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Warframe Genders. Why Should They Change?


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I like her appearance. It's cool. Doesn't mean I hate her and would never play as her.



Seems like you have a grudge against grandmasters.

I don't see what points you are trying to make.

Yes I know ash was a female.

Yes I know ember was a male.


I prefer ember as a male, and I prefer ash as a male.


What point are you trying to make?

Assuming. Very sad.

You just don't like change, the genders aren't an issue.


I distinctly recall them saying in a stream that they wouldn't make alternate genders, but they would make new frames of a different gender with a similar theme

So just like the "No primes past Vauban" rumor.

No evidence = Null statement.

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Assuming. Very sad.

You just don't like change, the genders aren't an issue.


If I didn't like change, you'd see me still complaining about how the old U.I. is better than the others, but no. I adore the new U.I. I consider it a huge step forward.

You say I'm assuming?

Look at you assuming I don't like change.

Edited by TheErebus
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If I didn't like change, you'd see me still complaining about how the old U.I. is better than the others, but no. I adore the new U.I. I consider it a huge step forward.

You say I'm assuming?

Look at you assuming I don't like change.

You have no valid problem against dual genders.


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You have no valid problem against dual genders.


I never said I had a problem. I have a problem against forced changes. If we had an option between a male ember and a female ember. I'd go with the male ember.


You are incredibly annoying to deal with as you constantly take me down in the rudest ways. 

First calling me sad for assuming. 

And now saying I'm ignorant.


If you wish to have a proper discussion. Come back with a more polite and less rude attitude.

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So just like the "No primes past Vauban" rumor.

No evidence = Null statement.


So I couldn't find the stream, but here's a post from a com mod about it: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/255022-warframe-gender-skins/?p=2949323


The wiki also says that nxy was a scrapped attempt at creating alternate gender frames, and they decided to just make a new frame. 

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So like I said, you have a problem with change. Sad

The truth hurts, TheErebus. Laughable.

How is this a problem with change? I've already shown that I have no issues with change. If you mean "Oh I should agree with everything that happens in the game" No. I shouldn't. I shouldn't agree with everything that happens in the game.

And would you quit it with that condescending attitude. It's getting very old and very tiring. 

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they mentioned awhile back that if they were to do a gender swap, it would be more a new frame running on the same theme with a different ability set.

this idea I'm all on board for, especially since it adds more options within an element

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So I couldn't find the stream, but here's a post from a com mod about it: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/255022-warframe-gender-skins/?p=2949323


The wiki also says that nxy was a scrapped attempt at creating alternate gender frames, and they decided to just make a new frame. 

Community mods know only as much as we do.


How is this a problem with change? I've already shown that I have no issues with change. If you mean "Oh I should agree with everything that happens in the game" No. I shouldn't. I shouldn't agree with everything that happens in the game.

And would you quit it with that condescending attitude. It's getting very old and very tiring. 

Upset. As usual.


Okay seriously. Now you're &!$$ing me off. Cut the attitude and stop being a prick.

You as well, For future reference, the upvotes do nothing.

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*grabs popcorn*




On topic.

I think there are dozens of these threads already.

I have also heard that they originally planned to get each frame a counterpart of the opposite gender. And that they decided not to.

It's 3rd hand information so I don't know if it's true.


And I couldn't care less about the gender lock thing.

If I like a warframes abilities, I'll play it for it's abilities. If I like his or her design, I play as him or her because I like the way they look.


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 Anyone else get the feeling that this thread got a little too much?




 Anyway, it simply isn't sexist to have the opinion that the Gender you play as should be a toggle available to you. All that amounts to is being the sort of player who wants more choice as opposed to less. 


 I'm typically on board with that logic. I'm a firm believer that having more choice is better. Period. I want control of how I look in games as often as can be helped. I'm just a sucker for customization.


 But if DE says they aren't interested then the hype train should just stop there. It is up to them how characters in their game are portrayed. If they want specific genders for the different characters it's their right and it is out of hand to expect DE to only exercise that sort of right when it is convenient for what you think. Their artist should be able to great characters the way they want. A firm 'No' should be respected as a response. 



 I'm going to close this thread before it can spiral into back and forth bickering.

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