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[U15 Megathread] Archwing/syndicates/limbo (It's Here Edition)


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so in space it will make them move in slow mo too?


In space the Rhino still makes the animation due to having to do something for the power and energy to flow. The suit scans enemies around them and depending on if the target is machine or organic, it will do the following:


Machine : Disrupt sensors, causing machine to malfunction; the Rhinoframe's suit will send some form of limited virus into the machine and cause it to stop functioning and some parts to overload, causing damage, and the function loss would only be temporarily.


Organic : Same thing as machine, almost, but the organic's own flying control and/or suit would be effected.

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How does it even work curently anyway? Water tentacles just come out of iron wall, pool of water on top of desert floor plan?! LOL


Hydroid collects the particles of water in the air, sky, atmosphere, everywhere, even ones he stores in his own body, creating en-masse of water tentacles that he summons. He saves the water for later use inside his own body, hence why his Warframe is so fat.

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Rhino's stomp doesn't need something to stomp on. It's the pure essence of a stop, that sends out ripples of force through the all-permeating higgs field, twisting the rules of mass and gravity around the opposition. Oh it LOOKS like a physical thing most of the time because he's on the ground when he does it, but it's way more complicated than that. It took a team of scientists fifteen years to work out how to create a truly perfect stomp and they won a nobel prize for it. 

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Rhino's stomp doesn't need something to stomp on. It's the pure essence of a stop, that sends out ripples of force through the all-permeating higgs field, twisting the rules of mass and gravity around the opposition. Oh it LOOKS like a physical thing most of the time because he's on the ground when he does it, but it's way more complicated than that. It took a team of scientists fifteen years to work out how to create a truly perfect stomp and they won a nobel prize for it. 

+1 ...damn. that is very perceptive and insightful. finally, there is a true warframe player and I am beated. LOL

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Nah, Archwing is going to be U15 no matter what.



The real aspect you should be considering is whether or not U15 will be in 2014 :P

Yeah, Archwing will be delivered in U15, it has probably top priority since it's a new, shiny thing, that can earn some money (Archwing skins for play, anybody?). Proxy Wars and Focus will be delayed to U20, those are not important things.

Edited by Angius
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Yeah, Archwing will be delivered in U15, it has probably top priority since it's a new, shiny thing, that can earn some money (Archwing skins for play, anybody?). Proxy Wars and Focus will be delayed to U20, those are not important things.

Archwing (as Steve said) has been in production for over a year. I think Focus has been talked about for half as long (IIRC, it was announced slightly before Update 12). Focus will be a complex system... expect at least as much time to make.

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Who said that we will be able to use any of our abilities? All we saw so far was just a rail shooter and a QTE "meele" sequence.


Why the hell do people think it was on rails? The teaser clearly showed excal stopping and moving/rotating fully in 3d space; boosting forward looks like it's exactly that: boosting forwarad.

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Why the hell do people think it was on rails? The teaser clearly showed excal stopping and moving/rotating fully in 3d space; boosting forward looks like it's exactly that: boosting forwarad.

CGI is never the game. In the end, Archwing will be something similar to that.

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Who said that we will be able to use any of our abilities? All we saw so far was just a rail shooter and a QTE "meele" sequence.


Just leaving this here to stop the rumors.



Edited by RexSol
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Oooo... RNG.


Be like:


Ordis: Hurry up and jump into space because I'm not a combat vessel...and we just got that Archwing thing with the latest update.

Player: Umm...okay. *jump*

Ordis: Here's your Archwing... *RNG* Oh damn, I forgot...your Archwing is in the shop still... Oops...sorry.

Player: *thrashes about with 0 life support then becomes still*

Ordis: Oh well, I never liked <Player> anyhow... Eh, I don't need this damn Kubrow either. *ejects Incubator*

Kubrow: *thrashes about with 0 life support then becomes still*


You monster...

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Really doesnt matter. U14 was their biggest and "the best and most polished" update ever, and yet it was mediocre on release.



1 year development doenst mean anything ( and i dont believe they are developing Archwing for over a year ).

no... U14 was their "most ambitious update" where are you getting the idea it was polished?

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CGI is never the game. In the end, Archwing will be something similar to that.


What is this supposed to mean? How does it have any bearing on comment?

If you are suggesting Warframe has CGI,I'll have to disappoint you: it doesn't. All the special trailers are still "in-engine" and none of them are from the perspective of the player. 

If you are suggesting The archwing teaser was like these special trailers then show me some proof first, right now everything points to it actually being played by a person (player perspective, the camera's twitch movements, excal's 3d movements),

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In space no one can hear you Roar... (archwing will be a huge nerf Banshee too... Unless you are flying in some sort of atmosphere that supports the carrying of sound waves... )

Maybe we should just wait till they release more info at the next Dev stream like thy said?

Actually, they've found, that you most certainly can hear things in space. The interstellar medium propagates waves just fine:


The research proving this is fairly recent, but it most certainly happens. If space were a "true vacuum" devoid of anything, this could be true.


However, it's full of ionized particles, dark matter, dark energy , cosmic dust, solar winds, and all sorts of other particles.


So far as abilities while flying, I imagine they'd be somewhat different than standard. However, there's no reason any skill that requires you to be on ground to use normally would work in any way while winged.

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