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Avalanche Event - Nice Idea, Difficulty To High


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I saw this event this morning here on the forums and thought hey that is a neat idea. I will give it a try. Sadly, it turns out, it isn't as neat as I thought. I guess this event is geared toward super hardcore warframe players who have the absolute best of everything because little ole me kept getting 1 shotted every attempt this morning. Four times in a row, I was insta-killed, literally. One shot and I was dead. Is that supposed to be fun.

I was trying the mission on Mars that is supposed to be level 12-15 but seems more like level 120-150. Because my little ole level 30 excalibur didn't even stand a chance. And yes, I tried to stay hidden and avoid being shot because 1 shot was all it took kill me. Sadly, it doesn't seem us lower level players were thought of in this event.


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This goes back to the game being both too hard and too easy.

 For myself it was super easy, I too used excal in solo mode but I used radial blind to shut them down and just stroll about killing them in my own time.

But I can understand for newer players they can hit hard if you don't take a build to counter them.

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Enemies were very easy in my Opinion, I was using Loki Prime throughout most of it, Radial Disarm works like a charm. Maybe consider using a different Warframe?

And also, invite at least one friend, for support if you get downed. It's an event for a reason, It's supposed to be a tad more "difficult".

Edited by CDHCE
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This kind of buff worked well with MOAs because they shoot one bullet at a time, but those Detrons ... I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't have maxed equipment. Anything with less than 600/400 gets one-shotted (add the cryo leak debuff for funtimes).


For me? It was okay, but boring. I was forced to perma-invis-disarm after getting mauled as Mag with mid-ranked weapons.

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Well, my brother used to game with me until he gave it up completely. I enjoy playing with a team but sadly, only with people I know. And as I said, that doesn't happen now. Also, if it takes a team to get through the mission, it shouldn't be offered in solo mode. DE has a great game but I just don't think they know how to handle the solo aspect of the game. At least for new or low level players anyway. There is a lot and I mean a lot of grinding for mods in this game to build up your warframe and weapons. Unless of course you have a lot of money you just don't have any other use for. Which I don't. Oh well, I will just play what I can.

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Forgive me, I just default to solo whenever possible. I'm an antisocial person.


I tried solo and team, i clear them both easily.

I just figure that I can carry a team and it will be better for people.

Edited by fatpig84
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I saw this event this morning here on the forums and thought hey that is a neat idea. I will give it a try. Sadly, it turns out, it isn't as neat as I thought. I guess this event is geared toward super hardcore warframe players who have the absolute best of everything because little ole me kept getting 1 shotted every attempt this morning. Four times in a row, I was insta-killed, literally. One shot and I was dead. Is that supposed to be fun.

I was trying the mission on Mars that is supposed to be level 12-15 but seems more like level 120-150. Because my little ole level 30 excalibur didn't even stand a chance. And yes, I tried to stay hidden and avoid being shot because 1 shot was all it took kill me. Sadly, it doesn't seem us lower level players were thought of in this event.


Level 20 Rhino, without even Iron Skin up half the time, started 2 weeks ago. I've been running it solo for the hell of it, and even been been getting higher kill counts then the rest of the team on half the runs.


With a Glaive and a Braton.


You know why you die? Because you keep running into the middle of everything, and that "everything", in this mission, has powered up shotguns.

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This kind of buff worked well with MOAs because they shoot one bullet at a time, but those Detrons ... I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't have maxed equipment. Anything with less than 600/400 gets one-shotted (add the cryo leak debuff for funtimes).


For me? It was okay, but boring. I was forced to perma-invis-disarm after getting mauled as Mag with mid-ranked weapons.


You get "one shotted" if you walk right up to them. They die normally, they only have HIGH damage, not some magic invulnerability to bullets. You can dodge the individual Detron rounds at medium range, and the reason people die is because they don't seem to have any understanding of "not standing still in the open".

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You get "one shotted" if you walk right up to them.

No, you get one shotted if you get hit. In a game with shields it's not unheard of to get hit every once in a while. And dodging can get complicated when there are 3 slow auras on you.

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No, you get one shotted if you get hit. In a game with shields it's not unheard of to get hit every once in a while. And dodging can get complicated when there are 3 slow auras on you.


If you main Loki, it's an absolute cake walk.

The only times you can really die is when ressing someone or caught in the middle of a disarm animation.

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It wasn't really too hard, at least for me. The beef I have with it is if you're going to jack up enemy damage, at least tell somebody, post it in-game or announce it on the forum or something. So we don't go in completely dark when we do the mission.

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It's impossible without a build that makes you avoid their damage. Max duration invis or smoke screen, hysteria, etc.



Forgive me, I just default to solo whenever possible. I'm an antisocial person.



For anybody who feels the same way about the above statements, you all need to understand that if you want to solo missions like that, then fine. It really isnt that hard. If you are bent on solo all the time, then you have to learn how to play everything solo and adapt to every situation. There is a set of skills you have to learn, and you wont get it using iron skin all the time. You wont get it using radial blind/disarm/invisibility all the time. You wont get it using absorb all the time. You wont get it by using the penta/soma/ogris/angstrum/insertothercoolkidsweaponhere all the time.


The difficulty of this mission is truly middle of the road. For myself, this mission was easy and I did it with my own build my own way with xcal WITHOUT radial blind. For those who are having trouble with it, then you fall under two categories. The first being low level with low ranked mods. It can still be done, but chances are the required skill set will not have been learned at that point anyways. The second, are those who dont fall under the first category, in which case you have all the required hardware to do it, you just dont have the ability.


So, if you fall under the second category, will you take the time to learn something? Or will you take the easy way out and complain on the forums and/or resort to the noob cannons?

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I saw this event this morning here on the forums and thought hey that is a neat idea. I will give it a try. Sadly, it turns out, it isn't as neat as I thought. I guess this event is geared toward super hardcore warframe players who have the absolute best of everything because little ole me kept getting 1 shotted every attempt this morning. Four times in a row, I was insta-killed, literally. One shot and I was dead. Is that supposed to be fun.

I was trying the mission on Mars that is supposed to be level 12-15 but seems more like level 120-150. Because my little ole level 30 excalibur didn't even stand a chance. And yes, I tried to stay hidden and avoid being shot because 1 shot was all it took kill me. Sadly, it doesn't seem us lower level players were thought of in this event.


Not even the players who has the "best" of everything can tank that damage. All that is required though is to change your playstile. Play it like you would a FPS, the time to kill in those games are similar to the time to kill in this event, move cover to cover, use the enivonment so only 1 or 2 mobs has line of sight of you when you engage (depends on how much you feel you can handle), if you come into a situation where you anticipate a clusterfuk then use your CC abilities to still maintain that 1v1 or 1v2 situation, all starter frames has some form of  CC, Radial blind for Excal, Radial Disarm for Loki and pull for Mag.

Edited by VikingoX
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...... i must be some kind of pro gamer or something


but HOW is this 'event' hard? the enemies do some dmg? OH NOES




dont rush into every room, take aimed shots, use angles, use punchthrough, use yer brain, shoot them in the head/foot when they hide behind cover


i just have no idea how ppl think its 'TOO HARD', srsly, it is NOT


worst case scenario and you absolutely cannot do it yerself? play in public mode, recruit pugs, etc, IT IS NOT THAT HARD


i just..... i just dunno...........

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