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Grakata Wraith


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Pool all damage into Impact and Puncture and mabye increase total damage by +1 or 2. (Makes up for lack of Puncture damage when fighting Grineer, also increase elemental proc chance in current system)

Increase accuracy to 40 (+12 give or take)

Lower the recoil.

Increase Status by 5-10%

Increase Crit Damage Multiplier by +.5x

Increase Crit Chance by 5%

Lower Reload time to 1.9 or 1.4 from 2.4

Increase Clip size to 75 (Even division of max ammo)

This DE is my holy pray. Even though its already godly, I would like it to be both Godly and Accurate and a slightly more Elite Verion would be great. XD Elite Grakata Wraith. Cheap RPG names.

Edited by Olivionic
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We have enough Wraith weapons (3 Primaries, 1 Melee and 1 Sidearm) now we need some new Vandals (Supra maybe?)


Actually, there's currently 4 Vandals. Sadly none of them are the Dera or Supra (easily the Corpus' most iconic weapons)


As for the OP: I think it's 100% Grak's time to be made into a wraith. hopefully it's the next wraith to come out

Edited by KittyDarkling
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The Grakata Wraith would be an intresting weapon but there are more important weapons in the line to get a Wraith Sufix before it. Hek and Kraken as examples.


Strangly i dont know what went on to DE`s mind making a Latron Wraith since originaly the Wraith sufix was ment for Grineer weapons, Vandal for Corpus and Prime for Tenno.

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Look the only reason I say Grakata Wraith is because the Grakata is an extremely iconic weapon in game, and also severely under powered. I would like it if the fans of the Grakata. (5 Forma people like myself who love its power, and utility.) To have at least the chance to get a version that can handle top tier missions with less hassle. It's a love weapon and I would adore to see it properly honored. After all it is one of the weapons you see most in the game.

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Look the only reason I say Grakata Wraith is because the Grakata is an extremely iconic weapon in game, and also severely under powered. I would like it if the fans of the Grakata. (5 Forma people like myself who love its power, and utility.) To have at least the chance to get a version that can handle top tier missions with less hassle. It's a love weapon and I would adore to see it properly honored. After all it is one of the weapons you see most in the game.


What? Grakata? Under powered? You 5-formaed it and call it unable to handle top tier missions? What? 


Grakata eats high level heavy gunners for breakfast. I just used a 4-forma Grakata on lvl 75 Grineers on Ceres survival missions and it performed very well. 

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Another reason I think we should have a Grakata wraith is I am completely sick of people ragging on it for low DPS relative to the Soma so I would like to be able to have something that obviously rivals its power on a purely damage based stand point. And though it may eat level 75 gunners for breakfast that does not under any stand point mean that it does so efficiently. I would like a Grakata that has the fire power to efficiently eat through level 75 gunners, and absolutely murder in the status department. even more then it already is. 

You are all going to call me insane and an idiot for suggesting this... But I think one cool way to buff the Grakata is put all of its damage into an element. That would allow you to only proc elementals and greatly increase its already lovely performance. I mean aren't any of you guys sick of stacking puncture and impact when they do barely anything? and you just keep waiting for that one elemental proc that saves the day? wouldn't it be great if you just lead with that?

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Another reason I think we should have a Grakata wraith is I am completely sick of people ragging on it for low DPS relative to the Soma so I would like to be able to have something that obviously rivals its power on a purely damage based stand point. And though it may eat level 75 gunners for breakfast that does not under any stand point mean that it does so efficiently. I would like a Grakata that has the fire power to efficiently eat through level 75 gunners, and absolutely murder in the status department. even more then it already is.

You are all going to call me insane and an idiot for suggesting this... But I think one cool way to buff the Grakata is put all of its damage into an element. That would allow you to only proc elementals and greatly increase its already lovely performance. I mean aren't any of you guys sick of stacking puncture and impact when they do barely anything? and you just keep waiting for that one elemental proc that saves the day? wouldn't it be great if you just lead with that?

I bet even if a grakata wraith is released and then soma prime releases you're going to QQ even harder for a buff. If you really like the weapon then you take it as is and stop wanting a change to it to match the norm. At that point you just want to just feel special for not having to use a commonly powerful weapon so you just choose a slight weaker weapon to use and boast it's greatness yet still asking for it to be buffed to be stronger. Edited by GSDAkatsuki
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I bet even if a grakata wraith is released and then soma prime releases you're going to QQ even harder for a buff. If you really like the weapon then you take it as is and stop wanting a change to it to match the norm. At that point you just want to just feel special for not having to use a commonly powerful weapon so you just choose a slight weaker weapon to use and boast it's greatness yet still asking for it to be buffed to be stronger.

Actually I wouldn't fight for more of a buff... I simply want a version of the weapon that can take down enemies with more efficiency then the current version. And I am sorry but it is not about being "hipster" as you seem to imply... its about having a status cannon that has higher DPS then the current iteration. Besides I am don't want a buff, I want a wraith. I.E another version of the gun.

Another thing is that I would like it to not proc it's basic damage types over its elemental damage types. thats extremely frustrating mabye in a Wraith Version of the Grakata they could pool all its damage into impact and slash eliminating its puncture all together. Or even just pool all the damage into impact as wraith weapons tend to be made to fight the Corpus.

Edited by Olivionic
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Actually I wouldn't fight for more of a buff... I simply want a version of the weapon that can take down enemies with more efficiency then the current version. And I am sorry but it is not about being "hipster" as you seem to imply... its about having a status cannon that has higher DPS then the current iteration. Besides I am don't want a buff, I want a wraith. I.E another version of the gun.

Another thing is that I would like it to not proc it's basic damage types over its elemental damage types. thats extremely frustrating mabye in a Wraith Version of the Grakata they could pool all its damage into impact and slash eliminating its puncture all together. Or even just pool all the damage into impact as wraith weapons tend to be made to fight the Corpus.

Again, then there's no reason to be asking for a critical damage buff. If you want it to be a status gun then it shouldn't have that and high dps for even a wraith. A more understandable DE buff would be a 5-10% status buff with ammo buff for its greedy nature, and possible reload decrease by .5 seconds. Possible slight rearrange in damage allocation with the very slight physical damage buff.

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Again, then there's no reason to be asking for a critical damage buff. If you want it to be a status gun then it shouldn't have that and high dps for even a wraith. A more understandable DE buff would be a 5-10% status buff with ammo buff for its greedy nature, and possible reload decrease by .5 seconds. Possible slight rearrange in damage allocation with the very slight physical damage buff.

Thats reasonable how do these stats look to you?


Grakata Wraith Stats:


Firing Rate: 20.0

Magazine Size: 75 (boost by 15 from 60 so the 750 ammo cap = 10 reloads)

Accuracy: 40.0 (11.4 increase or mabye flat out recoil deduction?)

Reload Time: 1.5 or 1.9 (-.5 or -1.0)

Physical Damage: 14.0 (increase by 3)

Puncture: 1.0

Slash: 5.0

Impact: 8.0

Crit Chance: 25.0%

Crit Damage: 2.5x (.5 increase)

Status Chance: 30% (10% increase)


Is that too OP?


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Thats reasonable how do these stats look to you?

Grakata Wraith Stats:

Firing Rate: 20.0

Magazine Size: 75 (boost by 15 from 60 so the 750 ammo cap = 10 reloads)

Accuracy: 40.0 (11.4 increase or mabye flat out recoil deduction?)

Reload Time: 1.5 or 1.9 (-.5 or -1.0)

Physical Damage: 14.0 (increase by 3)

Puncture: 1.0

Slash: 5.0

Impact: 8.0

Crit Chance: 25.0%

Crit Damage: 2.5x (.5 increase)

Status Chance: 30% (10% increase)

Is that too OP?

Im still very against any critical damage buff considering in its nature it is more of a smg than an ar. I can agree to some accuracy buff or recoil buff to show it is a more professional upgrade of its original grineer counterpart. An upgrade that long time grakata fans could feel for themselves instead of just numbers that this is their upgraded baby built for them.

Primes are the only types I'll agree to crazy stat changes as DE has shown to just go overboard with the stat changes there some times. So if grakata was a ten no weapon and we were talking about primes then I'd say go nuts with your stats. For these event weapons though there needs to be a set limit and control of how far the buffs should go.

Edited by GSDAkatsuki
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