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How Many People Play Warframe?


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First of what sparked my interest in this was a reply to the U14 info thread that read which lead me to discover alot. 


DUAL SHOCKERS article: "Warframe is, not surprisingly, the top free to play PS4 title. The earnings from microtransactions are nearly double as those of the PC version, while the conversion rate ( the percentage of paying users) is more than twice as much...."


So im thinking how can this be so i start looking at the numbers and before you look at these some are only estimates. Lets begin Warframe was released as open beta as of  March 21, 2013 around 8 months before PS4 launch. Around 11 months later on February  6, 2014 ( First important date and user count) its announced that  PC has 5.5 million registered users. Since launch ps4 has not had any reports on its player count for warframe until March 18 it was announced that their was a total or 7,818,888 users ( now that's alot if tenno) so from February  6, 2014 to March 18, 2014 is 40 days and that gives us about 600,000 new  pc players in 40 days. Now we know when PS4 came out  November 29, 2013 To the rest of the world as it was already out in the us. So between November 29,2013 and March 18 is 109 days and in that time their was about 1.7 million users. Now if we do some math thats about  623,853 users in 40 days. 


Now this was not about how many people have but rater how many play. But we have lack of stats to prove how many play daily and how much has been spent by either side. But with all of the PS4's sold totaling over 10 million and 1.7mill have warframe by now I would say 2 of every 10 PS4 owners have tried warframe and that number is rising. 

Now i cannot speak for PC i only played a little in the early days of beta but i know pc has plat discounts that can cut the price down by a lot if i had that chance i would just wait for that.  Dual shockers saying that PS4 earnings have doubled PC would not surprise me. 


But as  far as downloads go I would say PC and PS4 are getting around the same by now i bet most PC players know about warframe but i know that alot of PS4 players have no clue. Now the latest we know about how many people have registered is 10 million as of july 25 thats 129 days after march 18 so if we do the math we need 2,181,112 new users in 129 days if the numbers from the 40 days we calculated were correct then it should have taken half the time it did to reach 10mill. Combined the 2 should have increased by 3,946,925 this means that in the past few months i would day downloads have been cut in half which is sad because this is such a fun game and more people need to play this. 

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Last i checked a few a couple of minutes ago PC peaked around 18k today it is a week day so ya 20k would sound about right. Playstation should release how many people play it would be nice to know what people are playing.


Btw love the player icon you have thats the new hydroid helm correct?  

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Last i checked a few a couple of minutes ago PC peaked around 18k today it is a week day so ya 20k would sound about right. Playstation should release how many people play it would be nice to know what people are playing.


Btw love the player icon you have thats the new hydroid helm correct?  


The problem is a lot of people don't play over steam, so we don't know what portion of the total playerbase that makes up.


And yeah. It's sexy.

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I would say there's just as many people quitting warframe as there are joining, there be slight more joiners but overall this game offers nothing after a 2 week or months period. Also many beta users quit after staying for so long and seeing very little actual meaningful changes for the game.

Edited by GSDAkatsuki
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I would say there's just as many people quitting warframe as there are joining, there be slight more joiners but overall this game offers nothing after a 2 week or months period. Also many beta users quit after staying for so long and seeing very little actual meaningful changes for the game.

I don't know. Last I checked, between 1/3rd and 1/2 of my friends list was active players still, despite the fact it has people from opening week on it, and many that have gone inactive show up again. I would seriously doubt the attrition rate you made up to justify your anger at lack of imaginary goals.

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I don't know. Last I checked, between 1/3rd and 1/2 of my friends list was active players still, despite the fact it has people from opening week on it, and many that have gone inactive show up again. I would seriously doubt the attrition rate you made up to justify your anger at lack of imaginary goals.


Pretty similar to my Friendlist... There are a bunch of people on it that haven't logged in for 100 days and more... but a few of them had a quick look at U14 and now they are offline for 3 weeks again. xD


The other half of my friendlist is quite active and never longer offline than a few days or a week.


I'd say the distribution on my list looks like that:


1/3 active and no longer offline than a week

1/3 semi-active coming back in a 2-4 week period to check on new updates

1/3 inactive that may never come back or only check back every 2-3 major updates every 100-150 days.

Edited by MeduSalem
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of my friends:


- 30 have tried Warframe

- 6 have played in the last week

- another 3 have played within the last month

- (obviously) leaving 21 basically having quit playing

- a lot are at over 200 days since last login, basically trying it near PS4 launch, and not since

- only 9 have ever gotten to mastery rank 1+, of which 5 don't play anymore

- most of my friends have not even tried Warframe


in my clan:


- 5 online right now (including myself)

- 22 have played in the last week

- 17 played in the last month

- 21 over that, with the oldest at 143 days (ironically our clan founder)

- we recently pruned a load not playing at all though


Overall my impression is numbers are dropping.  

The clan is much less active, and seriously addicted players are over 3 months since last login.  Most of my friends try a few times, and don't return (even with me answering questions, and offering loot if they get to mastery 2).  A lot do say "this is quite good" but despite that just don't keep playing.

Even my own motivation isn't what it was...

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Go back and watch the livestream after U14, Steve says the total number peak online in relation to the connectivity fiasco.


Steam made up a very large portion of PC players when you compare the number. ~60%+ if i remember correctly.


Anyway, I'm guestimating (based on a rather logical system and some DE slipped datapoints + the math from the infographic + logic) that WF has between 500k and 1M players who log in at least once per week, AKA actives. Of those, probably 3-10% (just basic freemium range) have spent money, many of which spend it regularly.


Warframe does not have 8M players, or anything of that sort, but it's quite popular and I'm sure, quite profitable. It deserves it's success.


It's still a good number, and the game is getting better as of late in my opinion. I just hope that they didn't wear out their welcome with such fast growth before the game was ready to satisfy players.

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To explain why there are more people putting money into Warframe (and F2P games in general) on the PS4 than on the PC version, I offer this easy solution:


There are far fewer games to play on the PS4.


Thousands upon thousands of games for the PC, several hundred being free or free to play.  The library of PS4 games would be in the few hundreds at best.  Have you bought a game for your game console just to have something else to play for that month or two on it?  I'm sure more than a few of us have done that.  With the small section of games that is currently on the PS4, what other good games are you going to spend your money on?

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of my friends:


- 30 have tried Warframe

- 6 have played in the last week

- another 3 have played within the last month

- (obviously) leaving 21 basically having quit playing

- a lot are at over 200 days since last login, basically trying it near PS4 launch, and not since

- only 9 have ever gotten to mastery rank 1+, of which 5 don't play anymore

- most of my friends have not even tried Warframe


in my clan:


- 5 online right now (including myself)

- 22 have played in the last week

- 17 played in the last month

- 21 over that, with the oldest at 143 days (ironically our clan founder)

- we recently pruned a load not playing at all though


Overall my impression is numbers are dropping.  

The clan is much less active, and seriously addicted players are over 3 months since last login.  Most of my friends try a few times, and don't return (even with me answering questions, and offering loot if they get to mastery 2).  A lot do say "this is quite good" but despite that just don't keep playing.

Even my own motivation isn't what it was...

Look at your numbers again:

You have:

9 friends that actually liked the game(passed rank 1).

6 friends that play all the time.

3 friends that play once a week.


That's 100% retention of everyone who passed the NPE.


To the others, as far as PS4 outspending PC--the PC is a tool, people own and it can play games, amongst other things. The PS4 is a gaming machine for people that have 1/2 a grand to spend on gaming machines. The statistics given by the devs state that many PC players have very old PCs, some nearing a decade in age. The PS4 players, by definition, have fairly new gaming machines. So the demographic for PS4 players is, by default, people with more money available, and who have more money to spend on games, that are willing to spend lots of money on games, while the people who play on PC are people who, by default, are looking to play something that's free/inexpensive.

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