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Changing Warframes In Game - Should De Show Us How Its Done?


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now you lump it into a gameplay thing? really? so...you pick and choose what you want out of the game to apply to your theories? it's ok that codex lore states one thing, like ember being human, but ignore the fact because it doesn't fit your theory that we make the frames? when ALL OF IT is a gameplay thing as you so eloquently stated.


uh, yeah you can't pick and choose what you want especially since finding/buying warframe BP's and crafting them is a long standing core game element. and no matter where the lore goes, it's an element more likely to stay than any other.


which takes us right back to frankenstein.


You realize you're picking and choosing too, right?


When it comes down to it, neither of us can prove we're right and the other's wrong.

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You realize you're picking and choosing too, right?


When it comes down to it, neither of us can prove we're right and the other's wrong.

prove i am. so far in all my posts i've recognized everything and ignored nothing. the inconsistencies in the lore is not my doing. blame DE.


so frankenstein, got an answer yet? do we build the frames and the pilot all at once? or do they magically appear when the frame completes?


and why frames and not suits eh? if DE was set on there being a human inside...suits would have been a better choice of words leaving no confusion or debate possible.

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prove i am. so far in all my posts i've recognized everything and ignored nothing. the inconsistencies in the lore is not my doing. blame DE.


so frankenstein, got an answer yet? do we build the frames and the pilot all at once? or do they magically appear when the frame completes?


and why frames and not suits eh? if DE was set on there being a human inside...suits would have been a better choice of words leaving no confusion or debate possible.


Actually, let's try this the other way. Prove I'm wrong. Because you can't either, same as I can't prove you're wrong.


Isn't it great?


Edit: Regardless, I think I'm done here. Things are getting a little hostile. 

Edited by vaugahn
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Actually, let's try this the other way. Prove I'm wrong. Because you can't either, same as I can't prove you're wrong.


Isn't it great?


Edit: Regardless, I think I'm done here. Things are getting a little hostile. 

lol, doesn't work that way, i proved you attempted to ignore elements that didn't fit your theory already. that we make the frames. you accused me of ignoring things, that burden of proof is on you.


so we have frankenstein, unanswered, the fact mag doesn't have a head, unanswered...clone degeneration, etc


ah, energy, spirits, ghosts...just works, simply, easily.


the other theories raise more issues and solve none of what i posted here and before.

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Actually, let's try this the other way. Prove I'm wrong. Because you can't either, same as I can't prove you're wrong.


Isn't it great?


Edit: Regardless, I think I'm done here. Things are getting a little hostile. 

Just want to say, whether against your idea or not, the fact you've maintained good composure in these posts is respectful.

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why do you all bother to quote and reply when you don't even bother to read?


and once again, you ignore the biggest issue



I did address that, you know. Or at least, I assumed you had the Mirage quest done. Or maybe you did, but you didn't bother to read, as you accused me and others of doing. More specifically, when the components of the Mirage Warframe were directly mentioned and referred to. This event arguably snapped "Occam's Razor" in half because you're actually building lore, aka, a "frankenstein" as you refer to it. And every single post you've brought down just riffs my point: Nothing is set in stone yet.


For all we know, we COULD be making frankenstein. There's "evidence" to that. Tenno could be energy. There's also "evidence" for that. It's hypocritical  that you seem to be ignoring points, as well as picking and choosing, making you look bad when you accuse others of doing so.


If you're so stubborn about your point being "right" then simply agree to disagree and let the rest of us rot in peace. Ignorance is bliss, right?

Edited by Snydrex
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As Tenno we hunt for ancient warframes.

We then assemble them and master them, no worries.

But the matter of frame gender and fitting into *very* different body shapes, is a big un resolved issue.

Now, suppose we are one Tenno with many warframes to shoose from, and they all come with their own persona, their imprint.

How do you want this represented in the game? Do we need to see the change? Should we have an Armory of warframes?

Please discuss. Below is an outline for a possible frame-change.

The tenno enter the Warframe Armory.

Mechanical arms lock the body into place, machines and lights coming alive in the dim underbelly of the Liset.

"Welcome Operator. Please select the desired warframe."

The onboard complement of crafted warframes shimmers in the air for a moment.

The tenno highlights the Frost Prime.

"Excellent choice Operator. Refitting commencing. Please stand by. This might... sting a little. Apologies."

Agony begin to rip through the tenno as Trinitys systems are removed, and continue as the chassi is broken up, part by part, swallowed be the warframe stasis chambers.

But even as the pain become a fire, the Frost Prime systems are fitted into place, and with it the balm of sweet surrender, being born again.

As the parts change, the Trinity imprint fades into oblivion. Steely cold power takes its place, a blizzard of shards, of control, of quiet fury.

The pain is gone, a dim afterthought as he step out of the Armory.

"Refitting complete, Operator. All systems are ready * for dismembering *

for the next mission. The others are waiting."

I love this all so much i wish DE read it and it could make it into the gane i really want to see how we change warframes. You brought up a really interesting topic man. Gratz!

Also i want ordis saying all those things!

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We all agree theory and conjecture is all we have, and some really Impressive theories.

In regard to the OP; should there be a visual change in the ui?

Proposition: we enter a frame choosing chamber or good looking UI panel where all frames are standing doing their idle.

We pan over them , a brief summary appear showing the current build and stats.

We choose one and out from a door or pad or dock the frame emerges, is greeted by Ordis and we are good to go.

Optional: The frames are unique; Ordis make sure to greet the warframe by his/her Codex description.

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Not gonna read all the bs, already know where is this going, gotta say can't you f:)ckin assume we are just changing characters like in fighting games? Is that simple,,, and no, this stupid theory doesn't apply to fighting games, neither to warframe, UNLESS A DEGOD COMES TO SAY YOU ARE RIGHT. I'm tired of this posts, its like the literature class were the text says the wall was blue and the stupid teacher(you) wants to find a stupid meaning to that when the poor writer(DE) just wanted to mention that the f:)ckin wall was f:)ckin blue for graphical purposes

Edited by Iacon
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Honestly, why are we even relying on Vor for explanations? It's not like he invented the Warframes, or was there when the first Tenno were discorvered. That was the Orokin.


In my opinion he is an quite the unreliable source. Just because he has been exposed to the Void does not mean he is now "enlightened" or something. For all we know, he could have gone bonkers.


The only people that knew what we (the Tenno) are were the Orokin, but their most of their knowledge died with them. Perhaps the Lotus, Ordis, and maybe the Sentients have a clue, but besides them, I can't think of anyone else.


Vor says we are "energy", not "energy beings". According to Excalibur's Codex Entry, the Warframes were "built around them". Forgive me for not seeing how such a humanoid-looking design can be based on formless energy solely, and Ember's cleary speaks of children. I highly doubt Kaleen would have seen energy beings and would have identified them as children.


The "affliction" Excal's Codex speaks of is not their theorised current form (energy), but it is their technocyte infection, and their void mutation. This mirrors what is written in Ember's Codex, as the children burnt Kaleen's face when she tried to comfort them. That kind of power can be seen as a curse, especially when it cannot be controlled. No one wants to be responsible for the deaths of their loved ones.


These survivors became "rejects". This sounds to me like the Tenno were still vaguely human at this point. However, since they were literally walking time bombs, they were cast out of society. This remained the case until someone came up with the idea of weaponising them.


So the Orokin, seeing this as a viable tactic, decide to build an exoskeleton around these rejects which are capable of harnessing the void energies within them. The give the weapons of the old ways. The ways humans fought before they reached the pinnacle of human intelligence and evolution; before they unlocked the technological secrets of the universe; before the rise of the Orokin Empire. They called the exoskeletons Warframes, and they call the rejects Tenno.


Of course this is not to say Vor, and anyone else who thinks we are enegy beings are completely wrong. It just doesn't make that much sense to me. I love all Tenno theories to be honest. They are so... creative.


(Sorry for wall of text)

Edited by Tengu147
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I did address that, you know. Or at least, I assumed you had the Mirage quest done. Or maybe you did, but you didn't bother to read, as you accused me and others of doing. More specifically, when the components of the Mirage Warframe were directly mentioned and referred to. This event arguably snapped "Occam's Razor" in half because you're actually building lore, aka, a "frankenstein" as you refer to it. And every single post you've brought down just riffs my point: Nothing is set in stone yet.


For all we know, we COULD be making frankenstein. There's "evidence" to that. Tenno could be energy. There's also "evidence" for that. It's hypocritical  that you seem to be ignoring points, as well as picking and choosing, making you look bad when you accuse others of doing so.


If you're so stubborn about your point being "right" then simply agree to disagree and let the rest of us rot in peace. Ignorance is bliss, right?

long delay because if it vanishes from page one i'm not going to flip to other pages to find it.


so it is acceptable that we are frankensteins eh? but not energy beings? that we can build LIFE. that tenno are gods...why do we bother then to even allow grineer, infested and corpus to exist with such incredible power? why can't we fix kubrows gene degradation if we can build life than that should be easy eh?


you see where that leads? i choose the explanation that has the fewest ripples in the universe DE created. it's not about being right, it's about fitting everything together with the simplest explanation requiring the fewest modifications which i have gone over several times yet people still attempt to over complicate things and introduce NEW issues because they are incapable of thinking everything through much less looking at everything. players want tenno for some dumb reason to be normal or deformed humans in suits, ignoring all the new issues that raises.


though the basic fact that i don't think anyone in their right mind can argue is that DE has made an absolute and utter mess of the lore. there is no real way to make sense of any of it. it follows no logical rules, bits here contradict other bits over there. their stylistic choices in frame designs preclude in many cases nothing remotely human, not having a head is detrimental eh? then there's the PRIMES. wtf, 2 rhinos but on has somehow been upgraded? a clone that was improved?


yeah, lore is a mess. energy just works because primes, not having heads, deformed frames, none of it matters. if you can't get that it's not about being right but finding a solution that just works, that's your problem. if that's the case you may want to take a closer look at yourself and how you feel the need to be right. 


oh, and your last line? yeah, people LOVE echo chambers where their beliefs are reinforced with no debate. that's intentional ignorance when you attempt to create one by pushing out dissenting voices. 

Edited by DeadX65
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In Transformers Universe, autobots and decepticon characters each have their own unique personality, but they refer to you, the player, as the commander. Perhaps we players, are actually Lotus' in a sense. We take orders from THE Lotus, then we transmit them to the Tenno.

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Today we stand in our Liset. We enter the Armory, change warframe and instantly we are the new frame.

All I really suggest is a somewhat more immersive way to convey this.

To please all sides I can see the frame enter a white room/airlock and a few sec later a new frame emerge.

DE does not show us directly, but can hint by letting Ordis say some vague stuff to further keep us in the dark.

As long as the body inside is never seen, they can get away with many things.

Edit: OR we do the Star Trek way; we beam off, beam on in a beam of light.

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Well, if it's really not about being right, then reinforcing your point has little value besides creating a debate. Which I'm completely fine with. And from my experience, the simplest way isn't always the best way.


I could care less about "creating ripples", but I can at least respect that you're trying to pull everything together. You're absolutely correct when you say that people attempt to over-complicate things. But I LIKE that. Looking deeper into a story encourages intelligent discussion, and running with the simplest explanation and saying stuff like this:


now you lump it into a gameplay thing? really? so...you pick and choose what you want out of the game to apply to your theories? it's ok that codex lore states one thing, like ember being human, but ignore the fact because it doesn't fit your theory that we make the frames? when ALL OF IT is a gameplay thing as you so eloquently stated.


Does not encourage intelligent debate. It instead acts as a provocation. That, and implying ignorance in a condescending tone like this:


which is another lore tidbit about how tenno work together in cells you prefer to ignore which means that for some reason in the lore there's no inconsistency with identical frames being together at once.


Can and will be perceived by others as a personal attack. When I said you should let us "rot in peace" I should've been more clear:


Debate better. You have been very aggressive in defending your position, despite the fact you say it's not about being right. Slamming other theories just because they're not as "simple" as yours doesn't help either. At least consider some of the things said. Their REASONS. Your responses so far have implied that you cannot see why people would jump to certain conclusions, when they have given you everything you need to see why they would.


Don't get me wrong. Your theory is perhaps the most tangible I've read about, and most, if not all of it fits with recent lore. I'm just saying that you're going about this the wrong way. Treat your fellow theorymongers with more respect. Every post you've made has had some sort of unnecessary condescending undertone to it.


And FYI, the mirage quest actually FITS with your theory. Maybe I should've been more clear.

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Personally, I'd argue that the Tenno are Info/energy, and the frames are just bodies they drive. Why male or female? Aesthetics mainly. Sex is inconsequential when you're a consciousness that's driving a frame. Mental gender identity doesn't have to match up with the physical form after all.

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I'd like to think the arsenal pad acts as a teleporter, linked with my main ship where all of my other frames hang out.

I'm not a fan of the one Tenno/many suits thing. And given that we have been told that the Liset docks with a bigger ship that is the explanation I choose to believe


That's a better way of putting it than I had in my head.


I just had them all in stasis, kinda like my Kubrows, and popped them awake when I wanted them. Although where they all sleep is beyond me, ships tiny and i've got a lot of frames.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, DE Rebecca finally asked the question verbatim (Thanks Rebecca! I'll stop bothering you now), I expected it to be dodged, and it was.


However, things we can take from this:


1. Steve is in charge of it

2. Steve has an answer and has always had an answer

3. The "True" answer will be revealed soon

4. This answer is part of the origin Lore


So, maybe I'm overstepping but IMHO the "Every Warframe has a separate Warframe" argument is primarily an argument that the gameplay is poorly constructed in suggesting a single POV and that we should ignore it.


Whereas the One-Tenno-per-account-wearing-many-Warframes position is simply lacking in lore as to how that is possible, and why Warframes have fixed gender.


So while there is still nothing definitive I think it leans more towards a single Tenno per player with exotic lore explaining the various deviations-from-human that the Tenno posses.


I'm _really_ looking forward to the reveal, whatever it is.

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Well, DE Rebecca finally asked the question verbatim (Thanks Rebecca! I'll stop bothering you now), I expected it to be dodged, and it was.


However, things we can take from this:


1. Steve is in charge of it

2. Steve has an answer and has always had an answer

3. The "True" answer will be revealed soon

4. This answer is part of the origin Lore


So, maybe I'm overstepping but IMHO the "Every Warframe has a separate Warframe" argument is primarily an argument that the gameplay is poorly constructed in suggesting a single POV and that we should ignore it.


Whereas the One-Tenno-per-account-wearing-many-Warframes position is simply lacking in lore as to how that is possible, and why Warframes have fixed gender.


So while there is still nothing definitive I think it leans more towards a single Tenno per player with exotic lore explaining the various deviations-from-human that the Tenno posses.


I'm _really_ looking forward to the reveal, whatever it is.


Perhaps they're all as simple as being able to shapeshift (though I rather it's a unique Tenno per suit). If they were shapeshifting humanoids that'd solve a lot of issues. 1, how they suit changes, 2 you can still imagine them to be what you want without having any bubbles burst. They're still your imagination.


Or back to the Lore scattered through out the game. Human descendants screwed up by Void exposure. They gained funky powers from a funky place and needed the frame to contain and channel it. They were weaponized. We might or might not be original products of the exposure, but we're they're line.


The Mirage quest makes it clear there's a being in the suit, the enemies taunt you for your flesh and the frames making a good trophy. So at very minimum there is a flesh and blood creature in there.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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Perhaps they're all as simple as being able to shapeshift (though I rather it's a unique Tenno per suit). If they were shapeshifting humanoids that'd solve a lot of issues. 1, how they suit changes, 2 you can still imagine them to be what you want without having any bubbles burst. They're still your imagination.


Or back to the Lore scattered through out the game. Human descendants screwed up by Void exposure. They gained funky powers from a funky place and needed the frame to contain and channel it. They were weaponized. We might or might not be original products of the exposure, but we're they're line.


The Mirage quest makes it clear there's a being in the suit, the enemies taunt you for your flesh and the frames making a good trophy. So at very minimum there is a flesh and blood creature in there.


There are lots of possibilities as to how and why our Tenno could fit in any suit.I think we don't know anywhere near enough to sensibly discuss how yet. I'd just be happy with a statement that "Yes, A Tenno can wear any suit" I'd even be happy for DE to leave it open for those who want to play a group of One-Tenno-per-Warframe if they are happy to ignore the game mechanics and quest progression. Keep everyone happy.

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Well, frankly put, the game is in beta, the lore is spotty at best and requires much puzzling through to get any idea of what's going on as the devs have said nothing official as of yet. Here's as best I can figure, from what information is available, an annotated opinion if you will. I do wonder whether or not I'm partly right, and am eagerly awaiting the final reveal. Until then, I'm quite willing to engage in intelligent debate. Pray don't start name calling, if you have actual counter evidence, please state it and your logical derivative plainly and without passive-aggressive snipes.


TL;DR will be at the end, so that those willing to read it will go through without bias.




Point One; Hayden Tenno.

The Technocyte Plague as shown in Dark Sector warps the body of the beings it comes in contact with, still does in WarFrame. The result being the early Infested. Upon transformation, the process is extremely painful, even causing Hayden (who is mostly numb to pain) to grit his teeth whenever a shift hits. It is stated that it is the pain of the transformation that twists most beings who are exposed to it; the pain to the body maddening the mind, the mind effecting the nanites, twisting the body and forming a vicious cycle.

Before hardening into what we see as a surface of warped organic/metalic flesh, his arm was falling apart. The texture shows coagulated blood drips from several places, and takes a brown, almost bloated feel. After hardening and (some) development (also shown in the early Infested of the time), what remains appears to be twisted metal barely holding in a glowing energy, when an ability is used, a portion of the glow disappears and will come back after a time.

Then Hayden was poisoned; enferon, an unexplained substance that is lethal poison to any infected with the Technocytes. It has been argued that the enferon poisoning is what prevented the technocyte evolution from going any further, as after that story event, Hayden does not gain any new abilities, nor does his 'infection' gain any ground, aside from the suit, which is later implied to have become part of him. Other Infested, however, gain multiple abilities, even through their madness, to rival even Haydens, emphasis on the ancient he encounters in the sewers.


Here's where I delve into speculation a bit for this point; when killing an enemy, their energy light goes out. Not a little at a time, not fading any, but OUT, blink, gone. Some of the more powerful have a subtle glow that escapes them right as you kill them. The violence of the kills actually offers some insight as well; observation of the textures for the severed necks on some kills shows that these Infested have large internal cavities, and little leftover human structure. The major veins are still there, as is the esophagus, but the rest? It's like what you see is metalic muscle tissue, everything else replaced with something that evaporates when the being is killed, and there is precious little room in their thin, warped structure for much other than what I can only assume to be their energy.

This does fit with the lore that is shown in the event that spawned Salad V; the nanites(technocyte variant) that makes up the Warframe and whatever debatable of the Tenno's body will spontaneously disintigrate and float away/escape/self destruct when tampered with, Salad just found a way around it. However, a 'modern' Tenno's body completely disintigrates, as does a 'modern' Infested, so I'm concluding that the early Infested, and Hayden himself, did not have such a feature.

Concluding point one, the Tenno/Infested body holds a massive amount of energy, likely in body cavities, and seem to have most Terrestrial organs lacking, and much external structure remains, though warped and tattered.



Point two; The Void, Neural Sentry, and Infested.

Excalibur's entry in the codex states that an unspecified people, (the Orokin?) came across this tech in the middle of a war with unspecified beings, the Sentients, (implied the Fomor?) that would exploit their technology and turn it against them. In the situation on 'current' Earth, it is shown that the Orokin are masters of genetics and nanotechnology, capable of producing plants that feast on metals just as much as air and soil, and are capable of growing healthily at an astounding rate. In the Void, they are shown to have further mastery over nanotech, to the point where their nanites can overtake and control the minds of those within their ships. This is the mechanism behind the Neural Sentry. Its mark is a semicircular crest, similar to a halo, on or near the front of the head.

The Infested often bear a similar pattern. On the upper portion of the body, often near the head, they have a warped crest. The spines and backplate on the Runners and Phorid, the back crest on the Ancients, the crests on Lephantis. The smaller, 'simpler' Infested bear no such crest, but often travel in groups with ones who do.

The Infested are the full result of the Technocyte Plague, mutated over time and becoming ever stronger as it finds more and stronger hosts. It even has a mental component, as both Lephantis and Phorid can access your coms system telepathically. The J3 Golem could/can as well, but I'm relatively new, and have never encountered it. (Really looking forward to it tho. ^w^)


Here's where speculation begins, again. If the people who made the Frames are really the Orokin, then they weren't in the Void at the time, and mastered the Void after they 'invented' the Tenno. However, as the Tenno (through Dark Sector lore) are advanced Infested, it makes sense that the Technocytes, or at least their predecessor, existed in the Void (along with the unspecified Void Energy that powers them) before the Orokin learned to exploit it. So, the explorers and others who went into the Void came back twisted, almost diseased, and in many cases likely insane. Alluding to point number one, their flesh was likely left in metalic tatters hanging from and barely containing a form of energy previously unknown to the Orokin. "The hellspace where our reason failed" became their savior, as the development of the first Excalibur WarFrame turned the tide on the 'Sentients', and gave the Orokin some much needed distraction so they could research without their new tech being exploited and turned against them.

And thus the Void was eventually not-quite-tamed by the Orokin. They changed and exploited the nanites and energy within, learned ways to enhance and use them, and ended up with their Void Ships, the Neural Centry (based off of the Infested, and not the other way around, go figure), and the rest of their technology, before finally being laid low by the very weapons they'd created, at least according to the Stalker.


Point Three; Vor.

This one has been said before on this forum, so I shall keep it brief.

"We've had it wrong. This entire time, we had it the wrong way around! The Tenno do not /control/ the energy, the Tenno ARE the energy, the WarFrame acting merely as a focus for your divine light!" (paraphrased, sorry. Can't find the actual quote, and it's late, I'm trying to wrap this up so I can get to bed)

Combined with points one and two, the story starts to take a semblance of shape; the Technocytes and dimensional Void Energy they use anchor the soul to the physical plane, and allow most of the organs of a physical body to be replaced by energy, and change the outer shell of the body into a form that can better contain the new true form of the being within, for better or worse (the whole mind influences the nanites influences the body thing). The twisted few who returned from the Void at least partly sane (or perhaps the Void's contents were being tested on Earth, ergo Dark Sector) met with Hayden, were forged in his image (having a biometalic nanite-based body that is more easily molded into new shapes through the forging of the mind and the use of power tools likely helped :P), and sent out by the Orokin to fight the Sentients while the Orokin developed their full technological might relatively undisturbed. After winning the long, long war (it takes a while for even the Orokin to master the Void), the now Tennno returned, now hundreds of thousands, if not millions in number (going from a mere precious few who returned from the Void to the crowds described by Stalker implies heavily that some form of reproductive function is retained in the Tenno). Now... if you'd lived your entire life fighting someone else's war, you'd be pretty ticked too. According to the Stalker, the Tenno (or at least many of them) slaughtered the Orokin at the celebration of their victory over the Sentients, and then promptly hid themselves away in cryopods all over the Origin system (Earth and the rest).



So, we come to the final speculation and tie my points together.

In the lore, at least from the perspectives I'm looking from, it is far more likely that the Tenno are energy beings, one with their containers, capable of bodyhopping between suits that focus their energy in different ways as the situation demands.

The lore also suggests that each and every WarFrame is made from cloned tatters of the original shell they came back in (thus why it requires Orokin Cells to make another Frame), so as to smoothly interface with the being within. This would also suggest that each batch of WarFrames would be unique to the one wearing them, but to have a nearly completely different form for every player is a terrible idea in a game like WarFrame, the graphics are tough on some computers as it is, the added memory and processing for all the spare models and variations thereof would be HUGE. I'm not even going into the manpower required to create such an in-depth system. Also, customization must be minimal as the skeleton and animations are hard (as opposed to soft animations which are more easily blended), and any spare clipping catches some gumshoe player's eye and is fixed sometime in the next few updates... maybe. So we end up with an ever-expanding series of 'Frames to choose from and collect instead, along with alternate helmets and color patterns, creating the illusion of uniqueness, enough to support the game's lore, but not enough to really satisfy it.



Now counterarguments to common complaints vs. the energy being view;


One; Ember's Entry.

I've gone over this again and again, and have found nothing stating what people have said it does. People tell me that it says that Ember was a little girl, it says nothing of the sort. It says that an officer broke quarantine on a ship that was apparently both military and had only children to be found on board, and that she ended up burned for her mistake. Nothing more. Sure, the burner could have been a new Tenno, raw and unforged and accidentally channeling flame into the one who tried to hug her, it could have been the Tenno overseeing the operation to retrieve the ship as well. -w- The description is vague and tells us nothing solid, so it could go either way.


Two; the WarFrame Cryopod internal model.

Also a counter to Ember, could a body not be formed (we are talking a body of nanites here that can be shaped any which way) that closely resembles a human body to fit in at human social events? Being a Tenno would be both awesome and a bit lonely. Seen merely as a statue of cold steel, a killing machine, one could long to see exactly what 'normal people' lived like, and thus make a disguise frame, capable of appearing as someone else. This noncombat 'frame could be seen as comparable to a military dress uniform, and besides, they needed a neutral model to save so that we aren't always rescuing Excalibur or something like that.




The lore I have encountered and processed appears to better support the energy being idea. If you just skipped to this, please read at least the conclusion and counterarguments above before replying.



Hopefully I've made myself clear, and backed my point of view up with enough evidence from lore to satisfy many of you. If not, please feel free to point out any flaws or areas I could improve, or even ideas that also fit and could possibly replace/enhance the ideas I've set forward here. I only ask that you keep your criticisms/counterarguments constructive and respectful.

Thank you.

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Wall Of Text Warning!

Your guess is as good as any based on Dark Sector and the reasoning that Tenno must be energy.

One thing I challenge is the timeline.

To me it went:

Dark Sector = fall of man, Earth Lost to technocyte plague.

Humans become space dwellers and homeless.

The tc allow the orokin to evolve, and in time they start to populate the solar system.

The Fold-drives are invented. Allow wormhole travel between Gates.

This leads to spread to all planets in the solar system.

During the Void Era, the discovery of another dimensional space is discovered.

An extensive research program is launched into the Fold Space. Some time during the loss of ships, count less deaths and disasters, they name this chaos "Void".

The energy is harnessed and controlled in Reactors and Catalysts.

The shapeshifting material Forma is developed and with the evolution of the Technocyte, the Orokin Empire start to form.

The mastering of biomatter lead to colonisation and cloning, reclaming the Earth from the Collapse, planting engineered wildlife on the planets, and new forms of plantlife.

As a biproduct some travellers came back mutated by the void. They were dangerous and kept locked away, for a long time untill the War.

Many experiments were obviously conducted, but they were "casyalties of the Void Era" ; before the Solar Rails.

Codex tell us Excalibur was built when Orokin was loosing the war.

The warframeclad Tenno fought for a long time I agree - giving the Orokin time to build the Void Towers - for themselves or for the Tenno. Perhaps the Tenno lived there.

I agree with part of your summary, but you omit the Orokin Emperors themselves. What then do you think they were?

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