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Can Anyone Explain Status Procs?



I don't understand what '25% status chance' means.


-Does it just pick a random status to apply once a proc has been determined?

-How to I mod my gun so that a certain status is more likely to apply? I'm tryin to proc my Viral and all I get is like, puncture.

-About how much % status is the optimal amount?

-Are the elemental/status mods even worth it over the regular elemental mods?

-Can you stack up status's with themselves and other status's? (ex can I proc an enemy with puncture then viral to half his hp then apply viral again to half his HP to 25%)

-Can you still apply the parent status when you have the upgraded status? (ex apply Fire when you have a Gas weaponN)

-For the case of like ember's Accelerant, does blast/gas still count as Fire?

Edited by Vallerian
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11 answers to this question

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- yes

- you can't, unless your gun only has one damage type

- it depends on what you're going for. Weapons with a high base status chance are usually the only ones status build are used on

- same as above, it depends on the weapon. They're nice on weapons with high base status

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- Status is technically random, technically not. the highest single Damage source your Weapon has generally gets chosen for Status more often. think of it as a list of probability. the more Damage this or that is, the higher the probability it gets chosen over another Status Effect.


- simply make Viral the highest Damage source, and it'll happen more often.


- the optimal amount of Status would be 100+%, because that would mean you get a Status Effect on every shot. chances over 100% let you get multiple Status Effects per shot IIRC. only applicable for Tysis.


- if you want the Status Effects of the Damage Types you have more than the Damage itself, then yeah, a Status Boost could be more valuable to you than Damage.




Status is per projectile on Single Projectile Weapons. Shotguns, is a total of per shot. Continuous Weapons is a chance per Damage Tick averaged to a one second time.



oh. more questions.


no. you can't stack Viral and Et Cetera. you can.. stack DoT's though.


Status Effects are only applied from the Damage Types a Weapon has. there are some exceptions, for example, Dual Ichor despite only having Toxin Damage can still get Slash Effects.


only fire counts as fire, sadly.

Edited by taiiat
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~yes (but it shouldn't be random IMO) EDIT: i should mention it only picks procs from the damage types the weapon deals.

~no BUT you can increase status chance to a high enough point that extra bullets from multishot can proc something different. see tysis and 100% proc chance.

~ i like anything over 50% but i like to go as high as i can. 100% proc chance is by far one of my favorite things though.

~completely, but usually best with high base status chance weapon.

~this one i don't know. i imagine they wont stack.


~would not think so but i do not know. seriously doubt it.

Edited by Retrikaethan
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1. Not exactly random, the higher the damage is, the more probable is proc from this type. Weapon with 200 Slash and 100 Puncture is more likely to proc from Slash

2. 1st answer should answer this question as well.


3. As close to 100% as possible, I'd say. More frequent procs = highrer chances of procing what you want

4. If you're going for status - yes. If you're going for pure damage - not really.


5. AFAIK yes


6. No. If you have Gas damage, you no longer have Toxin and Fire, it's only Gas.

7. No, only Fire counts as Fire, I thought that was pretty obvious...

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It means that there's a 25% likelihood of a single registered hit to proc. If you have an elemental damage mod on it will still deal elemental damage every shot, along with physical damage. Same if you combine two elements and create a combo, it deals damage each hit in the elemental combo. You just don't get a status every hit.

- Regarding proc type, I think that when you proc the damage type with the most numbers are more likely to proc. For example, You have a boltor that deals high puncture and you add a fire mod that deals less damage than the base puncture, you'll get more puncture procs and less fire procs, with the least likelihood of seeing a slash or impact proc.

- So you can add more damage to the type you want to proc, I suppose.

- Based on weapons, for some adding status chance is pointless. Such as the ichors; building for physical, elemental, crit chance and crit damage as well as speed with fury and rage mods will serve you well.

- So, yes elemental status+damage mods are better than the more common damage only mods if you want to build for proc chance, or use them alongside the damage mods to deal more elemental damage.

- Viral does not stack. Corrosive, however, does stack. Using corrosive with a high-proc weapon against grineer can be a game changer at higher level missions.

- You need two heat mods to deal both gas (or blast, or radiation) and fire damage. Have a fire mod + "selected elemental for combo" then have the second fire mod after that.

- Accelerant only works on pure heat damage. The ignis works especially well, but weapons modded for heat damage (preferably two heat mods combined for more damage) will also prove devastating.

Edited by capric0u5
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I don't understand what '25% status chance' means.


-Does it just pick a random status to apply once a proc has been determined?

-How to I mod my gun so that a certain status is more likely to apply? I'm tryin to proc my Viral and all I get is like, puncture.

-About how much % status is the optimal amount?

-Are the elemental/status mods even worth it over the regular elemental mods?

-Can you stack up status's with themselves and other status's? (ex can I proc an enemy with puncture then viral to half his hp then apply viral again to half his HP to 25%)

-Can you still apply the parent status when you have the upgraded status? (ex apply Fire when you have a Gas weaponN)

-For the case of like ember's Accelerant, does blast/gas still count as Fire?

-yes, although the highest damage type seems to proc the most.

-boost the status chance and the damage type you´re going for with mods!

-usually people don´t go for status builds unless the base chance is ~20%, depending on the weapon type10-15% base chance is prefectly ok though.

-YES! The combined status/elemental mods are some of the strongest in the game. They are absolutely necessary if you wanna go for status builds.

-you can proc multiple procs, yes. Not all Procs stack with themself though, Viral being an example of that, you can only apply Viral once every 6 seconds. Corrosive would be an example of an proc that stacks with itself.

-No. you can only proc a damage type equipped on your weapon, combined elements are their own unique element and damage type with an unique proc, so they have nothing to do with their parent element.

-No, it does not!


this will answer all further questions



hoppe that helps^^

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Proc chance is determined by damage distribution, with the addendum that IPS procs must make up 50% of the procs that occur. As such, a weapon without an innate elemental base can be considered to have effectively half the listed proc chance.


Of note as well is that when using shotguns or multishot mods the listed proc chance is the chance for at least one proc to occur per trigger pull. To find the true proc rate, remove the multishot mods and multiply that proc chance by the number of bullets/trigger.


What % status does a weapon need base for the Tethra/BG mods to be better than the standard elemental mods?


Thats... nebulous. Personally I don't find many of the procs useful enough to lose direct damage in order to get them. Most of the notable exceptions are elemental based weapons, which as I mentioned, scale better. Lanka comes to mind as a great example of the proc potential being as important as the direct damage.

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- You need two heat mods to deal both gas (or blast, or radiation) and fire damage. Have a fire mod + "selected elemental for combo" then have the second fire mod after that.

False. Even if you have two Fire mods and one Toxin mod, both Fire mods contribute towards Gas damage, increasing it. There's no way of having Ice + Magnetic, Fire + Blast, or Electricity + Corrosive. Unless you have a weapon with innate 2nd stage element, like Dark Sword dealing Radiation damage - then you can slap Fire mod on that and you'll get Radiation + Fire. Or you can even mod it for Radiation + Gas.


As long as the weapon has no innate elemental damage, or has the 1st stage one it is not possible to achieve 1st stage damage alongside 2nd stage damage that consists of said 1st stage one.

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-How to I mod my gun so that a certain status is more likely to apply? I'm tryin to proc my Viral and all I get is like, puncture.

Specifically, you'd want to add mods with +status chance. You'd probably not want to use another element, as that would draw away from the Viral procs. ETC if it's a physical weapon, 50% of the procs are physical, and the other 50% are shared between the installed elements. So if you added Radiation damage with the two event mods, you'd have a higher status chance, sure, but it'd be more heavily diluted against the Viral proc.


Viral itself is an interesting proc which has been changed a number of times. As it currently stands, it does NOT stack with multiple applications, they merely extend the duration. Viral halves the max health, and when it wears off, it doesn't heal the mob at all. So its really more effective at higher levels where health pools are larger, and the proc itself is more valuable the sooner it activates.


Personally, for most weapons I'd be looking for more damage over working to proc Viral on mobs. The Tysis might be an ideal candidate for a Viral proc setup (Corrosive/Rad/Viral setup with 100% proc chance is devastating to Grineer) and a few people use it on the Dual Ichors, especially at late game. Apart from those, I generally feel it's better to focus on doing the damage type with +75% damage all the time, rather than have a chance to halve health (essentially doing +100% damage some of the time).

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