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The Kubrow "loyalty System" Absolutely Sucks...


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So my kubrow finally matured today, took him to couple mission and stuff.

Then i went to a bit more hard mission, the kubrow did not survive very long.

This happened couple of times, sometimes i managed to revive my kubrow, but it was tough because i did not have the bleedout link on. 

I recovered his loyalty, just to drop it again.


Imo the loyalty system sucks, if you even wan't to keep your kubrow alive you have to pay close attenttion to it's health and shield, when it goes down you have to start meleeing to get his health back up (if you have pack leader mod installed) 

And this makes the game with a kubrow very anti-fun. Kubrow's die way too easily, and deaths drops loyalty, which affects the damage. The game punishes you way too hard, seriously, it's pretty damn sad when your kubrow is afraid of you because you did not start killing enemies with melee in time.


The loyalty drop should be 10%, not 20% it would make it a bit more better, and the amounts you can recover loyalty should be be higher.


Thank you

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you can also not use kubrow (feel lucky to have pack leader lol XD ) but healing aura work as well



you can equip sentinel, they are pretty good for beginers

Edited by Tsoe
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Would be nice to have shortcut keys to command the Kubrow to Attack, Fetch, or Find Cover! Just a thought...

Marking an enemy should make the kubrow attack the target, marking a mod could perhaps get the kubrow to fetch one?

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This is the same thing that happens with sentinels, one hit and they are dead.


But, Sentinels don't go out running in huge circles away from you, they stay floating right over your head and can keep up with you.

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you can also not use kubrow (feel lucky to have pack leader lol XD ) but healing aura work as well



you can equip sentinel, they are pretty good for beginers

 suddenly im a beginner? fyi mastery rank 10 :P

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Marking an enemy should make the kubrow attack the target, marking a mod could perhaps get the kubrow to fetch one?

oh wow that would only be productive for sunika Kubrows as they hunt prey but that is a VERY productive idea.

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And I absolutely agree that 5 second beeldout is insane. There's no way that's ever going to be enough time to get to your kubrow if you're in a situation intense enough for your kubrow to have died. And the loyalty penalty on death is far too harsh. At least give us +5 loyalty on a successful mission without kubrow getting downed. With heavies just about instant-killing your kubrow, you might get 5 or so missions out of your kubrow before his loyalty is so low it'll take two days to recover.

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