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The Manliest Gun


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For sheer power: Hek and Opticor (Hell, it has OP in its name).


For sustained pleasure: Gorgon Wraith, Soma Prime, Boar (prior to sound change), Normal Gorgon (prior to sound change), Boltor (all versions).


For the sheer level of "I'mma F*** you up": Lex Prime, Brakk, and Marelok (both versions).


For looking like a manly weeaboo: Redeemer.

Edited by DBugII
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Velocitus, Opticor or Gorgon. Velocitus is a giant sniper rifle that's a one-shot kill. Opticor's a giant Spartan Laser that's a one-shot kill. Gorgon's got the best firing sound in the game and it's the closest thing we have to a minigun (aside from Imperator, but that gun has the wimpiest firing sound since Acrid).

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Update 7 Gorgon

The thing sounded godly, it had the best sustained Dps of any weapon, and it could snipe like a muthatrucker.

Unfortunately too many powercrepes have left it flabby and unattractive.

Still, U7 Gorgon is the most manly weapon in the game

You sir, deserve a brohug. I was a Rhino, Bronco and Gorgon main back in the day. Oh, and I had a Gram because a giant pink greatsword screamed manliness. 

Edited by bejuizb
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