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Latron Wraith Feedback (Designated Megathread)


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the firing rate increase makes dropping critical delay on the weapon that much easier. increasing it's crit to something like 74.5% (correct me if i'm wrong)


overall it's on par with the latron prime. it certainly doesn't need a buff. 


and OP & snake are absolutely correct in that it shouldn't be compared to the prime but rather the base latron.


besides, it's a free weapon w/ catalyst & slot. if folks don't like it, don't use it.

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The problem I always had with Latron Prime isn't damage, it's that it has INCONSISTENT damage. You're trying to use it like a semi-auto to pop heads but you never know what each trigger pull will do, so you end up spamming it. Latron Wraith is a straight upgrade as far as I'm concerned because 90% multishot + 62% crit + firing faster = both more consistent and better at spamming.

Edited by VKhaun
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the firing rate increase makes dropping critical delay on the weapon that much easier. increasing it's crit to something like 74.5% (correct me if i'm wrong)


overall it's on par with the latron prime. it certainly doesn't need a buff. 


and OP & snake are absolutely correct in that it shouldn't be compared to the prime but rather the base latron.


besides, it's a free weapon w/ catalyst & slot. if folks don't like it, don't use it.



It just annoys me that we've been given a viable end game weapon and there are threads saying it should be buffed.... O.o

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It just annoys me that we've been given a viable end game weapon and there are threads saying it should be buffed.... O.o

people are still convinced that if it's event it must suck and crit weapon's strenght isn't exactly obivious from the start.

btw my maths and warframe builder say that the l.wraith is a bit stronger than the l.prime if anything.

Edited by bl4ckhunter
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It just annoys me that we've been given a viable end game weapon and there are threads saying it should be buffed.... O.o

^ well.....i see it more as a mid game/ end game ish weap.....definitely not late end game weapon



but yeah its just as powerful or a tad bit more powerful than latron prime....which honestly says a lot already



does not need to be buffed any further....if it were...it would definitely his the late end game category

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- for starters, that's issue #1. DPSframe hasn't been updated with the game. the longer that sits without updates, the high probability that numbers will be off.


- the the EXACT problem is that it's paper numbers, not applicable numbers. those numbers completely change when you put it into an applicable scenario. which is why paper calculations are pretty much pointless. this 'n' that will go up and down in actual applicability.


hopefully we all know the answer to powercrepe isn't more of it.

Yeah DPSframe is badly outdated (it says patch #at the top) . WFbuilder updates with the game and has all the stats right.


Its perfectly applicable if you know what are you looking at. You can compare weapons (just by average dps), you can compare builds, you can see what works best vs specific enemies (in 'Details').  And its been proven by tests and math done separately by other people. 

If you want to get specific number in a specific situation - you can base it of the builder and do some simple math yourself.  But average number tells you about overall performance.

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But the Red Veil didnt exist when we got the Strun, Gorgon, Twin Viper, or Machete Wraiths and we only got a wraith looking syandana from them.


And the Void didn't exist when we got primes... Just saying.


Also just I side note, I've built my Latron P and W completely differently. It is interesting that with the same build the wraith has far more damage.

Edited by BritishBob
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Its fun to how thing evaluate over time, when Strun Wraith was released it was to OP bc it out damage any other in its class, so making such a good weapon a event reward was bla bla unbalanced.


DE made some changes on that regard and started to make those weapons a little better than the normal version, with high critical but do not out damage others in the class and now they are crap bc the primes are better?


Well people have to make up their minds on what its better, do we really need more op weapons or this is just phase and tomorrow all will be fine?

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From what I calculated you can get a 74% chance crit and 7.0x multiplier for crit damage once modded with Vital Sense, Point Strike, Hammer Shot, etc... Its better than the Latron Pirme in the way that it can deal consistant crits with quite high damage if your aim is good. Its almost as if it were designed for a crit build. Any other build and it falls inferior to the Latron Prime.


Honestly I thought I was gonna be dissapointed but I'm actually very pleased with it. Though I still prefer the Latron P. There's just something I like more about it than the Wraith. But I can't tell :/

The colours!

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this is an EVENT weapon ,a LIMITED edition weapon that no one will ever be able to get after the 14.5 event 


no one will be able to get after the event


This is precisely the reason ALL wraith/vandal/event weapons should suck(or be re-skins/skins).


To say that Warframe has S#&$ty balance would be insulting to all games that have any sort of balancing effort put into them, and the practice of event exclusive weapon variants is a big part of the problem.

Rather than breaking it further, steps should be taken(like the recent explosives nerf) to introduce at least a semblance of having any.

Edited by Naqel
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I don't know why people are complaining about the Latron Wraith, but I am enjoying it very much. This is my build for it:


Split Chamber (rank 4)

Serration (rank 5)

Vital Sense (rank 2)

Point Strike (rank 2)

Rime Rounds + Malignant Force = Viral (still unranked)

High Voltage (rank 3)

I am planning on adding Shred once I get enough mod space which will be rank 4


Even though visually the damage looks small, it is actually pretty good because I am able to easily get over 2000 damage per shot especially in Tower 4 Interception. The fast rate of fire really helps. The electric damage stuns the enemy and viral does its job. Nearly every shot crits. This is even better than my Sybaris surprisingly.


By also using Dex Furis with electricity and blast and Prova Vandal, I am able to deal with high level enemies easily.


Comment on what you think about the Latron Wraith.

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2000 damage? My bow can do 10x that! o.o


Joking besides.

its not a bad weapon, but its not SUPER HYPER ENDGAME WEAPON.

Mine isn't fully ranked yet but I was really surprised how well it performed.


Its a novelty weapon. 

I think that not all novelty weapons should be OP.

The Latron Wraith is really good in my opinion, but hey thats just me.

I agree. Dex Furis and Prova Vandal also fall into the same category as the Latron Wraith, but hey, the day I got Dex Furis, I never stopped using it. And Prova Vandal, that 100% guarantee that you will proc with electricity, talk about stun locking the enemy and just taking out their health nice and easy.


For some strange reason, I enjoy using weird weapons that people normally wouldn't use. Talk about being unique. I am even willing to put my Dragon Nikana aside for a while until a new, stronger melee weapon comes out and in the mean time just run around with the Prova Vandal.

Edited by GhostShip20
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Mine isn't fully ranked yet but I was really surprised how well it performed.


I agree. Dex Furis and Prova Vandal also fall into the same category as the Latron Wraith, but hey, the day I got Dex Furis, I never stopped using it. And Prova Vandal, that 100% guarantee that you will proc with electricity, talk about stun locking the enemy and just taking out their health nice and easy.


For some strange reason, I enjoy using weird weapons that people normally wouldn't use. Talk about being unique. I am even willing to put my Dragon Nikana aside for a while until a new, stronger melee weapon comes out and in the mean time just run around with the Prova Vandal.

Nice, see this is what people should do, not just stick to their op weapons.

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It's not bad


People are just a little upset (myself included) because Latron is a really weird choice for a Wraith. Besides the fact that it breaks the theme of the Wraith'd weapons, there's already a Latron Prime which is just as good if not better, and there's a lot of weapons out there that don't have and won't get primed version who need stronger versions (karak, grinlok)

Edited by Vallerian
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The main problem of people questioning whether or not it's good or bad is they are comparing it to the wrong weapon.


It is not supposed to be an upgrade over prime. It's a middle ground version of the Latron.


Latron, Latron Wraith, Latron Prime

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