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August 8Th: Community Hot Topics!


Community Hot Topics August 8th  

2,131 members have voted

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Releasing/Removing Unwanted Kubrow:


It should be a quest!

And it should be one of the hardest quests EVER!!!!


It should be that Tenno are trying to setup an area as a Kubrow reserve but the Grineer found it and they are now destroying it. Or they are trying to capture these kubs to be brainwashed into servitude.


It should be some sort of extermination mission where you must kill all enemies before the Grineer destroy three "master dens" where kubrow pack leaders live. The mission has a timer and at specific times in the countdown a certain group of Grineer Support troops spawn to put more pressure on the players.




At the end you should have a special animation where you take off the collar and your kubrow walks toward a group of released Kubrows , they welcome him and when he turns back around to see you one last time...... you are already gone. Like a ninja.......




Mastery Tests on PS4:
Dont play PS4

Doors that require 2 players to unlock
Since i started leveling my second frame i have been asking for the ability to pick certain grouping options when you select a mission to separate the people that want to play in different ways, so the people that want to play in a specific way end up together most of the time. Have the option to pick -ranking up- -rushing- -farming- before a mission should have been in the game for a loooooooooooong time. One of the worst things one can experience in this game is a players ranking up his stuff playing level appropriate missions and then some max rank super forma dude joins a game, flies though the mission, then complains at the extract that people are taking too long. I really do not understand why people like this join public games. This is even worst for new players. Having to tell a new player that this dude has max rank stuff and this is why the boss died in two hits is not something that we should be doing.
The reason i wrote that paragraph is because i didnt even know this was a thing. The fact that this is the first thread i've seen about it and you folks decided to make it a hot topic means you are considering it a lot. PLEASE, PLEEEEAAASEEEEE... give us the option to group with the people we want to play. Why are rushers getting top priority here? You took out zapper balls, you reverse stamina, you took out broken lights and put out arc traps which rushers can ignore... what's the deal here with rushers?
I say leave the door, if the rushers are going to fly through the stages then play alone. Playing alone does not require other players you need to wait for. If you are going to change them then throw a bone to other players, SPECIALLY NEW PLAYERS. Give us the option to pick specific grouping.
Vote to Kick
This needs to be added because ... heh, because of two player doors. Some times people just load up a map and leave and if you end up alone with that player you are not able to open the doors. You fail by leaving the mission but the dude is just chilling at the start with no problems waiting for other people to finish the mission.
If dont want abuse then make it an idle thing. If a player doesnt move for a full minute then the option to kick comes in.


Trading Posts/Auction Houses
This is for ease of use more than anything. Not everyone has the patience of sitting in chat promoting their stuff over and over.
But it should have some sort of tax so it isnt exploited.
I would suggest a plat tax but people will flip out about that. So maybe it should have a high cred tax.
Oberon: Hallowed Ground
It should be utility since DMG basically becomes useless at higher levels and people seem to have trouble inventively using it now that it's a damaging ability. Number counters seem to destroy imagination.

Oberon: Renewal
Renewal is fine, it's not the main heal ability, the main heal ability is the 4th. One health orb per kill is a whole bunch of health so the other healing ability does not need to be as good. And what's this situational thing? If there arent a bunch of people around and there's a need for healing then you use it. That's the situation where you use it, it complements the 4th ability.

What is your opinion on the wait time between failed mastery tests?


The main problem with the test, the last time i took one, was that nothing is explained about what the test is so the first time will likely end up as a fail for several test. The actual one day delay i think it's good because it makes me think why i failed and what i need to do to pass it. If you shorten the delay people will just try to storm through again and again without actually learning anything.


And, btw, can we get those difficult hacking test added to the pluto area missions? It's a total waste for those things to be made and not used anywhere.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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I have made posts about Hallowed Ground and Reckoning before. I have to agree with Varzy's posts.



Deals a slow proc on enemies according to level. Has a high chance to proc radiation or something that generally CCs. Also aggros enemies to it.

Heals status procs for players standing on it. Maybe make it like World on fire? IDK its your game DE LTD



I don't remember who posted this idea but it was named Aegis which means it upgrades armor to alloy and shields to proto shields. It also persists or does some kind of overshield if it caps your health similar to the shield ospreys. Also, health healed is proportionate to warframe health and icreases with level plus the current health healing. Also, heals  EVERYTHING from invasion allies to specters to sentinels to shadows to mind controlled units :D

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I voted the "Explanation" option for Vote Kick poll and the Friendship Door (FD) poll. Here are my thoughts.


Vote kick:


I think that a vote kick could be very useful in giving us a tool to get rid of AFK'ers who might take up a slot that an otherwise active player could be taking. However, it can easily be abused by people in the typical clique-y ways that many of us have probably seen pop up in other games with a similar feature (i.e., you show up to a game, possibly after a long load time, and are kicked immediately for reasons that don't pertain to the game / elitist tendencies in the other players).




The FD's work, from a lore perspective. They're not supposed to be "Rush blockers". They're supposed to be "Security Walls". They're made to prevent access to an area by a single individual, kind of like how every nuke in the old spy movies always required two guys with two keys to activate it. The problem is, that's not actually how they work. As it is, they're just a very jarring, very flimsy kind of roadblock meant to try and slow down rushers and make things fairer for the slower players who might not have had time to access the same mod setup / map knowledge.

They need to be changed so that they have a bit more substance to them, A bit more meaning in the warframe world at large. One way this could be accomplished is to maybe incorporate a kind of mini-event with them, where perhaps you have to find, kill, and slice the arm off of a unit that spawns near a security door, and use the limb to bypass security? Since it involves gameplay, it should serve as a way to stall whatever player gets there first while at the same time giving them something to do while the other players work to catch up. This may not be the best option, but I do feel that a change would be better than outright removal, especially since they make sense from a lore point of view.

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I won't let Torid go DE. Not this time.


After a frame or weapon is "fixed." regardless of the nature of the fix, it will not be fixed again for some time. Why? Players must give this new change a "chance." Feedback has little effect after a fix because the new change has not been properly tried. (The backlash is a reflex of the community, they must give it time then provide feedback)  In theory, feedback is taken into consideration prior to fixing.




Edited by Seanjuju
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I think giving players the ability to sell/trade their Kubrow or leave it at a Kubrow shelter where other players can pay an inflated price to obtain them is a better alternative to ejecting them into space/disintegrating them with one click of a button.

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What is your opinion on doors that require multiple players to unlock?


This is too much of a feature to stop the rushers, when rushers should not be the problem, the lack of new/fresh content and repetition is what makes ppl rush.

In other words, if I have to repeat a mission for the 100th time, I would prefer to do it quickly.






Do you think the option to "Vote to Kick" is a good idea?


People voting yes... this is gonna end very baldly.

Why cant the game auto-detect lechers? Or punish players that are idle for more then x-minuts, by removing all rewards of that mission, or simple auto-kicking them from the squad.




And arc traps? how is that a taboo... trash arc traps!

Edited by 7grims
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I think with the Auction house a player should be limited to 3 items per mastery rank. SImilar to the max amount of trades a player can do in a dojo (3 items per trade)  This or make it 1 item per mastery rank or just add a trade tax to place an item into the auction house. 


I also think that the items put in should reset daily (and by reset i mean all items you posted should be placed back in your inventory) so that way people can't just spam a million things right before daily rewards and them put in another hundred things. (to keep it from getting to crowded) 


I also suggest keeping the trading kiosk in the dojo so that way you can continue to do private trades as well. (the amount will go down based on how many public items you posted as well.) 


I also suggest a small fee to post your items onto the list. 

If the player is online you should have an option to negotiate with that player that looks like;      Buy Now :(if online) Barter/Negotiate 


I suggest keeping the items to be traded similar to what you can do in the kiosk, NO TRADING of exclusive items like skana prime, syndana's, armor etc... 



AS far as the vote to kick option. 


There should be a timer for how long you are not moving (excludes if you shoot or using powers) 

If this timer passes a certain time (1 minute) then the other players should have the ability to kick. 


Also in a lobby it should be impossible to kick any player under mastery rank 2 (to prevent elitist from refusing to play with others) ((Only exception is if the kick que is started by another player rank 2 or below)) 


Players who are kicked should receive only the resources and credits that they have earned up to that point. (receive no exp) 


Also players in any mission except survival, Defense, or interceptions should only have a first 5 minute kick option. So they can only be kicked within the first 5 minutes of a mission. Anything after that, they cannot be kicked. 

IN defense, survival, and interception they may be kicked at any time as long as they have been inactive for a set amount of time (one minute) 


With the AFK timer it should show how long its been since they have moved placed somewhere on the UI (possibly near the player list on the right side of screen) 




Oberon's Hallowed ground should be utility/offense.  - I suggest that while a player is standing on top of the hallowed ground he should receive a damage resistance buff based on how long the player, or players have been standing on the carpet. for every second they receive 1% extra damage resistance (unaffected by any mods) only duration can help this by having the carpet out longer. The effect is cumulative so if 4 players are on top of the carpet the damage resistance goes up by 4%. 

The resistance should only go up to 75% maximum. 


Oberon's Renewal should be instant heal once the orb reaches the player. (have the amount healed based on power strength) The distance between the players should decrease how much is healed by some percentage based on every 20m. 

Edited by zebar1313
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I answered a couple questions in the poll with 'Other / see explanation below', so here are my full answers for those.


Vote to Kick option

As mentioned, this could be easily abused if left uncontrolled.  The simple solution, then, is to control it.  Only allow the option to kick a player once that player has done something worth being kicked for.  This includes being inactive for a set duration of time, using racial slurs in squad chat, etc.  Once a player has met one of the conditions, the option to kick that player will be provided to that player's teammates.


Doors that Involve Multiple Players

While AFKers make this a problem, if combined with the solution above (which allows teammates to kick AFKers) that problem is basically solved.  The only issue then is non-standard doors that involve multiple players (i.e. Orokin Vaults).  For those, simply allow a player to equip more than one dragon key (up to the maximum of 4), but only when the matchmaking is set to Solo.  Voila!  You've allowed solo players to do vault runs based on skill (instead of luck), and running with a group of 4 is still heavily incentivized.

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Do you think the option to "Vote to Kick" is a good idea?

People voting yes... this is gonna end very baldly.

Why cant the game auto-detect lechers? Or punish players that are idle for more then x-minuts, by removing all rewards of that mission, or simple auto-kicking them from the squad.

Wasn't it supposed to do that already?

In any case, I'd say that a lot of the people (if you check most 'add votekick' threads) are bitter on personal experiences and seem to forget to look at the big picture overall, they seem to forget how easily it can be abused, how it is a legitimate concern and just want to kick people they don't want in. I see some individuals that see the feature as necesary but also see the dangers it poses to which I am thankful for, but a lot more people really need to think of it and look at the big picture and try to think of every situation that it could be used in and how.

Also (not to you, grim), 'votekick is the solution needed for frienship doors'? That's a load of nonsense.

Edited by RahuStalker
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A simple "Vote to Kick" Option would be the bane of the game, but I would support a vote to kick players that have AFK'ed for a significant period of time. It wouldn't stop all potential griefers, but it would require that griefers actually work for their self gratification.

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And, btw, can we get those difficult hacking test added to the pluto area missions? It's a total waste for those things to be made and not used anywhere.

this x 50! They need to be somewhere atleast besides the mastery test!

Edit: didnt mean to quote your whole post at first, still getting used to this new tablet! Sry!

Edited by (PS4)Crackle2012
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The subject of releasing Kubrow is the only real thing I feel I had to comment on. I don't think players should be guilted into leaving their Kubrow behind somewhere, or killing them, as there's a clear RNG and breeding system in place that encourages the deletion and movement of Kubrow. Either a one click and done, or something "humane", like the mentioned "Sanctuaries" in the thread would support this system. 


If we had to do a quest line, I would propose that it's a quest to prepare the Kubrow for other duties, like protecting colonists (a quest to train them in proper combat to protect them, shifting their loyalties to the ship they're stationed on) or revitalizing the Kubrow bloodlines of feral packs to breed a less hostile species. That quest might involve developing some sort of device to keep their DNA stable in the wild, but would release them from their loyalties. 


I love the Kubrow system and I want to keep utilizing it, but having to pay real money each time to buy another stasis slot hinders the intention of a fun, new pet mechanic. 

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Do you think the option to "Vote to Kick" is a good idea?



It's undeniable that a kick or vote kick can be abused, but a vote creates turmoil and distraction that no one wants and requires attention no one gives. Community standards are built by leaders, not by players who don't give two skate droppings that are pressing Y/N to get the vote off their screen.


Please do not implement vote kicking to try and seem reasonable. It's too little to get a real effect and it'll just put the issue back onto the back burner again. We need REAL group tools so that people interested in running REAL groups can set REAL standards over time. A year from now with vote kicking, you'll just have people having the same old arguments they do now. A year from now with hosting with a kick button those arguments will be dead because everyone will know that if they rush the boss and leave behind a noob who's asking them to wait, or whatever else, they will get kicked regardless of their convoluted forum arguments and the behavior will be curbed. 


Kick voting is a crap shoot, and that crap shoot turns into mental wriggle room where people can rationalize within. I've watched it happen over and over again for years. If they can argue, they will argue forever that they should be allowed to do whatever they were doing to begin with and no standards will form. Random people do NOT want to be drafted into being admins that watch other players. Leaders want to set standards that can't be argued with. Regular players want to join games and have a good game without feeling like they pulled jury duty. Kick Voting bothers everyone and accomplishes too little.

Edited by VKhaun
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"friendship doors"

The issue is more that this is a symptom of a greater issuse in that there is no incentive not to rush or for players to stick togeather.  Most missions can be done solo and the difficuilty isnt that much different when you have a full squad (thus much easier).  I dont think removing them is the answer however.  As others have said and the post mentions that players once having it open just continue to rush.

Stop gap options:

- Prehaps the doors sould only open if you have the majority of players near the doors, in that 2 players need to be at the doors for 2 or 3 player mode while 3 players need to be at the doors for 4 players (extraction could use the same factor).  This way it truely is the majority of the group deciding the style of the mission.

- doors needing the 2 panels hacked, rather than simultaneous triggering or even after having been hacked needing simultaneous hacking.


Vote to kick

This is some what needed though is prone to abuse. 

1. Prehaps having an afk timer automatically triggering it (this doesnt help with griefers though, but best option for idles, though can be gotten around by certain movement macros). This would be my mode of prefrence though, with unanmous voting.

2. Likely a better option is having a vote system where whoever asks for the vote to kick (kick instigator) is also up for kicking.  So you have 3 options being the kickerer, kickee, and neither.  Atleast that way if you do try and kick someone you risk getting kicked yourself (not much use for only 2 players)

3. Alternativly is having a unamous kick only in that every other player has to agree to kick someone do they get kicked.

4. A forth option is simply not counting the vote of the kick instigater, so only the other players in a group aside from the kicker and kickee can vote on it meaning you need 3 players in a group to actually kick someone.


All should have a time limit on how often you can individually call a kick vote to stop vote spam too.


Auction House:

An auction house in the direct sence I wouldn't want to see but a market (think much like steam has) or trading post where you just list prices you want for something could go a long way.  It would be good to see it linked to dojos and clans (prehaps even alliances) in that you can list items at one price for a clan or another for a non-clan member (more useful for larger clans than smaler ones) rather than a public area one (as there is no telling how long that will be before we get public areas).

Either way the seller would have to put it up on the 'market' and not have access to it unless they end the sale.

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How are these hot topics, except Kubrows? 

They are either old, beaten to death or have obvious answers. 


-Vote-kick is abuseable  and causing even more troubles and drama. Learn from other games where it was removed for those reasons. 


-Some mastery tests are obviously too hard with gamepad (PS4) 


-Oberon and his slow and low heal and low damage (as well as problems with non-scaling damage) was discussed in 50 threads already. He should have got a buff half-year ago. 


-Simply improving ingame chat and trading forums would go a long way of making trading better. No need for auction house.


Also there is still broken buggy Mirage, a dozen of useless abilities across the board, 30-40 useless mods, huge disparity in weapons, wrong scaling of difficulty and power, utterly broken pvp, significant interface flaws.  There issues are pretty hot and affect game much more than what is listed in the topic. 

Edited by Monolake
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For the Friendship Doors, 'fine' is a bit of a misnomer. 
Fine covers both indifference and like. Most people don't notice the doors, or are only mildly inconvenienced by them. 
And most people probably won't make the distinction between the two as well, it can be subtle, as many of the posts in the topic have shown "They don't bother me, leave them". 
The door doesn't add value to the game, it can only possibly detract from the experience of some people. But it will never add to a person's experience in a meaningful way. They need improvement, or changing. All other pauses in gameplay add something to the game. Elevators can be used to break from a bad combat situation, provide a feeling of verticality to maps, provide scenic views if made partially with glass. Lockdowns are somewhat under player control to prevent, can be undone at any time under a player's control(Even if still under fire), and offer a variety in the gameplay in the form of a puzzle. 
Friendship doors do not provide any of these benefits, and their own benefits... don't exist. Their existence is purely to get rushers to stick with the group, but they fail at doing so. 
Friendship doors in coop games exist as checkpoints, which Warframe does not use. They also do keep teams together, but usually teams are moving at roughly the same pace. Warframe, pace is incredibly varied between players, playstyles, and frames, so it is harder to put a checkpoint where everyone will roughly be ready for at the same time. They also help break combat and story in to sequences at predefined locations, Warframe combat is based on random spawns, not heavily story driven, and doors are placed at random themselves. 

I'd recommend they only exist outside of mission objectives in certain game modes, Assassination/Mobile Defence/Capture. And if we need more incentive for players to stick together, perhaps an enemy security checkpoint would work? A specific map tile, with guaranteed heavy spawns in a specific pattern, with AoE cold procc turrets guarding and targetting only Tenno near the exit door unless the lockdown mini game is performed on a console on the far side of the room. It keeps things moving, it provides a unique challenge, it makes it difficult for one player to get by without extreme danger but it doesn't invalidate the pace players want to go at while providing a unique experience to deal with.

On Oberon, 
Hallowed Ground is a little small I think. I would think the first buff would be an extra meter or two on each side. Or maybe make it cross shaped as an homage to Oberon's holy hintings. If we're giving it utility being based on standing in it then giving it extra directions to work with, especially if it's getting player buffing utility, would be useful. As for utility itself, damage mitigation for players, or a damage output cutter to enemies who walk through it. It's placed right in front of Oberon, who is slow and only moderately bulky so it's not exactly feasible to run up and place it where you want it, which means player affecting utility is probably preferable to enemy affecting. As for damage, maybe the damage needs a bit of a buff, or a buff in ticks per second because they'll often run through it before taking more than two ticks and tend to flee from it after being injured by it. 

Renewal is very limitting and weak, especially for how costly it is. Slowness could be a problem, but it is a DoT it is meant to not work as fast but with benefits that make that a unique advantage. If it was cheaper, even 50 energy would do(Making it more Solo friendly too), and wouldn't quit if allies became fully healed early it would be a lot more flexible without needing to make it stronger or faster. 


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Rather than a trade post, I think there should be 'trade feeds'. People will have feeds for mods, imprints, blueprints, and parts. This would be a screen like the clan or friend screen.

Within this screen would be three sections: feed, inventory, and wishlist.

Under inventory, you select the items you wish to put up for sale, and place a price on it. The system will send an offer to the chat, for example:

UpgradeInProgress: Selling FLOW for 3p.

This would be in the corresponding chat. This would be automated and would only last as long as the trader remains in their session. Switching between ship and dojo will switch the auto chat off. Buyers cannot type into the chat;this is where feed comes in.

Feed is where you can select items from your wishlist. Here, you can find the seller of the specific thing you're looking for, without clutter. Imprints are exempt, and you can switch the Imprint feed on and off due to the fact that there are so many combinations.

In the wish list, you see an inventory with every part and mod imaginable. Imprints are exempt since there are so many possibilities. You select the mods, parts, or blueprints you would like to purchase, and this would add the items to your feed.

This prevents lowering of prices, since sellers don't know what the competition is selling for unless they're willing to clutter their feed, while buyers gain negotiating power and remove the clutter from their chat.

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I like the idea of having to go somewhere to either bump or sell or whatever your kubrow; something like go to the player hub, then go to some place/merchant and sell it. However I don't like the idea of a quest continually doing a quest every time to get rid of a kubrow wld get annoying.

I think the vote to kick is a good idea, but it would also suck to get kicked because you forgot to switch ur gear/ have a bad run.

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1. About Kubrow release


I think that a quest or quick remove button is good, but you have to take into consideration the lore behind domesticated kubrows which have their DNA constantly degenerating. Therefore, releasing in the wilds mean they will never, ever survive for long and they will die a slow death. So my suggestion is a third alternative to regular releasing (which I think should still be an option):


Kubrow Sanctuary

This will be a dojo room. The component to make this dojo room will mostly consist of Earth's flora antitoxin extract. By combining those plants together and modifying them into new seeds, the Tenno will be able to make a garden where spores are constantly released by those plants. Those "healing spores" will act like a stabilizer, but kubrows will need to stay exposed to the spores to stay healthy since it's not as strong as a single dose of DNA stabilizer.


The sanctuary will be a large room with soft ground, grass, flowers, stones and ponds for kubrow to run around, play, and swim all they want. There will even be small trees and dens so kubrow can have a small spot to rest on, or simply a high place to perch (like big cats in our world). Additional fountains can be added so kubrow can play even more, or even toys like balls with physics can be added.


The purposes of a sanctuary is these:

- A safe haven and resting place for kubrows to retire without worries of their DNA deteriorating. No more stasis as if you're keeping them on life support.

- A natural-like habitat to play in instead of a small, enclosed space inside a tiny ship with cold metal floors

- A way for players to release kubrows in a "humane" way. Also a way to see your Kubrow again despite not being able to bring it into battle anymore.

- A way for the developers to allow players use more interactions with kubrows; released kubrows and regular kubrows that you bring along with you, but enter the sanctuary, may open some interactions that you can't do in the ship

-- It's also a good way to have more than one kubrow interacting with each other if such features are extended.


One sanctuary will be large enough to house a big number of kubrows, but a limit may be reached, so you may be required to build another sanctuary to house further kubrows. I suggest taking inspiration from real life sanctuaries for big animals, like Big Cat Rescue sanctuary.




Sounds like a lot of work? Well you guys made a big deal about kubrows as new companions and how you wanted to make them different from Sentinels, and not just from gameplay but as a new element to the game. Therefore, this is just an example I think the devs could take when it comes to going all the way with your premise, which I think is necessary. There's lots of potential for Kubrows.


Yes, this please.

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-Unwanted Kubrow Removal-

I wouldn't mind a button that set your Kubrow free. Of course, it being an unstable clone would mean that it will face its demise soon enough when free, but at least it can live out the rest of its days in nature, rather than in a small glass sphere in your ship.


-Friendship Doors-

These doors are the only thing stopping pro-elite-cool players from rushing ahead and completing the mission without the other players having so much of a hint of what just happened. I want them to stay. Heck, I wouldn't mind MORE ways to stop rushers. 

The doors themselves could, on the other hand, be turned into those defense doors from Suspicious Shipments. 


-Kick-vote Option-

I want this and I also don't want this. It would be a nice addition to have since the amount of afk players have increased massively and there is still the occasional griefer.

On the other hands, the vote kick would be abused by players who deem the player "useless" or whatever. Or friends playing together and just kick the living S#&$ outta everyone that join. Not cool at all.


-Auction House-

Yes. Trading as it is now is really frustrating. 

Need to spam chat in order to get someone's attention. Decide on price. Either try to join other player dojo or your own. Doing all this while fighting server crashes, player disconnections and things like Strict NAT.. absolutely mental.


-Hallowed Ground-

It should be focusing on Utility. The best case would be if enemies get debuffs while allies get buffs while inside its area of effect.



Its both slow and underwhelming. It takes a while for the heal to reach a player in need and when it finally reach the player, the heal is awkwardly slow and won't matter much in the end. 

Edited by HitPointPredator
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I think the two person doors should be replaced with the timed defense doors from the suspicious shipments, but less common. It still works as a way to slow down speed runners and adds a little more side objective. It also makes more sense for solo runs.

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As long as quests aren't repeatable then I just want a button to get rid of kubrows. Even with a quest to release them I'd know in 20 days they would still be dead anyways without thier DNA stabilizers.

2 player doors are just annoying when there's afkers in the match. If a vote kick option were in game they might not be such a hassle, but it all depends on if and how vote kick would be implemented. Does it take a majority vote? If there's only 2 players in a match does the active player get the option to kick the inactive one? How about if the inactive person is hosting?

Hallowed ground just has nothing to it does little damage and doesn't effect a large area even with mods. Needs more utility maybe a root type ability instead of slow. A ground based Bastille making it easier to melee then vaubans ability.

Renewal is just to slow. Slow to travel to target, slow to heal, just way to slow all around especially when there s trinity's blessing which is instant. I know the energy cost is different but whens the last time trin has run out of energy.

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While I like the idea of a merchant hub where everybody can meet & trade, I m not so sure about an auction house. I can t decide not knowing more details about the bidding system.


A "vote to kick" option, I sure wished I had this when I was with trolls/AFKers in mission. But I fear the abuse, it would need to be strictly ruled or the "kickfest for no reason" is a major risk

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