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Comics By Jackiethejackal [Updated With Hellfire Page 7!]


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I'm working on a comic about Valkyr after Alad V's assassination. Enjoy!

Page 13 is up. Am I evoking feels yet?

I plan to extend this into multiple different comic stories, focusing on either different Warframes, bosses, or special encounters to help give personality to all our favorite characters. For now, it's focused on our female berserker, Valkyr!

Although most of the story of this comic is made up, I took a ton of influence from reading codex entries and doing research on Warframe's lore. I try to stay loyal to the lore as much as possible but when a gap in the story appears, I fill it with my imagination.

For the purposes of these comics, I'm assuming the Warframes can talk and the suits are exclusive to each Tenno(so no double Excaliburs in this universe).

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More to come!

My DeviantArt Account:


We're pretty deep within the Broken Free Comic now, so I'll need some feedback on what the focus of the next comic should be when this one finishes. I have a general plan for when I'll introduce certain Warframes and characters into the story but for now, I'd like to release my next comic with a focus on a character that you guys find the most interesting.

PLEASE. Only decide on a topic, don't give me suggestions on a basis for the story. I'd hate to be accused of stealing another person's idea.

Here are the current topics I'm ready to start writing on:

-Awakened: Comic focused around Mag, Volt, and Excalibur after they all awaken from cryo-sleep.

-Prototype: Focus around the Jackal's assassination and its origins.

-The Chained Beast: Focus around Rhino after he awakens from cryo.

-The Gradivus Dilemma: Introduction of Alad V and Sargas Ruk and the fight to save dormant Tenno from Alad's experements.

-Tormented Dreams: Prequel to the current Valkyr comic, "Broken Free". Focusing on Valkyr's awakening and Alad V's experiments.

-The Zanuka Project: Focused around the actual assassination of Alad V. Technically a prequel to the current Valkyr Comic, "Broken Free".

-Unbound Rage: Sequel to the current Valkyr comic, "Broken Free".

-The Three: Focus around the Grustrag Three and their journey into becoming the ultimate Grineer assassins.

-Kindled Flame: Focus on Ember after her awakening.

-Hellfire: Assassination of Sargas Ruk.

-Crusade: Focus on Oberon after his awakening.

-Isolation: Focus on Vauban after his awakening.

-Ruined World: Focus on Hydroid after his awakening.

-Worship: Focus around Nyx in her dormancy.

Woah woah woah, cool comic. Although one COMIC-BREAKING detail, Jupiter is gas, Alad V. would not have had any "impact", he simply would have fallen until he got crushed to the size of a pea in the center of Jupiter.

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