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[U15 Megathread] Archwing/syndicates/limbo (It's Here Edition)


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Ok allot of people have been upset with the new reveal of Archwings, and not the reveal of... Focus system, Proxy wars, Stealth 2.0, parkour 2.0, etc.


Now personally i would had rather seen those system then Archwings, until i started thinking...


From the reveal, its pretty easy to see that this is not a onrail shooter that's the 1st problem people where worried about, but from the trailer you can see Excalibre turn around and change directions. So 1st problem eliminated.


2nd: Lets think of Archwings as this: Movement 2.0, A new tilset, new enemies, new bosses, new mechanics, and more customization, updating some missions because missions that have been ignored will be probably receive some changes with the new system.


If we think of it as that, then the system starts looking more promising.


Now until we see more info on this, i am as skeptical to this as everyone else, i personally rather had them shown Stealth 2.0. Though after i think about Archwings... It seems promising.


This thread is just to tell people who are upset about the reveal, that its not as bad as it looks. Until we see exactly what Archwings can do, we haven't really seen anything.


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I know I'm gonna get a ton of hate for this, but you know what? 






With that out of the way, here's my 2 cents on the whole Archwing deal.

I would like to remind you that this is just my opinion on how I see things.


Jetpacks in space? Cool. 

How does it work? I have no idea.


The problem that I'm seeing is that this will most likely be delayed very, very far back (again) and only be restricted to an event. After that, we maybe will see some mission nodes with this system in it, only watered down a bit. I also expect it to be buggy and glitchy on launch, so that doesn't make things any better.


Another thing is the part where we are in space with no visible source of life support. This makes 0% sense to me at all, unless these missions are gonna be timed to, say, 2 minutes or so or at least having us to return to our ship to refuel on life juice. I say this because I dont see how the hell do the tenno now manage to operate in an airless environment, when before we had to (and still do, I assume) restore life support to the whole area where we are working as a distraction and if said life support reaches 0% we start dying.


So unless DE somehow manage to make up how this all works in a way that it makes sense, I dont see this being any more than a shiny, fragile new toy to play with.


There you go. You may now throw the tomatoes at me.


I'll say I'm not either. Space/underwater levels are rarely done right.

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I hope we get prime archwings


Why? Because this would be possible




They existed at the time of the Old War in the Lore at least. Just read Mag Prime's Codex entry from the point of view of some poor regular soldier.

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Its hard to give feedback on something we dont know the "How will it work" part.. In anycase, I'll trust DE. If I dont like the feature, I'll give constructive feedback and make the most of it, I am playing "their" game afterall.

If for some reason, I hated warframe after, then I stop playing. The good thing is, Warframe is free to play and I am free to go back anytime I want.

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No doubt it is amazing... I AM wondering about the 4 player aspect of it and how that is going to be pulled off...and IF it is going to be pulled off...I would much rather fall in love with a new parkour system than swimming... If we have to swim underwater to get some where that can be accomplished in a cut scene like our loading screens...I kind of wanna call out DE_Geoff on that but there is something that says "let's just wait and see what happens" that Archwing thing was out of NOWHERE.. EXCEPT for Mag Primes Codex entry which means this has been in the works for a long time and they have just kept quiet about it... So I say give them a minute and let us see. By the way those SWEET SWEET BARREL ROLLS...

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No doubt it is amazing... I AM wondering about the 4 player aspect of it and how that is going to be pulled off...and IF it is going to be pulled off...I would much rather fall in love with a new parkour system than swimming... If we have to swim underwater to get some where that can be accomplished in a cut scene like our loading screens...I kind of wanna call out DE_Geoff on that but there is something that says "let's just wait and see what happens" that Archwing thing was out of NOWHERE.. EXCEPT for Mag Primes Codex entry which means this has been in the works for a long time and they have just kept quiet about it... So I say give them a minute and let us see. By the way those SWEET SWEET BARREL ROLLS...


Those, are, not, barrel, rolls. Its a Aileron role.

Edited by Feallike
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I don't think it will be a railgun shooter...I mean, mods are a core component to Warframe so if we follow that line of logic, shooting down enemy planes will probably be like shooting down grineer grunts, and we need to pick up mods...

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I am not hyped about it either TBH. The very concept is stupid IMO(Jetpacks in space... I could just imagine Boba Fett chasing the Millenium Falcon with only his jetpack). Also they will have to explain the lifesupport... and looking at the Archwing I don't really see it... oh and then there is the fact that warframes are not resistant to radiation... and open space is flooded with radiation... lots of it... lots and lots of it... oh and if they spent too much time in areas not having the sun rays blocked they would eventually heat up massively... and if they were not in the sun rayed areas they would be freezing... (so freeze, heat, radiation damage + losing HP from lack of lifesupport)

I think just adding another variation of Tenno vessels(Hint. There own fighter jet?) would make way more sense than "jetpacks" in space. Vessels would protect the Warframe from above mentioned hazzards and would pack way more firepower than a stupid jetpack chaingun... But everyone has there own opinions.

Edited by Bazookagofer
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I am not hyped about it either TBH. The very concept is stupid IMO(Jetpacks in space... I could just imagine Boba Fett chasing the Millenium Falcon with only his jetpack). Also they will have to explain the lifesupport... and looking at the Archwing I don't really see it... oh and then there is the fact that warframes are not resistant to radiation... and open space is flooded with radiation... lots of it... lots and lots of it... oh and if they spent too much time in areas not having the sun rays blocked they would eventually heat up massively... and if they were not in the sun rayed areas they would be freezing... (so freeze, heat, radiation damage + losing HP from lack of lifesupport)

I think just adding another variation of Tenno vessels(Hint. There own fighter jet?) would make way more sense than "jetpacks" in space. Vessels would protect the Warframe from above mentioned hazzards and would pack way more firepower than a stupid jetpack chaingun... But everyone has there own opinions.

You are a ninja.... in space.... killing armies of cloned warriors and beings who have been infected by an alien virus. And you want to tell me that radiation and heat should be explained when flying with the jetpacks..... i cant believe your actually trying to pull this off.....

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You are a ninja.... in space.... killing armies of cloned warriors and beings who have been infected by an alien virus. And you want to tell me that radiation and heat should be explained when flying with the jetpacks..... i cant believe your actually trying to pull this off.....

Yes... yes i am. :D. I just love finding the problems a concept would have in real life lol... i get a kick off of it TBH.

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You seriously think DE is going to take the reactions of people who were actually there. over your miserable paragraph picking at the game based on your own perception of what "reality" is in a virtual game.


You don't know how it works, how don't you?  Did you not see the CGI?  It clearly shows how it works from a general look of things.  As far as crafting and plat....ok we'll know soon...about restricting it to an event.........lol........yeah I'm not touching that with a Bo



Seriously I don't know if it's the new players or just people who don't really get gaming...with the below statement


"Another thing is the part where we are in space with no visible source of life support."


Is it that hard to just escape from reality when playing a game?   They said they are revising it to make more sense...imo more sense regarding lore....


Like did you seriously play Super Mario and questioned why you need a mushroom to power up?  Or why Solid Snake can fit in a box and not be seen?


P.S.  Do Want ArchWing


P.S.S.  Screw perfect sentences...stream of thought comments from now on.....the ignorance here is mindnumbing 

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If you read Mag Prime's codex,

  "It reached me, rising up - a gleaming beast, a plume of golden wings rising and unfolding behind it. An angel. It snatched me from my death. I could feel my lungs fill as it wrapped me in its wings." 

You see, DE has been developing this for quite some time now. They have thought this through.



that entry came out like two weeks ago

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Hey, here is a thought to some people in here - and you know who you are - GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE.


Your free game just just more free stuff "but it's not the free stuff I was after", well gee, how disappointing it must be for you to realize what a MASSIVE minority you actually are. Some of us WANT content to play through, ANY content, hell, initially broken content even makes for the best content, as it will usually slaughter you before the horde of complainers make "DE tone it down".


You do realize that in a game of ZERO consequences for getting killed, even impossible content is fun content? No? Go play something else, seriously.


Also, the wiki - http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Archwing

  • It is speculated that an archwing possesses life support, allowing its user to move freely in vacuum space without much repercussion.
    • This speculation is supported by a quote in Mag Prime's Codex entry, in which the author quoted: "I could feel my lungs fill as it wrapped me in it's wings...."
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