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What People Forget About The Zanuka.

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I just kind of assumed they took the tenno bits that allowed warframes to be powered, put 'em in the head or something, and probably sold the rest as spare organs for corpus soldiers. The corpus aren't nice, nor are they really the brightest when it comes to tenno. Just ask Valkyr.

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Zanuka isn't as big as that drawing implies. Honestly, if there is a "corpse" inside of it, it would probably have been reduced to the organ system level.


I think he's big enough to fit most of a tenno. Alad V's lines imply that it's not a whole tenno in there, just tenno parts rearranged and augmented.



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Tenno Zanukapede


As of right now, it's Schrodingers Zanuka.

I like you.


And so far this is all speculation, even about the Stalker.


Although my speculation is that being a Guardian is all you need to be to operate a Warframe. Tenno were High guardians, whatever the Stalker is is was part of the Low Guardians. Guardians and Orokin were cool, then something happened between Orokin and Tenno, Orokin aren't here anymore, now the last remaining Low Guardian(s) and the Tenno aint coo no more. I think the Low Guardians were High Guardians in progress and all had basic, identical Warframes with no abilities. Stalker has been keeping him or her self(s) alive long enough to be as good as any Tenno and emulate our abilities. But we're still able to kick Stalker's ancient @$$ because we have experience from killing S#&$ in droves.

And Zanuka is another robot.


Edit: For some reason I didn't notice there were 2 other pages. This was just for the first page.

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Eh its not so bad. When you die, your body becomes a resource. This is true even today in research and medical fields. 

It's actually possible to keep parts of your body alive after your death and even have them function, which is what organ transplants are all about.


The Zanuka proxy likely keeps the muscles in functioning condition while controlling them through Alad's suit signals. Any Tenno inside it is already dead, so the body shouldn't disturb you :) 


Dead bodies as resources take a little bit of getting used to is all. But once you've held a heart in your hand (or perhaps a kidney or a spleen, tbh kidneys are cooler), as long as its clean and has no risk of transmitting disease, it's nothing to be afraid of. 

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Eh its not so bad. When you die, your body becomes a resource. This is true even today in research and medical fields. 

It's actually possible to keep parts of your body alive after your death and even have them function, which is what organ transplants are all about.


The Zanuka proxy likely keeps the muscles in functioning condition while controlling them through Alad's suit signals. Any Tenno inside it is already dead, so the body shouldn't disturb you :) 


Dead bodies as resources take a little bit of getting used to is all. But once you've held a heart in your hand (or perhaps a kidney or a spleen, tbh kidneys are cooler), as long as its clean and has no risk of transmitting disease, it's nothing to be afraid of.

I'm fairly certain the fact alone that your dead friend is stitched back together and wired up in the dogbot next to you would be disturbing to most people.

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I'm fairly certain the fact alone that your dead friend is stitched back together and wired up in the dogbot next to you would be disturbing to most people.

Well I didn't know him personally. He's just someone who just happened to be the same race as me and is fighting against me now, and so must die. Its nothing big. What's more, he's probably doing so against what he would have wanted, so killing him would be the more humane thing to do and grant you peace of mind. 

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Source plz!


Vor's Monologue at the end of the Arid Fear makes mention of "Reactive Dissolution" hindering his attempts at studying the Warframes.  Dissolution is another way of saying "Dissolving".


I dunno.  Maybe.

I just think it'd be more #*($%%@ up to just have a Tenno corpse sitting in there.


I think it's worse if it's just a limbless body with prosthetics for mobility. Friendly reminder: Zanuka uses the same animation rig as an Infested Charger.

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Well I didn't know him personally. He's just someone who just happened to be the same race as me and is fighting against me now, and so must die. Its nothing big. What's more, he's probably doing so against what he would have wanted, so killing him would be the more humane thing to do and grant you peace of mind. 


I'm more referring to the sickos that want one of them as a pet. /shudder

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I'm fairly certain the fact alone that your dead friend is stitched back together and wired up in the dogbot next to you would be disturbing to most people.


Not to mention Lotus makes it clear that she (and likely the Tenno by association, given how far back the two have a history) take MASSIVE issue with other people trying to claim the Tenno powers as theirs. Think of the Tenno, to use a HILARIOUS analogy, as Tumblr and the Tenno Powers as Cultural Appropriation.

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what people are basicly saying:
The warframes are conduits for the Tenno to focus their power through, so without the Tenno, A warframe is just a piece of metal or whatever.


Assuming there is a Tenno corpse inside Zanuka to make it work..
maybe, Alad V doesnt control the Warframe around the Corpse but the Corpse within the Warframe..

manipulating the brain of the dead Tenno through electrical currents and thus simulating regular brain signals.


Valkyr proves that brainwashing or mind control doesn't work. but if the Tenno is dead, they can't fight back..
basicly making Zanuka a zombie controlled through signals given by Alad V..

Just a theory, but let me know what you think

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what people are basicly saying:

The warframes are conduits for the Tenno to focus their power through, so without the Tenno, A warframe is just a piece of metal or whatever.


Assuming there is a Tenno corpse inside Zanuka to make it work..

maybe, Alad V doesnt control the Warframe around the Corpse but the Corpse within the Warframe..

manipulating the brain of the dead Tenno through electrical currents and thus simulating regular brain signals.


Valkyr proves that brainwashing or mind control doesn't work. but if the Tenno is dead, they can't fight back..

basicly making Zanuka a zombie controlled through signals given by Alad V..

Just a theory, but let me know what you think


Indeed, I think that's the general consensus for the majority of people here - Zanuka as this sort of Frankenstein's Monster-esq creature controlled by Alad V. It's actually rather tragic, or, as Kaiser put it:



The feelings.


The feelings indeed, brother.

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