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Hotfix 14.0.5


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We have disabled the Kubrow Genetic Scrambler while we consider feedback on it.




They're looking into a possible system in which you have more control of your Kubrows patterns and colors. This way you'll have more control of getting what you want, and not some random splash of color.

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Is the next hotfix going to remove mutalist ospreys from defence missions?


Or at least increase the amount of time inbetween gas charges?


Also the Infested AI on Earth are still a bit derpy where they just stand around, doing nothing or spawn in a hard to reach place, or turn invisble and intangible?

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  • Arc Traps no longer target pets.

Fixed timed missions breaking upon initializing the View Mission Progress screen.

Fixed issues with double clicking in UI not working correctly, players were having to click up to 3 or 4 times for desired changes.

Fixed issues with Kubrows can not going into ‘Pre-Death’ aka a Revive-able state.

Fixed decorations being through Dojo floor on spawn.

Thank you DE!

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I agree with all of these lovely people here. I hope there is a DE rep here, because i want DE to read all of these complaints. I, and many many others, feel that it is a useless mechanic and that it should be removed, or fixed. If your kubrow happens to die often (and they do), it will lose all loyalty for you and be useless. then you cant replenish the loyalty for days because you can only increase it once or twice a day. it is a broken mechanic that needs to be fixed or removed. and some people say they don't have this problem because they have many kubrow, but they have to sit there for 3 hours waiting to switch out, or pay money which some of us don't have to throw around. Stasis, while it makes sense that it needs to recover, needs a shorter wait time as well. the WHOLE kubrow system needs a fix and it needs it soon. i really hope DE can read this.

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Kubrow attacks are very weak when compared to sentenls weapons. Even with a maxed maul it can hardly hold its own vs level 30 lancers. I would very much like a buff. And it would also be GREAT to know how much damage they are actualy doing

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#1 - looking into the scramble option on Kubrows.  Thank you very much!  It is highly and greatly appreciated.


#2 - Removing arc traps from Mercury.  Again, a HUGE thank you.  You have no idea what a nightmare that was! (and not the good kind we get mods from too...).  Very, very much appreciated!!


#3 - restored the total resource count in Foundry.  Wow!  So much wanted this but didn't even try to ask because it was so far down the list of things that needed looking into.  Excellent job y'all!


Those are just the ones that instantly jumped out at me.  I feel Much, Much better about the update now.  Y'all are doing an awesome job.

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Greetings to all. 

Such that certain person I request a refund of Platinum, the DNA option fur RANDOM who was kidnapped and listen to 10 flat. For accuracy I spend about 140 flat. 

Thank you for your understanding.

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