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Update 5.3 - "Blazing Embers"


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well done DEVs, thank god for that shield / hp nerf. it was getting way too easy and boring. now i gotta sweat again while dodging lazorz and stuff :)

this is one of the most epic games i've played in a while and i'll probably keep playing it for months to come.

keep up the good work :D , never cease to amaze me

edit : oh and btw, for all the crybabies that demand compensation for buying the pro version, what's wrong with you? you're complaining for a few dollars? you got your item already crafted and stuff. think it could take 3 day construction( guessing) on that super charge and you might even have problems getting it drop.

i'm not regreting my decision to buy pros at all.

Edited by xedisu
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Sad to report that still cant join some friends through contacts menu (on and off) and when i read the patch notes saying that fixed the "falling through the world" thing, i fell through the floor for the first time playing warframe :D. Little ironic, i just tought that you should know. Also it seems that the boss that drops trinity parts has a tendency to sometimes fall through the floor aswell. He dies and all but then we dont get the loot.

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I am sorry the nerf feels too much for solo players. Solo is important to us (about 20% of missions). We still have balance issues to do! Also it is important for us to appeal to varying levels of difficulty taste so don't tear each other apart yet-both sides are a valid way to enjoy the game and we just need to make that easier to control for you!

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I must admit that sheeld nerf is pretty damaging to the game fun factor. Now it's MUCH more effective and safe just to shoot enemies from cover. Since the Rocket Graneer leaves me with 50 HP and melee isn't that effective on high lvls.

It's still fun, but I get a lot less of this "Hell yeah! Awesome!" moments

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"Loss of mastery"

Does that mean if you sell a pro'd item, will it keep the pro along with the rank when you rebuy it?

No, it means your player mastery doesn't drop when you sell an item. Super-Charged weapons are not restored if you rebuy, sorry.

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Btw may be a question for another topic but what are these Rifle/Shotgun Scavenger thingies and where exactly are they in the inventory?

Those are artifiacts. They make a particular ammo drop more often. There's a little black spot on the right of you screen when you select a mission, when you click there you can select an artifact to equip.

The scavenger packs aren't really worth it what with how inexpensive ammo packs are. Amps, energy siphon, and even enemy radaer (for defense maps) are more worthwhile.

Edited by Aggh
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I Think the shield nerf is pretty damn fine the way it is right now. You can still stack up Shields high enough to make it worth to use them, plus it's the only damn thing which actually Regenerates no matter what. Just play it a little more safe instead of rushing through the whole damn thing and you'll be fine.

(Sorry that i'm someone who thinks that even a Solo/Co-op game should require *some* skill, lol).

Btw. the "Waiting for Players" issue = no one besides you clicked on that mission and wait's for a squad. This will no longer be a problem once the Beta hits Open Beta status - there'll be more players than now and thus more people playing more missions.

Edited by Afinda
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(Sorry that i'm someone who thinks that even a Solo/Co-op game should require *some* skill, lol).

Wow... I wish I'd meet you one day for a co-op game. :) All my co-op games so far where just zerg-rushing *run-around-and-kill-everything-as-fast-as-you-can* no tactics involved whatsoever and I find it quite a shame. If only the game dynamics would demand from players, even at low-lvl, clever thinking and coordination, but that's maybe to much to wish for....

Edited by Nocturo
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For starting classes there shouldnt be 3 days crafting...

The point is that the game is free, they have to make money somehow, if you can't handle the wait, you pay.

That's how these "Free 2 Play" games work.

They already went pretty far and made the "PRO" upgrade into a craftable item that everyone can get.

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