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Why Do Players Use Lasers During Void Defense?


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The way I feel is that if a player activates it, then teammates should be immune. Yet to make it interesting, give the enemies the option to use it on us as well. 


I don't care if people use the lasers, I am well aware of how useful they are, I only ask that if you use lasers. TELL your teammates before you wtfpwn them.

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if the choice is


save the wave by lasering that Rhino off by himself     OR

Mission Failed


what do you think is gonna happen, especially with newer players who might not know how to handle a huge pack of Corrupted Heavies in their face?


You did not answer my question:


When was the last time you had a pub game where all 4 never ventured outside the perimeter and everyone is 100% in tune with each other???


Also as I said: Who needs lasers at wave 1-20???


So long before you even come to the scenario you mention between Save Rhino / Mission Failed there is no reason to apply lasers.

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The lasers are put there for a reason...if you get hit by them then thats your fault really for venturing outside and not getting to high ground fast enough lol.

I agree with the first part, but I guarantee I would be able to kill your &#! with a well-timed laser.  The cool part is, I wouldn't be accountable because you would just blame yourself.

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You did not answer my question:


When was the last time you had a pub game where all 4 never ventured outside the perimeter and everyone is 100% in tune with each other???


Also as I said: Who needs lasers at wave 1-20???


So long before you even come to the scenario you mention between Save Rhino / Mission Failed there is no reason to apply lasers.


Why are you in tower defense with pubs? I think that's the real question here.

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When was the last time you had a pub game where all 4 never ventured outside the perimeter and everyone is 100% in tune with each other??? Please do tell because I have never ever seen a single game where that has happened.


"Powerful / efficient when used correctly" seems to be the common denominator in the replies here. Obvious they come in handy when dealing with level 50's enemies but who needs lasers at wave 1-20???? Furthermore as I specified in my original post I always give a heads up when we start by typing "No lasers please. For the simple reason to avoid being lasered in the back without notice.


This doesn't make sense. You're basically saying you expect everyone to play their own way, except for when you try to set an expectation at the start of the match. You already expect people to play wildly, so why do you think they'd listen to your "No lasers please"? If you're right and people do what they want, they won't. So, you kind of answered your own question.


It's pretty clear that a lot more people find the lasers useful just from the responses in this thread and your experiences where people seem to use them all the time.


And if you've got a particularly snarky troll they're probably going to target the person who didn't want lasers used in the first place with their laser team kills. So, you're just generally digging your own grave on this issue.

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I'm fine with lasers when they tell me that they're activating it; and when I'm not fetching rare mod cards/energy orbs.

Can't use Radial disarm or anything else without energy.


Also when there are about 2 enemies left and I can just walk outside and melee them when my magazines out.

No point of reloading when I can go out and slash the enemy to death.

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This doesn't make sense. You're basically saying you expect everyone to play their own way, except for when you try to set an expectation at the start of the match. You already expect people to play wildly, so why do you think they'd listen to your "No lasers please"? If you're right and people do what they want, they won't. So, you kind of answered your own question.



Playing wildly is not a hurdle, killing 2-3 of your teammates in the middle of a wave is.



Using lasers is legit - once a certain lvl of difficulty is met.


And I'd rather tell the players in the group to stay in the middle first.

Or if they are okay with the use of lasers.


I hate it when people use lasers without a warning.


Once a certain level of difficulty is met is the key. As I have mentioned several times, there really is no need for lasers at wave 1-20.

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Playing wildly is not a hurdle, killing 2-3 of your teammates in the middle of a wave is.


So, you're just ignoring that it's silly to expect people to conform to your sense of order when you have already said they just do what they want anyways. You've already explained why this happens. Consider your issue solved. You can be mad about it, but you clearly already know why it happens.

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So, you're just ignoring that it's silly to expect people to conform to your sense of order when you have already said they just do what they want anyways. You've already explained why this happens. Consider your issue solved. You can be mad about it, but you clearly already know why it happens.


A request for players to not move about and stay within a confined area is silly while requesting them to refrain from using lasers is a feasible and minor option.

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A request for players to not move about and stay within a confined area is silly while requesting them to refrain from using lasers is a feasible and minor option.


If you're playing with pubs that's what happens. You can't expect random players to follow your every order to the letter.

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A request for players to not move about and stay within a confined area is silly while requesting them to refrain from using lasers is a feasible and minor option.


They're both the same in that you're requesting players to play a certain way. They might prefer to jump into the hordes of enemies or they might prefer to use lasers to down waves. Both are the same in that asking someone to play your way is likely to get ignored in a public group.

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Tower Defense is boring, so whenever I get an opportunity to go head to head with another playerin trying to kill each other I take it with.relish.

In a long run I am more restrained, but up until wave 20 is a snorefest, and you gotta make it fun somehow

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Actually using the Lasers is a valid strategy.


You just need to take some significant, but not difficult, steps in not zapping your own dudes.


Helps to have a mic so teammates can watch out for the beams, too.



I do think the Lasers should have some sort of deployment sound, though, to preceed their activation.  They're surprisingly quiet for a friendly fire hazard.

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For me staying at the pod is extremely boring, lasers same, and i use weapons with short fire range, so i can't stay at the pod.


I think it should be used only i case of necessity, when the health of the pod is under 25% for example.

Edited by Alpha56
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