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Do You Really Need To Quit?


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Normally I would agree with the op's statement but I was forced to turn tail and hide recently due to being called out by the g3 while having nothing but my dual ichors, under leveled new kubrow and a mr3 in tow. If I had some capable backup I might have fought but there were to many negative penalties associated with my newest kubrow if it died in the fight for me to take the chance with the odds stacked that high against me.

It might be an inconvenience for you if the host leaves, but instead of thinking only about yourselves think about the fact that to stay may be an inconvenience for the host as well.

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Only time I'd ever leave a game with the approach of an assassin would be if I'm soloing with low level gear and don't want to waste a mark. You can pull through most of the time if there's two or more of you, I find.


I never noticed it was that hard to get a mark. Usually I get a mark after killing 2 bosses. 


Also they never bother me actually, not because of the gear I had but because I think they are fun, they are like rares ennemies that you can challenge. Sometimes I die cause I can't dodge that dash, but what's the big deal, it is just a revive right?  

Like the otherday on T4MD, after finishing defending the objective, we were heading our way to the exit and Vor came, people type on the chat.

Run quick to the extraction. I don't understand why people are so afraid of facing harder ennemies. It is just a game right? 

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Have some kind of system in place to punish players that disconnect in the time between the lights first flickering and the encounter finishing. Apply Grustag bolts to anyone that wimps out of a G3 fight and have players that run from Zanuka forced into the escape mission. No idea what to do for the Stalker though.


Bonus points if Alad/Hek/Stalker play special voice lines afterwards to make you feel bad.


Alad: "I expected more from you, Tenno. But to trying to run without a fight? No matter - I'll cut the cowardice out of you and make you into something far greater."




Stalker: "Still running from the past, Tenno? You're a murderer and a coward."


Preferably followed by Lotus complaining at you for not using the standard method of extraction.

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I've never had anyone leave the party on me, but spookums never comes after me on anything but a freshly formad frame...every time...never on my fully formad frames where he can't kill me in a shot or 2, pisses me off xP I usually kill him, but not always cuz dat low shield/health

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I actually do invasions so that these enemies might spawn in regular gameplay, adds extra rewards to an ordinary mission and i get a miniboss right there during gameplay.

I find it appealing.


Never imagined players left the game just because of it, i guess that's a way of removing...."bad players", so in the end that might be a good thing.

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One reason I play solo. When I played with randoms and they just ran ahead when one of the assassins spawned, I'd kill the assassin, and if they dropped something nice, I wouldn't tell anyone that ran ahead. If you don't at least put up a fight, then you don't get the reward. Stalker could drop Despair and I wouldn't tell any teammate that ran ahead.

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Have some kind of system in place to punish players that disconnect in the time between the lights first flickering and the encounter finishing. Apply Grustag bolts to anyone that wimps out of a G3 fight and have players that run from Zanuka forced into the escape mission. No idea what to do for the Stalker though.


Bonus points if Alad/Hek/Stalker play special voice lines afterwards to make you feel bad.


Alad: "I expected more from you, Tenno. But to trying to run without a fight? No matter - I'll cut the cowardice out of you and make you into something far greater."




Stalker: "Still running from the past, Tenno? You're a murderer and a coward."


Preferably followed by Lotus complaining at you for not using the standard method of extraction.


^ this I want.


They are the wrost to kill, its flee and shoot.


Its awesome, gets the blood pumping


The 3 Stooges are easy as long as you have good weaponry


you really shouldent be naming and shaming in the forums but i understand where you are coming from. i hate it when the G3 invade and half my squad quits... it's really annoying knowing i could have had an easier time defeating them instead of being forced to run to extraction


Where did OP name anyone? He's only ranting about cowards in general, he's not targeting a specific person.

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you really shouldent be naming and shaming in the forums but i understand where you are coming from. i hate it when the G3 invade and half my squad quits... it's really annoying knowing i could have had an easier time defeating them instead of being forced to run to extraction


I didnt, my friend. Ive seen Letter13 waggle the banhammer at several people on the forums for doing the same.

I dont want to go to Forum-Jail, Archistopheles says its no fun.



Have some kind of system in place to punish players that disconnect in the time between the lights first flickering and the encounter finishing. Apply Grustag bolts to anyone that wimps out of a G3 fight and have players that run from Zanuka forced into the escape mission. No idea what to do for the Stalker though.


Bonus points if Alad/Hek/Stalker play special voice lines afterwards to make you feel bad.


Alad: "I expected more from you, Tenno. But to trying to run without a fight? No matter - I'll cut the cowardice out of you and make you into something far greater."




Stalker: "Still running from the past, Tenno? You're a murderer and a coward."


Preferably followed by Lotus complaining at you for not using the standard method of extraction.





I would welcome this with open arms. Bonus points if its a transmission while you are on your Lisset. I, for one, always support bosses taunting me, it makes stabbing them in the face so much more rewarding.

Or have a stat that tracks "times fled an enemy assassin"

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This have happened to me now three times in row when G3 have arrived. Wich pisses me off because they have appeared first time after months never seeing them, and when they do arrive people leaves. Worst one was latest one, where first one died almost right away, 2ppl were downed, i nearly managed to kill second one, she had about 5% of her health left, host leaves and game ends right there. Srly, their defeat were so close but still host went cowards way out.

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The G3 spawned on me when I was levelling my Lex Prime solo. So I made a run for it to the extraction (dunno what the mission was, but I had two or three Cells) when the Jat Kittag dude jumped in front of me. Took me about two magazines but the dimwit fell quite easily. So I turned around and killed the other two. For some reason, they got separated and that made them easy targets.


They're really not that difficult to down from my experience, which is exactly why people leaving due to flickering lights amaze me :D

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The only reason I hate fighting them is because they have an attack that insta-kills me, and I have no idea what it is. I don't see it coming, I can't tell what it is, or how to dodge it, or if it pierces cover, or if it's blockable at all. One moment I'm looking around for the hunter, and in half a second something hits me and i'm insta-killed. No fancy effects, no fog, no metal clang like I got shot at, I just drop dead. That's why I just let my team mates handle it.


Zanuka is fun to fight because it doesn't have any @(*()$ invisible attacks.

Edited by DarkTails
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