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So Have Pc Players Officially Been Given The Shaft? (Console-Centric Ui)


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The UI feedback thread is full of people who hate what they've been doing to the UI, and the only response I see is "too bad, they're not going back, they're clearly doing this to cater to the console players that they don't even have yet".


A friend of mine wanted to get some plat for a few things, and I was going to treat him for it, I had a decent coupon, but...  should I really be supporting developers who seem to have made it clear that the PC players that have been their only support for years aren't as important as the console players they're trying to acquire?


Maybe it's time to show DE that treating us as second class players means they don't get money from us either?

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Guest Tehnoobshow

The new UI is just as unwieldy if you're using a controller. It's good for nobody. Oh, and Plat is always overpriced unless you have 75% off.

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I fail to see the trouble with the new UI< even if it is more console friendly, which im not really seeing, its still super good on pc.



don't see what the issue is here, i think people just don't like change or don't understand how games develop.


I feel like more then 75% of the fanbase has never done beta before,

lord knows at least 90 % hasn't done an alpha,

people whine and get butthurt over the smallest of issues as if making game, making it work, look good for its style and play well and all the other aspects is something anyone can do and easily in super fast time.

when the reality is,

the complete and total opposite.

frankly the new Ui is fine,

people who prefer the old UI,

its just taste,


they both worked fine.
like this one more

others don't but both worked just fine.

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Having both PC and console - but play Warframe on PC as my machine has better graphics - I am not sure how the UI favors the console

I use a controller as well as keyboard/mouse for the PC and it doesn't make a difference


Could you provide some specifics?

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should I really be supporting developers who seem to have made it clear that the PC players that have been their only support for years aren't as important as the console players they're trying to acquire?


Maybe it's time to show DE that treating us as second class players means they don't get money from us either?


Us PC players? Second class?


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i'mma have to keep pointing this out, i guess.


Warframe accomodates Consoles, but the UI always favors having a Keyboard and Mouse. always has, and still does.


Warframes' UI is really not(and hasn't been) very Console friendly compared to how PC friendly it is.

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People hate changes deal with it.


Preeetty much this. People aren't used to it, and thus it's "unwieldy" and "broken" and so on and so forth. It's typical kneejerk reactions.


Whenever something new comes down the pipeline, I sit down, clear my mind, and try it out. If there's something wrong or something I don't like, I note it and report it if need be. I don't go on the forums and rage about how everything's different.


Luckily there are still a few out there who do the same thing I do when something new comes. Unluckily they're a rare commodity nowadays. Either that, or they don't talk as loudly as the ragers.

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It's working very fine without any problem, if you have problem then it's a bug and you should go to bug section and specify your problem.


If you simply don't like the way it looks, then just say so. No need to coat it with false reasoning and empty " I won't give you money, if you don't do what i want!" threat.

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I fail to see the trouble with the new UI< even if it is more console friendly, which im not really seeing, its still super good on pc.



don't see what the issue is here, i think people just don't like change or don't understand how games develop.


I feel like more then 75% of the fanbase has never done beta before,

lord knows at least 90 % hasn't done an alpha,

people whine and get butthurt over the smallest of issues as if making game, making it work, look good for its style and play well and all the other aspects is something anyone can do and easily in super fast time.

when the reality is,

the complete and total opposite.

frankly the new Ui is fine,

people who prefer the old UI,

its just taste,


they both worked fine.

like this one more

others don't but both worked just fine.


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People hate changes deal with it.

I couldn't help but laugh here, a couple of little things and you guys have a giant fit, but when us PS4 players get shorted left and right we don't raise hell about it.

These people again. -_-

Are you people blind because you seem to happily ignore anything that completely counters you paper thing argument.

Preeetty much this. People aren't used to it, and thus it's "unwieldy" and "broken" and so on and so forth. It's typical kneejerk reactions.


Whenever something new comes down the pipeline, I sit down, clear my mind, and try it out. If there's something wrong or something I don't like, I note it and report it if need be. I don't go on the forums and rage about how everything's different.


Luckily there are still a few out there who do the same thing I do when something new comes. Unluckily they're a rare commodity nowadays. Either that, or they don't talk as loudly as the ragers.

It's working very fine without any problem, if you have problem then it's a bug and you should go to bug section and specify your problem.


If you simply don't like the way it looks, then just say so. No need to coat it with false reasoning and empty " I won't give you money, if you don't do what i want!" threat.

I don't see a problem at all. I've grown pretty fond of the new UI tbh.


Well yea I've heard of this before cause I played PS4 before I was PC. I still play both. But, I think people should chill.


^You guys are the real fan base and heroes to us all HAIL/UPVOTES

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^You guys are the real fan base and heroes to us all HAIL/UPVOTES

lol Thanks. ^_^ The majority of people are fine with the UI changes. Even today I said to my friend over Skype, "People are complaining about the UI changes again," and my friend was like, "Idiots." XD

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Ok seriously, are the PC players (obviously not all, but you know which ones I mean) so angry that they are now blaming it on consoles for something they dislike? Why am I not surpirsed.

Seriously this is the new UI, wether or not you like don't go around making up blames for it, the only ones 'guilty' are the UI team.

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Yes it's our fault the UI has changed even though you guys got it a month before us. We all had a secret meeting on PS4 and made the UI Team make a Console-Friendly UI. Bravo, Detective you found us out. And we would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that meddling Kubrow!

Edited by (PS4)kiddplay13
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