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De's (Small) Step Toward Pw-Like Business Strategy


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No plat for randoms? Okay what about the mod packs that have been in the game since forever?


Guaranteed rare and nobody I know actually buys them precisely because of the random aspect.


Also not cosmetic. Cosmetics in Warframe prior to this were pure transactional: Pay plat, acquire cosmetic. And frankly, this is an immensely fair system that encourages me to drop plat for any cosmetic that strikes my fancy, as opposed to RNG that discourages me from dropping plat for cosmetics because no way in hek do I want to risk my doge looking even worse than he does now.


Edit: Just to be clear, I wouldn't mind the option for el-cheapo doge color lottery like we have now, if there was an option to pay for utter surety in what my doge will look like at a higher (but still reasonable) cost.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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You are supposed to breed them from the prints you get from other players, not spend plat on it.

Yeah, guess what those prints are gonna cost? That's right, plat. People are gonna realize what they have and charge high plat prices, they're not gonna trade it for another imprint when they know they have a gold mine.

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Honestly, the appearance customization for Kubrows steps away from one of the key features that makes Warframe what it is.


Being able to completely personalize the appearance of your warframes was one of the things I love about Warframe, it makes it much more individual, however with the player having no say over the scheme of kubrow detaches the kubrow more than you would expect. You say that, yes we can choose what you want by using data imprints however this relies heavily on RNG and other players in a way it shouldn't for such a game as this.


Yes the concept works well, however the execution of it is a bit off.



I have some suggestions as to what might work better however I think that greater minds should look over this.


My suggestion is that when we first incubate the egg we should be able to select a group of colors which are in some way incorporated into what the result will be, however the tenno can buy/build pattern packs, and the pattern that the Kubrow ends up with comes from this pack. So the end result is in some way random as genetics are, however still allow the tenno a lot more control over the end look of their pet.

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Clarification, I meant not cool not due to the color but due to dying a dogs hair to paint it over... not cool.


In any case, the why is it different than helios, because it's a living creature *wink* we believe it should have a different way of interacting, we don't ask you to oil your helios every time it dies, but your Kubrow does need some love and care.

Basically what are u saying is that i can`t dye a kubrow because its ALIVE, But i can dye my helios because it isnt alive.....

with that logic in mind, why can i  paint/dye WYRM, DJINN, DUAL ICHOR, SYNAPSE (etc)? it happens that those "weapons" are ALIVE so WHY we can dye/paint them with our colors palettes?


Edited by Caramelaion
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If the majority of players are saying they would rather have  their Kubrow look exactly how they wanted (hot pink? lime green? etc), I am happy to pass this along to dev to seek and consider possible alternatives for this cosmetic outlet.


Your issues with this are in DE decisions, no one elses, so do not derail feedback and discussions with fearful claims of outside influence when no such thing as taken place. 


I absolutely get that it's the 'random' element in exchange for Platinum that is rubbing people the wrong way in the case of this cosmetic option. 

Real world: putting a quarter in a gumball machine, wanting a pink one, and getting a blue one. You still have a gumball, but it's not the exact flavour you wanted. Put in another quarter to get a chance at a different gumball, but you're paying for the gumball every time. 

Warframe's case: You're getting the gumball, and the gumball machine, for free, with wait times on delivery. If you think you want one free gumball to look different, you can throw a few quarters in the machine. 


But again, will pass along to dev to see what their thoughts are.

Rebecca, I am very glad that you can see the players' side of this. Although you have a great analogy, an analogy will not fix the flawed system currently in place. What I suggested earlier, and what others have suggested, is have a restricted set of colors/patters available. We don't want those pinks or lime greens, just the brown, gray/silver, white, and common colors.
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DE decision-making in a nutshell. 


Which in this case is fine... but as with anything when it comes to the market and the exchange of actual monetary value, you're going to have to be a little more willing to listen when people tell you that your "running with it" is going to cause you to trip and fall.


At the very least, you need to make it so that receiving the exact same appearance scheme is not possible.


I mean, what is this? Pay me money to probably give you a new appearance? I don't think so. I have never bought Void Key packs. I have never bought Mod Packs. I have never bought random-chance packets of anything for real money, and I never will. I want to see where my money is going when it comes to make-believe digital goods that are gone as soon as your servers go down, but I guess that matters less to you guys because I've already bought the platinum from you. 


I'm not trying to sound bitter or anything; I've gotten really good value out of my purchases thus far. I'm quite satisfied. However all the counter-arguments to a suggestion for a simple and reasonable change (specific pre-created patterns for slightly larger amounts of platinum) have come across as a little disparaging and been logically unsound. We're not feeding another quarter into the gumball machine; we're feeding both the gumball we got and a new quarter into the machine. That's not an equivalent exchange. We're not painting our pets more than you guys are, either.


Think about it this way: Place the variations of Kubrow appearances on sale for... say... 50 plat. Keep the random chance pack for 10 plat. People who really want a specific appearance can buy that appearance for certain. People who want to change their appearance but don't really have a huge preference or like gambling can pay 1/5th as much as people with a specific goal in mind.  


Lastly, I'll just leave it here that I am watching you guys like a hawk when it comes to future business practices. I don't care if PWE/PW had any part in this decision or not; I'm against the company itself because of its demonstrated philosophies when it comes to the F2P model. I dislike PWE because they favor unfair and unreliable transactions for pretty much everything. I hate the practice more than the company itself. I'm not some addict coming to you for a spending fix, and if RNG continues to make its way into the market, you're not getting another dime out of me. 

+1 Something a lot of people want to say

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No plat for randoms? Okay what about the mod packs that have been in the game since forever?


We all know the mod packs are a waste of plat. Plus we are not talking about mods, which we can get from playing the game, we are talking about cosmetics. 

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No plat for randoms? Okay what about the mod packs that have been in the game since forever?

Because there are so many other ways to obtain mods, you can take it up with RNG and farm them for free, you can also transmute them. And even trade is a valid argument here because it's not as godwafully complex as the whole Kubrow deal.


Same thing with keys.

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If you guys at DE insist that the only reason that it is the way it is is to constrain the colors and patterns that are available, then why isn't scrambling available for credits? I have a ton of faith in you guys, and I'm afraid that given that potential alternative, many players will suspect that it truly is a cash grab.


I spent 2000 platinum. All I wanted was some shade of brown and a lotus emblem. 2000 platinum. $100. One kubrow.


I now have a gray kubrow.


I think the most elegant solution is a color palette that constrains available colors coupled with an attachment system for fur patterns.

Please make us proud!

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Hmm a lot of people are saying they're frustrated because they cant keep their previous gumball (Fur), but can't you use that template thing (its a craftable) to save that DNA blueprint? So you could like build up a library of furs and patterns?

You can only make 2 imprints per Kubrow so you only get to keep 2 gumballs.

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No, adding RNG to the genetics of your pet makes it MUCH more exciting. This way you don't see everyone running black + red kubrows like you see them running frames, and people will most likely get attached to them anyway...so absolutely NOT, finally RNG has a place and I hope it stays.

BUT, what bothers me is paying 10 plat for something random...I say just change it for some high credit cost instead...because it just doesn't feel right.

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Because there are so many other ways to obtain mods, you can take it up with RNG and farm them for free, you can also transmute them. And even trade is a valid argument here because it's not as godwafully complex as the whole Kubrow deal.


Same thing with keys.



Another thing no one has brought up that I have seen...these imprints...sure we can trade them..but we won't know for several days if what we just paid plat for is actually what we will be getting.  We have to take people at their word.  














Yeah...this was thought through so well by the designers.

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First off technically you can get kubrow colors and designs without paying by breeding and farming eggs (just a technicality though).

Now I actually came to just pass on an idea in another thread, the idea was to make the scrambler use credits for random and plat for a choose what you get. In my opinion this in theory could fix the issue people have with the scrambler. Basically take it to put credits in the gum ball machine or use plat to build-a-brow

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Yeah, guess what those prints are gonna cost? That's right, plat. People are gonna realize what they have and charge high plat prices, they're not gonna trade it for another imprint when they know they have a gold mine.


It will drop just like the older prime parts did. Do you kids even learn economics at school these days?

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Clarification, I meant not cool not due to the color but due to dying a dogs hair to paint it over... not cool.


In any case, the why is it different than helios, because it's a living creature *wink* we believe it should have a different way of interacting, we don't ask you to oil your helios every time it dies, but your Kubrow does need some love and care.


I do agree that the variety of colors is low, as the "white -> brown -> white exemplified, but color ranges are beyond my authority sadly. But maybe the voice of the masses can convince a certain someone about wilder kubrow colors.


And lastly this is my cog Otto.


Different way to handle coloring - all hands up.

But random color for real cash? Nope, you made a mistake here, accept it, fix it and we will be happy.


This whole random approach would work for credits/resources (anything acquirable in the game - craft-able color changer) and you would not get that amount of rants.

But for real cash you need to offer something better than simple random which can even get same colors again.

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Now I actually came to just pass on an idea in another thread, the idea was to make the scrambler use credits for random and plat for a choose what you get. In my opinion this in theory could fix the issue people have with the scrambler. Basically take it to put credits in the gum ball machine or use plat to build-a-brow


I believe this could be the "best" option. +1

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50plat and able to choose one of the available patterns on that single Kubrow would be a fair price.


Want a black kubrow and you wherent lucky, pay 50plat and it becomes that black available pattern.


But 10, on a random pattern, without even knowing all the possibilities... bleeeeeeh

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First off technically you can get kubrow colors and designs without paying by breeding and farming eggs (just a technicality though).

Now I actually came to just pass on an idea in another thread, the idea was to make the scrambler use credits for random and plat for a choose what you get. In my opinion this in theory could fix the issue people have with the scrambler. Basically take it to put credits in the gum ball machine or use plat to build-a-brow

Yeah, that's not a bad solution at all. +1

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