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Warframes Are Slow (According To Science)


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you're arguing the logic of a game that uses the "science" of ICE+FIRE= MICHAEL BAY! don't. just don't! Compering makes sense in this game. Unicorns farting rainbows makes sense. Anything at this point makes sense lol!

Extreme cold and extreme heat coming into contact can make for some violent effects.

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Ok i never said i disliked the movement in this game.

Please don't accuse me for hating on the movement of the game.



I am just saying, that according to real life equivalents Tenno are slower then the average human. 


The DE could fix this easily by changing how the waypoint precieves meters by making them smaller, that could easily fix the calculation without having to change anything with how big the tile sets are.


Though i would like it for a slight speed up, a slight stamina buff. or adding in Acceleration. They could test this out in a event to see our reaction, like that guy above said.


I hope i am not offending any of the DE staff with this thread. :/ That wasn't the point, i just wanted to bring up the subject, not to demand they fix it.

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your entire statement is fundamentally flawed in the fact that the 3.0 run speed stat does not actually directly represent how quickly you move through in-game meters.



loki+run speed+volt speed, moves fast enough to cover like 100ft in around 1 second, or 30ish meters per second in game. making him actually 3 time faster then the fastest person on the planet not the other way around.




the 3.0 is just a base value for measuring change, not a direct representation of their actual speed. so science, yeah.

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The top speed you can reach in warframe. Is about 3.0 meters per second. That is about 7-8 miles per hour.....


For Space ninjas they are sooo slow.... The top speed a human has reached is 26 MPH or 11.9 Meters per second.


The the fastest person on earth is 3x faster then Loki + Rush + Volt Speed.


So after figuring out that, you can imagine why people like to copter, its because in warframe your apparently extremely slow... :/


So i encourage the Devs to increase run speed, or increase the stat to make sense, because Warframes according to science warframes are incredibly bad runners.


This also questions Warframes stamina... If where running so slow and still burning up stamina in the matter of seconds....


According to science (and logic), it's completely wrong.

First: where did you read that Warframe rush speed is 3 m/s? Because following my game experience, considering that a Tenno is probably high from 1.7 to 1.85 m, their speed while running is 3-4 m/s circa and 6-8 during a sprint. 


3 m/s is the speed that a man usually have during a 'light' run, and 7-8 m/s is the max speed that a man can reach during a really fast sprint. The MAXIMUM speed, not the avarage one. 


So, numbers are correct.


Second: you took Usain Bolt's speed during the World record in the LAST part of the race. This doesn't mean that every runner can reach that speed when he wants. The last part of the race is the most quick one. It is a progression. Speed doesn't magically pass from 1-2 m/s (walk) to 7-8 m/s (run). It takes time. 


Third: ok, a person can reach 7-8 m/s during a sprint. This doesn't mean that he can run this way for meters and meters. It is NOT possible in nature and, supposing it could happen, he will just die. Too much effort for a person. 


So, it COULD be a good idea to increase Tenno rush speed to something like 8-9 m/s, considering they're genetically modified warriors, but it's ALREADY good as it is now. 


EDIT: forgot. Source: I was an athlete. 

Edited by Latronico
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I am just saying, that according to real life equivalents Tenno are slower then the average human. 


Not really. They're about as fast as a pro athlete, though not as fast as an Olympic sprinter. So not exactly slower than average.

Edited by vaugahn
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That is your opinion and you're entitled to it. I for one disagree.


So are you saying that it's okay for something to nullify the whole point of movement speed mods, having different speeds on the warframes, and making the slide attack nigh unusable as an actual attack for some weapons just so people have something to move quickly with?


If so then why not do some much needed work on the movement system in general? Everything but sliding has always felt a bit clunky.(I could go into detail if you want)

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I'm very skeptical of the "3 m/s" figure. How was this value obtained, and where can I find the source?


From some testing I did in the past, I was able to conclude that a sprint speed of 1 roughly translates to an in-game speed of 7 m/s. 


With a sprint speed of 1.25, Loki runs at 8.75 m/s (~19.6 mph). Volt with Speed activated and maximum power strength (+139%) runs at 15.365 m/s (34.4 mph). Rhino with maximum power duration (+157%) travels at 123.36 m/s (~276 mph) in ~0.9 seconds with Rhino Charge.

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I'm very skeptical of the "3 m/s" figure. How was this value obtained, and where can I find the source?


From some testing I did in the past, I was able to conclude that a sprint speed of 1 roughly translates to an in-game speed of 7 m/s. 


With a sprint speed of 1.25, Loki runs at 8.75 m/s (~19.6 mph). Volt with Speed activated and maximum power strength (+139%) runs at 15.365 m/s (34.4 mph). Rhino with maximum power duration (+157%) travels at 123.36 m/s (~276 mph) in ~0.9 seconds with Rhino Charge.

That would seem relatively accurate(that is, from perceived motion versus numbers provided)


EDIT: Crazysauce: Usain Bolt runs as fast as a Volt under speed. o.0

Edited by Llyssa
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I also have to question the 3m/s figure cited in the OP, and ask where that particular figure came from.


As for the actual movement speed... having played other TPS/FPS games, Warframe actually feels rather fast on its feet when compared to many modern games where players tend to be slow to approximate real-life human stamina, barring ingame perks and buffs. Warframe only feels slow if you compare it to stuff like the older Quake games or something.

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Uh... are you SURE that 1.0 you're seeing is a "meter" measurement?


Maybe 1.0 simply means the "default" speed. Lower than 1.0 = slower than default. Higher than 1.0 = faster. 2.0 is doubled the default speed. 3.0 is triple, etc.


I've never seen anything that talks about meters when it comes to warframe speeds.

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Uh... are you SURE that 1.0 you're seeing is a "meter" measurement?


Maybe 1.0 simply means the "default" speed. Lower than 1.0 = slower than default. Higher than 1.0 = faster. 2.0 is doubled the default speed. 3.0 is triple, etc.


I've never seen anything that talks about meters when it comes to warframe speeds.


This seems correct based upon "in game" sprint trials

Using Loki with Rush I clock ~3.2 s from a dead stop over a distance of 25 "m" from the Tenno Scanner which is an average speed of 7.8 m/s


What I think is missing is acceleration, especially when beginning motionless

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You question Warframe Logic?If we spin fast enough with dual axes we slingshot ourselves across a hallway....


Also this is Science FICTION.


Even science fiction has some reality as to scale, speed, gravity, and much much more. And besides Warframe logic is turning into "Lets make the enemies stronger. Now lets nerf all the weapons. Now lets watch the players get their @$$ handed to them by lvl 70 Heavy Gunners in the Void eat them up for breakfast. Not even my most OP weapon can take down 2 of them with ease.

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Warframe logic is turning into "Lets make the enemies stronger. Now lets nerf all the weapons. Now lets watch the players get their @$$ handed to them by lvl 70 Heavy Gunners in the Void eat them up for breakfast. Not even my most OP weapon can take down 2 of them with ease.


Implying any recent balance patch has changed damage levels outside of PvP

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Game scale or your calculations must be off, because the Tenno all run really mother fukin fast.


To give you a frame of reference, Halo 3's master chief (no sprint) runs at 15 miles per hour (~7 meters/s) and he is FAR slower than the Tenno.

Edited by Vallerian
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Game scale or your calculations must be off, because the Tenno all run really mother fukin fast.


To give you a frame of reference, Halo 3's master chief (no sprint) runs at 15 miles per hour (~7 meters/s) and he is FAR slower than the Tenno.

Tenno are nowhere near as fast as Doomguy though.


He can run at 57.2879 MPH

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First, a round of applause to everyone who has contributed to this thread ... it has made for some very stimulating reading


Secondly, it would be useful to consider some facts about sprinting:

1. Acceleration is the most important factor in "how fast" you go

2. The peak linear (forward direction) acceleration of a human being on Earth is around 12 m/s2 (one "Gee" is 9.8 m/s) - this is due to the physics of friction of the foot with the running surface and the planet's gravitation

3. Maximal acceleration is affected by the height of the runner and the angle which the body leans FORWARD while running

4. Sustained acceleration - constantly increasing speed - is superior to a brief burst of acceleration followed by no further acceleration (at least if the maximal accelerations are within a factor of 2-4)

5. The motion of sprinting is like a series of low hops ... like a ball bouncing forward in a parabolic trajectory

6. The "Swing Time" is a constant for ALL runners - it is the time spent with the foot in the air (remember hopping) - roughly 0.35 s

7. Top speed is determined by the distance traveled in the period of a "swing time" which is related to how high the body's center of mass rises with each step and the stride length (again height enters but with leg length)


Thirdly, a real world example:

Usain Bolt - currently the world record holder of the 100 m dash, is capable of peak acceleration of 0.97 g and a forward speed of 12.2 m/s and capable of an output of 2.6 kW

His 1.96 m, 94 kg frame allows him to take 42 steps over the 100 m compared to all of his competitors of 47 steps


Fourth, an in game example:

Assuming that the Tenno Scanner measures distance in SI units (true meters), then maxed Loki AVERAGE sprint speed is about 9.5 m/s, which puts him on par with Bolt ...


Fifth, a hypothesis:

I believe what is MISSING in the Warframe game mechanics is not so much PEAK SPEED but rather early ACCELERATION (excluding Rhino's Charge)


What I think that SOME gamers intuitively feel as "slowness" is in actuality SLUGGISHNESS


Lastly, a proposal:

Therefore, it would not be difficult to change the BURST acceleration factor without having to change the PEAK speed to satisfy those who want a more robust feel while at the same time keep those who like the game as it is still happy ...

Edited by ElHefe
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Real life metrics and data seldomly transfer well into a game. In the end we need to try and make it feel right not make it scientifically correct.


That is your opinion and you're entitled to it. I for one disagree.

While I agree that you can have it how the DE team wishes it to be.  I'd have to agree the running feels right, even sliding to an extent feels good too (even given I joke about warframes being a teflon suit). 

However the added acceleration on slide attacks/coptering feels very wrong from an understanding of how the physics of it would work kind of view point.  A tenno should by physics slow down doing that, not accelerate to sometimes insane speed, as they have to make further contact with the ground (or some other stablising force) to get the leverage to swing the weapon.

That doesnt mean its not fun however, just that it feels wrong.


Though with the arch wings coptering (the slingshot effect as opposed to just the slide attack) could actually be replaced as a burst from the wings to achieve the same result but not have it seem that much of an oddity.  (folded up the wings seem like they could happilly be taken in normal maps)


Tenno are nowhere near as fast as Doomguy though.


He can run at 57.2879 MPH

Yea but with all of hell out to kill you you want to run fast.  Even then it feels like a good speed for the gameplay (which is really all that matters at the end of the day).

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It's fine as it is, even I think it's sometimes too fast. But taking to consideration the geometry of witch the maps are made. The space is quite small, the universe itself, hence the calculations you have made. Why you "think" it's too slow. Lets say the maps were "open world" sized the speed would possibly be different towards how things work right now. Thats the differential you have not calculated into the consideration. 


But nicely done anyhow, haha. The things you notice sometimes, humans. 

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Well, let's put it in this perspective, volt basically negates the slow/sluggish feel, but then people complain/love his speed because you are going so fast. Of course it seems like you can't really control your own character because for some reason it feels like we are running faster than the speed of Kickbot and turning your character feels like you are trying to turn a shopping cart in wal-mart while they have a bunch of crap in the middle of the lanes that just feels too frustrating to deal with and even trying to jump over it like Mario would be a problem because you can only slightly turn your character's direction in mid-air if it were that speed. So I say, keep it the way it is, if I wanted to play a Sonic Game, I rather play that, even though I practically called Volt a sonic, I rather keep him that way because he can only sonic for a few seconds >:I


Now to be foreal about it, a game is about illusion and the devs are the illusionist. When you make a game you have to put in perspective of illusion that these characters are moving at normal human speed. Of course making a description in-game that your speed is literally slower than man in real life, ok that would be an error on the dev's part. Telling the devs to actually change it to real life human speed, that is overhauling the game's scripts, animations, and also redoing the tilesets entirely to fit this real life speed, practically causing a halt in production to "fix" something that really shouldn't be touched. It is weird that we do run slower than a human if you put these statistics, but really, I rather keep it the way it is.

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You guys are talking as if we are in hulking mechs or something..


The speed is fine because it is relative to the in-game world (we move pretty much faster than anything else present in that universe), so it would be pretty difficult to compare it to anything in the real world..

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