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Where Does Warframe's Appeal Come From ?


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Visually appealing style, nice flowing combat, fun playing with friends. The fact it doesn't have to be a huge time consumer if you're careful. You can easily jump in and out, play a few rounds or play a few hours and have fun. As mentioned here, it's something that has potential to be even more awesome with time and development.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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Free to play + free to win + space + ninjas + guns + swords. Nuff said.


I also like the fact that the devs are very close to the community, which is pretty rare.

Edited by -JHL-
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The aesthetic is a very strong reason. The art is just so amazing compared to many competing games. The surreal look of the background, the enemies, and the tenno themselves is just very cool (and very Moorcock, for those that have read the History of the Runestaff).


The gameplay is also a draw. Just such sheer visceral (in several senses of the word) mayhem is a strong attraction. A big draw for me was it was similar to ME3 MP which I enjoyed a great deal, but also so much more and with far more ambitious goals in movement and maps.


Curiosity. I have to know how all this turns out. The surreal nature of the game combined with such little immediate backstory keeps you coming back to see what might happen next. Like most, the lack of story is a bit frustrating to me, but it also fires the curiosity and the near constant stream of new stuff is a strong draw.


Lastly, the dev team. The strong feedback to the community is another attraction. I started watching devstreams and primetimes just for the hell of it and got hooked on those about as strongly as the game itself.

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I could make a list of things I like and don´t like about the game, but I think there is this intangible something I can´t put my finger on that keeps me coming back and wanting more.

I hope this doesn´t change anytime soon.

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The Art-style, the level design, the free-flowing physical feel of combat, and most importantly the freedom of movement given by the parkour and sliding-momentum system. This game feels like the ninja-mecha simulator I never knew I needed. Other shooters just feel like I'm using hollow cardboard cutouts to play a prettied-up laser tag. In Warframe I really feel like I'm operating an extension of my volition within a virtual environment.

Edited by Ryjeon
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