage reduction from Blessing.  You really need Quick Thinking and Flow to make Link a source of damage and then Blessing needs duration as well.  If not, then having Link as an emergency option really only needs a 6-9s duration and Stretch alone is more than enough range (especially if you drop Narrow Minded).


Here is the build I use that is close to the OP's but has more functionality:  http://goo.gl/pj7QGK (the three forma are there to support my other builds so you can do this with only 2, or 1 if not changing the aura).  Rush can also be swapped out but I like the speed on this build.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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Personally I use energy vampire and blessing and pretty much nothing else. Link is gone.

While a good defensive skill I try to play close to others and constantly supply them with energy. Negative duration on energy vampire and power mods for that fast energy boost.


If people like to spam stuff this is pretty good. Works well with Quick Thinking and ally frames like Loki, Nekros, Rhino, Nova..or any other frame that likes to use skills XD

Edited by Lactamid
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She's basically a cleric now: the adjustments make "high" level play nothing more than a combination of watching status bars and hoping to get the sweet spot for healing as you'll be time locked after you cast.


Still a powerfull team asset but not really fun to play.


As to builds, I build to reduce my overall duration to minimise the lock out, you seem to have gone for as much duration as you can fit. I'll assume you intend to be less of a support player and more of a link reliant tank. Should work well for you. although if your using consumables, the duration becomes less of an issue.

This exactly, I'm looking to play a more melee orientated role, without having to be just a healer, whilst having fun, yes consumables are a great part of your entire build, ie team ammo restores allows you to drop the ammo mut on your rifle build for maybe another useful mod, more damage etc

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Needs moar Energy Vampire.


Did you really forma a third D polarity?  That really limits your options.


By the way, what is your goal with this build?  I'm confused by the huge Link radius but lack of damage reduction from Blessing.  You really need Quick Thinking and Flow to make Link a source of damage and then Blessing needs duration as well.  If not, then having Link as an emergency option really only needs a 6-9s duration.  Here is the build I use that is close to this but has more functionality:  http://goo.gl/pj7QGK (the three forma are there to support my other builds so you can do this with only 2, or 1 if not changing the aura).  Rush can also be swapped out but I like the speed on this build.

no i have not forma'd anything yet, I was merely using the warframe builder to get a feel of what that build would offer in terms of stats, BEFORE I go and ruin my Trinity, the huge link radius is because I am looking to mainly melee and thought the radius would be better if it was more ie kill close enemies with melee kill ranged enemies with reflected damage from enemies that I am in melee combat with, also dropped energy vampire due to being used to dropping team energy restores with all these eximus that are about

Edited by (PS4)D-onlinekilla-4D
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My Trinity revolves around Blessing. 


To sum it up,


Decide if you want to go duration or spam.


For duration, Blessing+Link. Blessing becomes your emergency response at low health. Vitality and Vigor is highly recommended. Timing of activating Blessing is important. May want to consider a backup source of healing such as Well of Life or Life Strike in case Blessing is still up but health is dropping too fast.

Link stays up all the time. Reduces damage and prevents knockdown/statuses.


For spam, Blessing. Blessing becomes your one healing ability for all scenarios. High health and/or shields works for Blessing spam. Activate Blessing whenever you want.

Downside is very vulnerable to Shock Leaders/Disruptors and you lose the damage reduction or knockdown immunity.



Next decide on energy options: Energy Vampire or Rage.


Energy Vampire requires power efficiency and/or power strength but guarantees unlimited energy for you at all times. Works well for all builds. Shock Leaders/Disruptors are very low threats. Only takes one energy orb to use Energy Vampire to refill energy bar.


Rage requires high health. Works well for duration Blessing build but even better for spam Blessing.

I usually pick just one energy option because having both is just too much energy to use and a waste of slots.



Then decide on defensive options. You can go for an extra health bar, damage reduction, knockdown prevention/recovery.


Quick Thinking+Flow will turn your energy bar into a solid health bar. Works really well with Energy Vampire and duration Blessing.


Antitoxin/Flame Repellent requires high health but are great against Infested/Grineer.

Reflex Guard blocks all damage in general from the front. Can also defend against knockdown from the front. Not very necessary if you use Link. Highly recommended if you like to shoot and close distance for melee at the same time. Requires a melee weapon of course so do not use this if you want to do a gun-only challenge run or something.


Handspring/Fortitude/Surefooted all deal with knockdown. Don't need these if you use Link.



I like to use spam Blessing only because duration Blessing is too effective and boring for me. Also, I play Trinity as a tank and not as a team healer so I don't really worry about other's people's health. I only heal others as a bonus for healing myself.

I also like to use Energy Vampire+QT+Flow+Reflex Guard is really nice because it allows for constant melee channel, damage reduction, and a second health bar to make sure that you get the most out of Blessing by casting at low health.



Oh and lastly, if you're playing defense/mobile defense, Trinity has no cc so need to have either good weapons or teammates with cc to prevent mobs from destroying the cryopod.

On the plus side, Trinity is really hard to kill so great at survival solo even with bad weapons.

Edited by Yopee
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Inb4 Darzk's copy & paste post.


Dammit, I was afk. Enough good advice already in the thread that I think I can pass on the copy & paste this time >.>


Personally, I, like most of this thread, prefer going with a short duration Blessing, meaning a short duration Link. However the build posted would work decently for what the OP is looking for - a Link tank, with an occasional Blessing to top people up. It would still work better with EV for energy generation to fuel the Blessings and Links, not to mention channeled melee attacks.


If you're dedicated to using Rage for energy generation, I would drop Redirection for Steel Fiber or Quick Thinking. If you do go with QT, this gives you the option of using Blessing after it's activated, providing a 99% damage reduction during it's activation period, so you may consider using a full rank on Blessing. But there's other/better builds for team reduction (namely no health/shields and max duration).


Personally I would run with EV instead of Rage, allowing you to generate energy whenever you want as opposed to just after your shields have broken. This would also allow you to adjust FE and Streamline to provide another 10% duration. Even with OE installed, this would provide 27.5 energy per cast, enough to follow up with a Blessing and still have energy for a following EV - so you'd need to maintain at least 15 energy (ideally 40) at all times. http://goo.gl/Nen3JU


Which means that you'll be using EV a lot, and would benefit from Natural Talent or Intensify, but there's not really anywhere to put it. I would suggest perhaps instead of Stretch - would reduce Link to 25m, which I think is enough. http://goo.gl/Rymxh0


Finally, I would suggest that perhaps the duration could be lessened. By dropping Narrow Minded and OE for Nat Talent and Constitution, you and teammates would gain a lot more energy from EV spam and you'd still maintain a 12.5 sec 20m range Link, good enough IMO, plus you'd get a little bit of knockdown assistance, useful when Link isn't active. http://goo.gl/Lj6l7w (you could use Stretch instead of Intensify or NT if you needed more range on Link)


Finally, if you're willing to toss in another forma, the aura should be switched to - for Corrosive Projection, making the build viable for high level Void and Grineer missions. For non-armored enemies, Energy Siphon is better than Physique, especially for the first and second build variations above where EV is not totally overpowered.

Edited by Darzk
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trinity awesome frame 


lacks CC


blessing instantly replenishes all health and shields of you and your team

link 75 percent damage reduction

best tank in game period.

alwayse use energy vampire to help your team its fun when you use that ability


No she is not the best rank, that would be Valkyr. With Steel Fiber, she has 80% damage reduction to her health constantly. If she uses Warcry, that increases. I won't bother mentioning Hysteria though because that will probably get reworked/nerfed soon (Valkyr was the best tank even before Trinity's blessing was nerfed).



Hi I'm planning on revisiting Trinity as I sort of just levelled her quickly for mastery and never really paid much attention to how to mod her, if anyone who reads this has played Trinity recently, or are veteran Trinity players could maybe give me a few tips/builds, was thinking something like this---> http://goo.gl/8xW5MQ    I play mainly high level survival, both in the solar system and void, plus I take advantage of team energy restores,due to the amount of eximus, any help would be greatly appreciated. 


Rage is terrible in general because you don't get energy when you're dead (we're talking end game here folks) and the only characters that are actually capable of health tanking end game decently are Valkyr and Trinity using Link but Trinity has Energy Vampire as one of her abilities making it completely useless.


Do not use flow either, with enough power efficiency, having extra energy is pointless, especially because of Energy Vampire on Trinity.


I recommend Redirection and Vitality as far as defensive mods go, after that just use power efficiency, power duration, and power range.

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I would disagree with no CC, my build :


Fleeting expertise

Quick Thinking


max every skill


Natural Talent


Her 2 is good cc and her 1 is nice cc for taking something kind of out of the fight while giving your teammates a beacon to beat on if they need health really quickly (though I tend to spam blessing when they actually need health). I'm not 100% on quick thinking and natural talent, if I replaced them it'd be with reach and rage or something because I don't feel trinity needs any power strength whatsoever, you can infinitely spam energy vampire for literally infinite energy for you and your teammates, having extra range on that +link is kinda useful as link can provide some random cc when you need it (use it and run into a group of grineers, make one of the elite grineer mad at you and boom aoe knockdown).


I love trinity and honestly she's more fun to play at the given moment than she ever has been to me. I stopped playing her once she became all about blessing w/ max duration and whatnot because her other abilities were pretty much useless at that point.

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I would disagree with no CC, my build :


Fleeting expertise

Quick Thinking


max every skill


Natural Talent


Her 2 is good cc and her 1 is nice cc for taking something kind of out of the fight while giving your teammates a beacon to beat on if they need health really quickly (though I tend to spam blessing when they actually need health). I'm not 100% on quick thinking and natural talent, if I replaced them it'd be with reach and rage or something because I don't feel trinity needs any power strength whatsoever, you can infinitely spam energy vampire for literally infinite energy for you and your teammates, having extra range on that +link is kinda useful as link can provide some random cc when you need it (use it and run into a group of grineers, make one of the elite grineer mad at you and boom aoe knockdown).


I love trinity and honestly she's more fun to play at the given moment than she ever has been to me. I stopped playing her once she became all about blessing w/ max duration and whatnot because her other abilities were pretty much useless at that point.


Trinity has 2.5 forms of crowd control, but it isn't really significant. Her first ability suspends enemies and her second abilities stuns enemies as you mentioned. Her third ability can cause enemies to CC themselves, but that's about it. She brings sustain to a team instead of crowd control and that's fine. She is actually very viable unlike say Oberon (the punchline of underpowered jokes). Your build is decent. Flow can be justified IF you use Quick Thinking and only then which does synergize with Energy Vampire and Blessing if done properly.

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Single Target Crowd Control is by definition not that great. Link is 3 targets max, not considered to be AoE.


Any frame that can heal has effectively infinite health; comparing tanking builds between frames is an exercise in futility. 

Technically the only tank in the game is Rhino, as the only frame with a threat modifier.

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Trinity has 2.5 forms of crowd control, but it isn't really significant. Her first ability suspends enemies and her second abilities stuns enemies as you mentioned. Her third ability can cause enemies to CC themselves, but that's about it. She brings sustain to a team instead of crowd control and that's fine. She is actually very viable unlike say Oberon (the punchline of underpowered jokes). Your build is decent. Flow can be justified IF you use Quick Thinking and only then which does synergize with Energy Vampire and Blessing if done properly.


Hm I see your points I suppose, however being able to lockdown an eximus or a bombard is still very useful. Didn't realize link was only 3 now...I've played trinity so much since the change and never noticed that now I feel stupid xD

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Single Target Crowd Control is by definition not that great. Link is 3 targets max, not considered to be AoE.


Any frame that can heal has effectively infinite health; comparing tanking builds between frames is an exercise in futility. 

Technically the only tank in the game is Rhino, as the only frame with a threat modifier.


The aggro modifier was removed in the last few updates. If anyone would be given the title of tank, that would more so Valkyr more than anyone else.

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Tank, in the MMO sense, refers to the player that attracts the enemies' attention to protect the squad/party.  It can rely on huge amounts of health, damage mitigation, evasion, magic or other methods to accomplish this.  Calling Valkyr a tank only utilizes one aspect of this definition and it is not even the important aspect of being a tank (no taunt).  If anyone is a tank, it is Nyx since Absorb does draw aggro and provides complete damage protection.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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