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August 8Th: Community Hot Topics!


Community Hot Topics August 8th  

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How exactly does people actually requiring plat in order to trade keep DE from getting revenue? I'd imagine there are more plat purchases being made since that came into play.


I know very few players who purchase plat to use in trades. Plat purchases are generally used (from my experience) for purchasing hard to farm resources (looking at you neural sensors) or those rare darvos deals. The hardcore players farm mods and prime parts and sell those for plat. Plat already purchased, which means no addtional revenue for DE.


As I said, I know I am going to get grief for suggesting that, so let us just agree to disagree.

Edited by (PS4)Zelgorath
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I know very few players who purchase plat to use in trades. Plat purchases are generally used (from my experience) for purchasing hard to farm resources (looking at you neural sensors) or those rare darvos deals. The hardcore players farm mods and prime parts and sell those for plat. Plat already purchased, which means no addtional revenue for DE.


As I said, I know I am going to get grief for suggesting that, so let us just agree to disagree.



Well no that doesn't really work. When you're presenting an argument like "we need to remove plat from trading" that has to be based on something more than the fact that you think it MIGHT be cutting into DE's profits.

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Vote to Kick is a Pandora's box.


It could easily be used by trolls, even if there are legitimate uses for a VtK system.


What we REALLY need, is a better Player Reporting system. If a player gets a lot of reports, then maybe the player should be looked at closely and maybe action be taken against them, instead of a VtK system that can be abused.


Sure, you won't get IMMEDIATE results, but if AFKers/griefers start getting punished more often, then fewer people will do it and there won't be the need to VtK.


I agree with this. I think the VtK system would be a band-aid on the actual problem like treating the symptoms and not the disease. I voted against VtK even though I supported it before. I changed my mind because after reading a number of threads in support of it, I saw there were a lot of players who wanted to remove "inexperienced" players from their squad, not more legitimate (IMO) reasons such as griefers and AFKers.


I think the best solution I read was someone AFK for 2 minutes gets flagged and is eligible for being kicked. It doesn't happen automatically since one could conceivably be in a friends/clan only team and know that person has/needed to go AFK for whatever reason. For griefers, we simply need a right-click report option in squad chat. Our ignore lists should also be able to double as blacklists to remove a player from matchmaking. Additionally, I'd like to be able to review my ignore/black list (something I don't know if it is possible now) and to be able to see when I added a person.


For the other items-


Kubrow removal: As much as I like the new quest system, please, let's not apply it to everything going forward. We don't need to quest to remove anything else from our arsenal, so why should kubrows be any different? The options to be able to donate it to the clan or alliance for DS defense is reasonable, additionally, one should be able to sell their pet to other players but at the cost of loyalty. The sold pet's loyalty would need to be built up by the new owner since they'd have the convince of receiving a cub/adult kubrow and bypassed the "bonding phase" of raising it from the start. I get that DE wanted players to become attached to kubrows, and some players are... but some aren't, so lastly, if someone wanted to simply remove the kubrow and not sell, donate, or trade it, they should be able to sell it for credits just like they would anything else in their arsenal.


We need better trading and I support a trading board more than a straight-up auction house. Of course the concept of an "auction house" is broad, so I'd like more detail around implementation. Ideally, it would be somewhere players could post their wares and state a payment option. For example, I could post that I'm selling a Rhino Prime Blueprint  for 20p or an Ember Prime Blueprint. In other words, I'd have the option to specify what I want for said item. If it doesn't work like a trading board, then the Trading channel itself could fill that role with the "auction house" existing for simple item for platinum trades.


Anarchy Online had an interesting trade mechanic where one could post a limited number of their wares in a personal kiosk and cost but the name of the seller was also available so if a buyer wanted to contact the seller they could. My thought is just to keep a means of communication open so it doesn't become a wholly impersonal system where people are just trying to undercut each other and everything ends up selling for 1platnum and the system is eventually abandoned.


Friendship doors behaving like the Suspicious Shipment doors would probably solve most problems rushers and non-rushers have. Just put a slight delay (no more than 30 seconds) for hacking the door if it's not a solo run. The hack would attract enemies on the map who are in range, thus increasing the challenge and balancing out the option to move ahead without the rest of the squad. The "rusher" would basically be able to clear the way for the rest of the squad so it's not seen as a completely selfish act.


Oberon's abilities could be reworked to fill the hole of there being no solid buff frame. Frames that give buffs in general only have one, and none of them remove procs. I think this is where Oberon could shine, with Ground healing allies as it damages enemies, and Renewal providing a limited health or defense buff.


I think the Mastery Test wait is too long. I could see it being 1-4 hours and still have the same effect of making passing the test a reward in and of itself, but there really is no point to the wait being more than an hour or so. Perhaps as one person suggested, the challenge can increase for that day for each time it's taken, or the delay can increase (IE: first failure, it's 30min wait, next an hour, etc), but the delay should be reset when the sever is reset (new login rewards/revivals given).

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Personally I don't think mastery tests should have a cool down, but I'm fine with it having one.  If no other change is made to the way mastery tests are done, changing from a 24-hour cool down to a 20-hour cool down would make a huge difference in terms of the grief it causes.   I've been through this 16 times and one of the most common annoyances to me was that taking the test at the end of your play period causes an additional 24 hour delay (so like 2 days).  Consider this, for me, common scenario:


1. You grind those last points for several hours.  It's 3 am and you have to get to sleep.  You stayed up too late already.

2. You take the test, because hey, why else did you spend all that time on it?  You want the reward.

3. You fail because of whatever.

4. The next night, your entire normal play period passes without you being able to retake the test.

5. The night after you can finally take the test again, 40+ hours after the first failure.


If the cool down is just 20 hours instead, that still forces about a day's worth of play time between tests but removes the massive annoyance of a late first test causing an additional day's delay.

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Removing kubrows would be kinder if you could just sent them to something like an adoption center where players could adopt kubrows left there for credits or something like that. Just clicking and forgetting about that kubrow because you didn't like its color/pattern/build or type seems cruel to me. Then again most players in this game just care about patterns and ways to get more plat without paying a cent.

I agree cause really? Leaving a kubrow die to death...
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Vote kick system. Perhaps just add it to lobby and not in-mission. Or allow for AFKers who do nothing the entire match (no damage/heals)


AH- currency is an evolution in economics. The barter system is a little outdated. Trade channel is a mess and really wastes a lot of time that could be used playing missions or not using eyedrops from walls of text. The trade channel could still be used for real trades and not buy/sell actions.


Hallowed Ground - A radial area + slowdown or radiation proc effect or a heal over time effect for the entire duration. You can then change renewal to a cancel debuff/poison or toxin/DoT/negative effect/knockdown immunity.

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Alright, I'm going to add my two cents to the kubrow discussion of 'remove' option. Hopefully someone sees this as I don't think it has been discussed yet.


First off, as one of the many kubrow breeders around, one of the problems we have faced is getting rid of 'mid stage' kubrows that we use for mixing. Because of the non existent option to remove kubrows, we have thus been forced to buy many slots. I'm not asking for a refund for those of us with a ridiculous number of slots as we knew what we were getting into... but some consideration should be observed.



Now, for the alternate option for kubrows. I feel like this is the easiest to implement compared to everyone else wanting to see their kubrows at a later time (say making a specific room in the dojo). Simply apply an option to permanently put the kubrow in stasis (keep the information about not being able to reprint them if they have been reprinted twice already). You can trade this stasis item to others who may just want the kubrow, (yay pokemon style trading). In addition, you have the option to donate the kubrows, at a later time if the devs decide to include this, to your dark sector defense. More importantly, could also add in the option to place these items in the clan dojo as a hologram style of statue. The statues could flip through kubrows that have been stored, but should be able to give the original player the kubrow back if they want it (say after a couple days), this could also be where to store the kubrows that are placed in clan for dark sector defense. The statues would serve as a way to remove kubrows from inventory, as well as a way to see them again, and a way to spruce up your dojo (you could turn the statue room into a room showing off breeding skills too!)


Edited by Oruyai
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I would just like to say to those who say vote kick could be added to lobby or host only (or both) would not solve anything, and while it would limit the problem it would still create it.

In the lobby they can just decide they do not 'like' the loadout or rank and just kick the player, and of host only.... well nothing guarantees the host will be one of those trolls/idiots we keep talking about.

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I would just like to say to those who say vote kick could be added to lobby or host only (or both) would not solve anything, and while it would limit the problem it would still create it.

In the lobby they can just decide they do not 'like' the loadout or rank and just kick the player, and of host only.... well nothing guarantees the host will be one of those trolls/idiots we keep talking about.

I don't feel the host of a public lobby should be allowed to kick, but I think it would be perfect for invite-only.  I believe key hosts especially have every right to remove unwanted players.


Vote kick for public lobbies, even though I said I was for it previously, would be bad.  So I have to take that comment back.  I can imagine some players will gang up on others for not having a desirable frame or some such thing, which is the kind of thing that shouldn't be allowed in a place where players are supposed to be able to join and play freely.


I just do not want to see a session vote-kick because it would be incredibly scummy to kick someone after 30 waves of defense.  Perhaps a session prompt that pops up if a player is AFK for a period of time, appearing in the same space as alerts and allowing you to vote when you open the menu.

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Voted yes to the auction house without actually thinking about the implications of the term.  I'm fairly certain that most people don't want an auction house.  They want some where they can do asynchronous trades.  IE list an item and then give options for what you're willing to trade and allow people to make offers.

I was wondering/hoping if they would do it like that and not an actual place to go to. As someone who doesn't trade much because of my internet connection, having a auction house at a player hub could maybe make it worse.

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so after finishing the poll, i answered maybe on the vote kick option, and here is why. if someone is AFK, sure, kick them, but if you are trying to run kappa, and a mastery rank 2 joins your game, you should not be able to kick them. so, i suggest that vote kick is only an option in a full 4 person squad, and said person has to have been stationary for a given amount of time, say 2 minutes. the timer on the vote is about 30 seconds to 1 minute, and if a majority votes against the person, he or she is kicked, and a spot opens up in the squad

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I was wondering/hoping if they would do it like that and not an actual place to go to. As someone who doesn't trade much because of my internet connection, having a auction house at a player hub could maybe make it worse.


Why not have both? Something to do exploring a hub...but also have the convenience of accessing it through Ordis on one of his consoles, or through the Escape menu...

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Hallowed Ground & Renewal


Hallowed Ground should absolutely focus on utility. People have been wondering from day one why it didn't even have, for instance, a slowdown effect on enemies.


Renewal's problem isn't that it's 'slow' per say, it's that it heals only 200 health (max rank, unmodified), which is far too low even after mods. It also cuts out if you take damage and stops healing when you reach max health, meaning, yeah, it's too situational, only usable for healing between battles and useless in the thick of fighting. Renewal will never, and should never, replace Blessing but it would take the edge off Health damage in the midst of battle wonderfully if it would only persist.

Really? I think Renewal is fine. 200 health before mods is a darn good number, after mods it gets about 500 health. If you mod for shields(which you should do on every frame except for Valkyr) then that's literally ALL your health. He's not meant to be a total healer, otherwise Trinity would be useless. He's meant to keep you alive long enough so you can escape whatever's killing you.

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I know very few players who purchase plat to use in trades. Plat purchases are generally used (from my experience) for purchasing hard to farm resources (looking at you neural sensors) or those rare darvos deals. The hardcore players farm mods and prime parts and sell those for plat. Plat already purchased, which means no addtional revenue for DE.


As I said, I know I am going to get grief for suggesting that, so let us just agree to disagree.

Typically plat is bought by beginner players for cosmetic items, like color palettes. Once they got more indoctrinated into the game, and get some rare mods/prime parts/extraordinarily expensive Kubrows then they can trade and can make enough plat on their own(usually).

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Really? I think Renewal is fine. 200 health before mods is a darn good number, after mods it gets about 500 health. If you mod for shields(which you should do on every frame except for Valkyr) then that's literally ALL your health. He's not meant to be a total healer, otherwise Trinity would be useless. He's meant to keep you alive long enough so you can escape whatever's killing you.

Modding for Shields on Oberon is totally ignoring his higher than average Health and how well that synergises with Rage.

Plus, 'after modding' gives you 500 health? You're talking +150% power strength, which needs a really high Blind Rage Mod and means he's extremely inefficient with energy. You could equip Fleeting Expertise, but then it takes even longer for Renewal to give you that 500 health.

Renewal is never going to replace Blessing, but it still should be comparable in some way. Trinity has more tricks up her sleeve - energy regeneration and shield restoration are other reasons to run with her, very good reasons. Renewal being able to heal most frames up to full over the course of 6 to 10 seconds isn't going to make her obsolete. Right now it can't even save you from what's currently killing you because the low base heal makes for poor Heal over Time.

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Re: Mastery Test wait time:

I think that the wait time on failure should scale with the level of mastery to be attained. For beginning players, having content gated like that sucks when they fail a test. For the first test, something like an hour would be fine, with it increasing as the rank gets higher. For ranks that don't gate content anymore, i.e. 8+ if I'm not mistaken, those should progressively get a lot harder, and I think even a wait time of multiple days should be fine. High mastery ranks could be a great prestige thing, if the tests themselves are well-designed and difficult enough to not allow for "I win"-buttons. Right now the high-end mastery grind is both boring and trivial.

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I feel a Vote to Kick option should only be available in a player has been inactive in a specific area(like a 2 meter radios) for a specific amount of time, also if that player has been continuaouly moving in the same direction or twirling in a circle for, again a specific amount of time. 


Also a Kubrow remove quests would add more content, and a fun/heart wrenching experience. that makes the player question their morals or lack there of. 


Only issue with the kubros quest is i have 3 huras kubros. I dont realy want to have to do a quest to get rid of every one. Perhaps a quest to unlock the feature for releasing them?

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Been thinking of the vote kick thing: Maybe put it on a timer. If a player is inactive for x minutes in a defense type group (or never leaves spawn), they get disconnected/ or automatically booted after wave 5. Here's to those that aren't truly away from the game, just never leave the spawn area as to NOT help with battle and reap rewards. As fun of a thought as it is to bring enemies to them, most times it is just not practical. 

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What is your opinion about mastery tests on PS4? -


I would just like to point out that i think a VAST majority of folks that actually come onto these forums are PC players, might be best to poll this in some sort of ingame form, like a small one time pop up and if you decide to answer later grab it from the menu.


What is your opinion on the wait time between failed mastery tests? -


To long - my friend tryed a mastery test after joining the game very recently then the game frozze up for a few seconds during the test and when it came back he had died and he had to wait a full 24 hours again.... needless to say he was somewhat put off the game after that.


Doors that require 2 players to unlock -


Keep them - They may not be a sure fire way to stop folks rushing WAY WAY off ahead to kill a boss and reach the end before you get to the boss to collect the loot and then the mission ends automatically before you get to pick up the loot ya came for but it does help a vast majority of the time, the rushers, for me at least. are a minority and the door helps significantly though i believe can be removed from solo play as suggest somewhere else in this thread. i might DARE suggest even trying out some doors that require the full team to be at to unlock, for boss nodes just before you get to a boss, to make sure everyone gets a chance to do something and to loot it.


Do you think the option to "Vote to Kick" is a good idea?


I have to say I'm somewhat on the fence for this one, while i believe that there are indeed quite a few situations where i wish there was indeed a vote to kick around, i can very much see some rather unsavory abuse of this feature from the "Elitist" crew who will snap at you and want you out at the slightest mistake that you make.


What do you think should be Hallowed Ground's primary purpose?


Utility - not going to lie, Im one of those who saw the ability and instantly thought it was an area on the ground where you would regenerate health and get a get some sort of defense buff from being on it, and i still believe that's that direction it should go, atm i believe its very very weak in its current state.


Oberon's renewal ability is...


Not fast enough to counteract the Toxic Osprays  which is what i had initially hoped the ability would shine at, needs buffing for sure.

Edited by uppertiggy
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The double doors are perfectly fine and if someone doesn't like them he is a rusher. It only bugs me that they seem to be placed randomly. Would make more sense if they were always closer to the objective, as if entering a higher security area.

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