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Why Call The Game "warframe"? Might As Well Rename It To "rhino Frame"


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Actually it does.  People wouldn't be using it so much if it wasn't completely OP.  I have 400+ hours into this game and I only play co-op with random people in recruiting chat or on the sol map; never solo.  Too many people use Rhino.

Having lots of hours on a game doesn't make you good.  Many people don't improve... You're obviously one if you think Rhino is OP.


People use Rhino because he doesn't die in nublet missions.  Whoopty damn doo.


If you've got 400+ hours on this game and you're not moving beyond Mercury, nobody can help you.




I see you're playing a shooter on PS4.  I shake my head at you sir.  Consoles make shooters into TERRIBLE games.

Edited by Thaumatos
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In my opinion, power strength should scale with conclave rating of your character, while the power range/duration scale with the level of the ability mod (like it already does).

To me it seems the best idea to make the game fair for all warframes.


Nothing should ever scale with conclave rating. Conclave Rating is a *PVP* rating. On top of that the ratings verious items have are fubar beyond belief. Conclave Rating should have been shot at birth, chopped to bits and each bit entombed on another continent in a deep sealed vault or just plain launched out of the solar system in different directions.


There is *nothing* wrong with Rhino, the reason you see him a lot is because he is very easy to play and very forgiving when you  mess up.

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:p having a rhino in a group isnt a problem have a brainless player is more worse but as i mantioned in so much threads maybe do iron skin a toggle ability but it readuce the movment by like 15% when activ so hater feel fullfilled and rhinos have still there fun


rhino is the tutorial frame xD


if you fail with him leave the game 

Edited by HackShield
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To me having a brainless player and a rhino is almost the same, how much time did i see a rhino stomping for nothing and rushing with orthos prime....


Also, high conclave rating = your weapon and warframe are better and deal more damage, that's why i think the conclave rating should be a good idea to scale the power strength, because if you have a well modded warframe + weapon your abilities will deal better damage, which is totally logic to me....

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Also, high conclave rating = your weapon and warframe are better and deal more damage, that's why i think the conclave rating should be a good idea to scale the power strength, because if you have a well modded warframe + weapon your abilities will deal better damage, which is totally logic to me....

Nope. Definitely wrong on there. Conclave speaks strictly to PvP. Rhino's abilities are well suited for PvP, thus providing a better conclave rating. There was a time when there existed no conclave whatsoever and it worked perfectly fine. It is an arbitrary method to judge someone before you have seen them play.  Its a PvE centric game for goodness sake. Why does it matter what anyone wants to use as a frame. 


Its not the gear that matters, its the player behind all that gear that accounts for how skillful they will be. 

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Rhinos are terrible frames and are played badly by the players who abuse them.

A proper rhino is a long range support frame, drawing fire away from other players and supporting them with damage boosts and ranged bombardment and even by allowing players to use his body as physical cover, having the durability to remain immobile rather than evade.

Iron skin is far less capable of "alpha tanking" than abilities like Absorb and Link because of the finite HP.

Rhino is best described as a more mobile, solo-friendly Frost.

However because of his solo durability he is one of the frames of choice for rushers. Something I find rather silly since there are several frames which are much better at rushing than Rhino, and don't need a stat helmet to do it.

Rhino is not the best frame in the game, he is just the easiest to play.

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Nothing should ever scale with conclave rating. Conclave Rating is a *PVP* rating. On top of that the ratings verious items have are fubar beyond belief. Conclave Rating should have been shot at birth, chopped to bits and each bit entombed on another continent in a deep sealed vault or just plain launched out of the solar system in different directions.


There's nothing fundamentally wrong with conclave. Basing an overall strength rating off equipped mods and weapons is a decent idea, in theory. However the problem with it is that the conclave values assigned to mods are way off the mark. If conclave was rebalanced, it could be a very useful system in both PvP and PvE.

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Seriously...I can't even remember the last time I joined a game where someone was not using a rhino.


How about making iron skin decrease power strength by 50% when active and make it so people can toggle it off when necessary?

might as well call this game nerfcuzisawtoomuchofthatparticularframe

*Edit:or nerfallthethingthatismainstreamandpopularframe or nerframe for short

Edited by Tar_Spit_Fire
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Nerfing isn't the answer here. You can nerf Rhino as much as you want but it won't make the worst frame pop up more. All you'll do is make the 2:nd and third most powerful Warframe show up more often.


For example, Ember. I will not use her at high level because I don't see any use of her. For Nekro I'd only use him for farming on certain maps. Excalibur has ONE good skill and even that is outdone by Rhino Stomp or Novas Ulti. I could go on but there are generally only a few Warframes that are better than most.


If those worse warframes where to be buffed up and it honestly wouldn't hurt because they are not used much at all things might be better.


Rhino is a nice Warframe to play because of all the procs that iron skin stops. So if you're not a Warframe with a healing capability you're just gonna end up losing health that you can get back. Due to the rarity of health orbs.

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Seriously...I can't even remember the last time I joined a game where someone was not using a rhino.


How about making iron skin decrease power strength by 50% when active and make it so people can toggle it off when necessary?


Earth - starter planet, no Frame drops.

Mercury - starter planet, Cronus and Seer drops.

Venus - Next planet up, Rhino parts drop, Mars and Jupiter segments.


New players have 2 Frame slots, they start with one used for their starter frame.


So you have everyone with one spare slot, and the first frame you can get is Rhino.




Why are you surprised there's lots of Rhinos?

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Nerfing isn't the answer here. You can nerf Rhino as much as you want but it won't make the worst frame pop up more. All you'll do is make the 2:nd and third most powerful Warframe show up more often.


For example, Ember. I will not use her at high level because I don't see any use of her. For Nekro I'd only use him for farming on certain maps. Excalibur has ONE good skill and even that is outdone by Rhino Stomp or Novas Ulti. I could go on but there are generally only a few Warframes that are better than most.


If those worse warframes where to be buffed up and it honestly wouldn't hurt because they are not used much at all things might be better.


Rhino is a nice Warframe to play because of all the procs that iron skin stops. So if you're not a Warframe with a healing capability you're just gonna end up losing health that you can get back. Due to the rarity of health orbs.

I beg to differ

radial blind can make enemies cover their eyes for 5 seconds and then make them blind for 20+ seconds

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I beg to differ

radial blind can make enemies cover their eyes for 5 seconds and then make them blind for 20+ seconds

Big deal, you don't need that long to kill all the enemies. Also Excalibur has no damage buff for the team and no defense skill for himself. Also with Vanguard helmet you're faster than him. The Prime version being even faster.

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Big deal, you don't need that long to kill all the enemies. Also Excalibur has no damage buff for the team and no defense skill for himself. Also with Vanguard helmet you're faster than him. The Prime version being even faster.


"Blind enemies are susceptible to 4x melee damage as they are temporarily removed from an alert state"


That will do me fine as a "damage buff". As far as "moving fast", who the hell sprints anymore? Coptering, the new fad. Look it up.

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Seriously...I can't even remember the last time I joined a game where someone was not using a rhino.


How about making iron skin decrease power strength by 50% when active and make it so people can toggle it off when necessary?

I rarely see them, but you can't blame people for playing him.  He is one of the best solo frames and many of the later nodes are desolate. Plus he can be obtained very early on.

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There's nothing fundamentally wrong with conclave. Basing an overall strength rating off equipped mods and weapons is a decent idea, in theory. However the problem with it is that the conclave values assigned to mods are way off the mark. If conclave was rebalanced, it could be a very useful system in both PvP and PvE.


How can you *possibly* put a *valid* rating on anything? Who is to say that one mod is better than the other? It all depends on what weapon it's equipped on and what the actual goal is. So in the end every mod would basically need to have the same rating (the fact that there's some totally worthless mods doesn't change this one bit as those should be fixed instead of getting a low rating), so the only really objective thing it can tell you is whether the guy's gear is potatoed and/or forma'd.


Now if you would go and say "Yeah but certain mods are must haves on item x" then you're going down a very slippery slope towards cookie cutter builds... and nobody wants to go there, am I right (it would also require DE to basically openly admit that some mods are utter crap...)?


Really, I would have thought that WoW would have already tought us how stupid the entire idea of Gearscore is, but apparently DE has never played WoW (or certainly not at the height of the "gearscore crisis", assuming that crisis ever let off), so let me enlighten them on how it will go:


UberLeetDude needs a Gearscore of 200 (randomly picked number) to be allowed into Instance X, his objectively most effective gear has a Gearscore of 185. Now there's two things UberLeetDude can do:

 * farm until he finally gets that one piece of gear that would still be an upgrade and puts him over that arbitrary cap

 * grab some random item with a greater Gearscore value that is objectively *worse* than what he already has (for example: because it was designed with another class or build in mind) equip that and either play the instance gimped or switch back to the other item once he's in.

Btw, this is *not* a fictional account (even though I made the numbers up) this is what actually happened in WoW and let me tell you 90% of the people picked the second option (the other 10% likely hadn't figured out the second option was possible).


So as soon as people go total moron on this and start discriminating other players based on GearScore *this* is what is going to happen in Warframe: UberLeetDude makes a loadout that is set up to maximize his gearscore, dude gets in squad, dude switches to actual effective/fun loadout.


Oh, and there will be lots of moaning and crying because lots of people are getting discriminated based on arbitrary numbers.

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