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Boltor Prime: Killing The Game?


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Hi everyone, to kick this off I'm going to share a story about two friends I made on Warframe. Being a relatively secluded player and seeing this happen twice really has me worried.

So I was levelling the Silva & Aegis / Miter on Appolodorus (That really common survival mission on Mercury) about a week after U14 hit. It was here that two almost completely new Tenno joined my match. After a getting a conversation started and saving each others arses on more than one occasion it wasn't long until we were friends and running through the solar system together.


About a week further on from that, one of the guys asks me what his next primary should be. He just got a $5 plat pack and wanted his first Prime weapon. He told me that almost everyone else he asked recommended the Boltor Prime since he just hit MR2, I simply said that it was entirely his choice and that he should go for what he thinks is the coolest. 


Soon after he was rocking his Boltor he got from the market for 45p. Not long after the other friend saw how beast the weapon was and got one of his own. Progress through the Solar system pretty much tripled after they got them somewhat levelled.


Now here's where the problem starts. Every weapon they got after the Boltor Prime, they simply said "wasn't as good" "it's too weak for me" "who the hell would use this?!" etc etc. They had gotten so used to the BP thats pretty much all they could use.


About another 2 weeks after this. They pretty much dissapeared from the game entirely. I recently caught one of them doing the back to school event and messaged them "Hey, where have you run off to?" "haven't seen you in ages, we should do a few runs sometime :)" Only to be met with "meh this games is pretty boring now". I asked why and he said "well every mission i run is repetitive or too easy, the Boltor prime just owns everything and i don't see the point in getting anything new". I was gobsmacked, in four weeks these two people had gone from enthusiastic players to ghosts, didn't even make it to MR5. I have personally never gotten the BP just to avoid this type of scenario from happening to myself.


Seriously, one of the strongest endgame weapons is available to "fresh out of the oven" Tenno at a measley average cost of 50p?! It's insanity! It's driven two really close friends away from a game we used to love playing together. The fact that the BP is available at MR2 means that newcomers can take a shortcut through the entire Warframe experience straight to endgame territory. This screws everyone over. DE misses out on potential plat purchases, the newcomers get sick of the game and abandon it, and for those of us left wondering where everyone ran off to... well yeah. They're gone.

Please fix this DE. Just change the MR requirement to 7 or something higher. One of the strongest weapons in the game should not be made available so early and so cheap.

Edited by KilelrDrone492
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Just raise its mastery requirement.

Giving one of the top-tier weapons a Mastery Rank requirement of 0? That is a gigantic flaw that must be rectified.

A mastery rank requirement of 7 would be reasonable to make sure that new players go through enough weapons to properly earn the right to wield Boltor Prime.

Edited by X3Evanescence
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Stop whining.

This right here is a user who doesn't get it.


The weapon is at a low mastery rank and it ruins the game because of how easy it gets.


You all complain about the game being too easy but when DE does something that removes the thing that makes the game easy, you all complain and say "BRING IT BACK".


I can guarantee you that if they increase the MR requirement for Boltor Prime, the amount of negative reactions about it will be minute compared to the praise.

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This isn't something you will fix by only changing the req to wield Boltor Prime. There are a lot of alternatives that will make things a hell lot easier to get through. 


They had no interest in playing the other frames or using the other weapons, and to me that sounds like they weren't really interested in what is a large part of what makes Warframe fun (imo).


It sounds more like Warframe wasn't something they were gonna actually enjoy for to long regardless, because being OP is more the rule then an exception. People like myself don;t consider that the end goal of playing WF, and I have created my own fun and can still enjoy being silly with Nekros his shadows for example.


That said, DE would do well to get some more structure when it comes to Mastery requirements. it would probably be more beneficial overall then our current situation..

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Just raise its mastery requirement.

Giving one of the top-tier weapons a Mastery Rank requirement of 0? That is a gigantic flaw that must be rectified.

A mastery rank requirement of 7 would be reasonable to make sure that new players go through enough weapons to properly earn the right to wield Boltor Prime.


imo why not MR8? Dragon Nikana is MR8 (and its the meele version of BP)


just my opinion thought

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judging on how easy to rank up *ehem* sechura erryday.

i dont even know if it will change how powercreeps perfrorm in the long run


the badside on this is, all the low mastery rank weapons will be trashed in the end since weapons will now rely on mastery rank that everyone will reach eventually

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Tell them to try weapon like ogris/penta how got a really different gameplay than the boltor.

Sniping session with paris or latron. etc etc..

Warframe parts hunt?


Playing only one weapon and think that the game is repetitive is a bit stupid.

Mission are always the same, for sure.

But we got now a pretty decent amouth of different warframe/game style.

A full bunch of mod to finely tune your warframe's style.

A lot of different type weapon (crit oriented / hitscan auto-semi-auto / bolt / explosif / continue)

A lot of melee weapon style and stance to try differents animation.


So nope, boltor prime don't kill the game when you understand that warframe is a game where you experiment differents way to finish a same mission.


If you only seek an "op" weapon and go through every mission in a same gameplay, don't whine about repetition, the game got enough way to diversify you're experience, use it.


Ps: In fact, put a decent mastering rank to craft this kind of weapon could be an solution to help new player to don't stick in a single way to play.


Ps2 : I know you speak about you're "noob" friend, got a poor english skill, I hope you'll understand my purpose and try to explain them the interess of warframe (explosif weapon like ogris/penta is a nice example of gameplay diversity).

Edited by ZeGreymane
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they sould imo make all weapons mastery rank locked


(only listing primary weapons here to give a rough idea)

Mrank 0-1 - mk1 weapons

Mrank 1-4 - boltor, burston, braton, hind, karak, latron and vulkar

Mrank 4-8 Clan weapons + soma and penta

Mrank 8-10 Prime weapons + Prime frames


that would make prime weapons and frames endgame

there might be some weapons the would need another catagory but this is just the basic idea

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It's not just the weapon that's doing it.


The game IS pretty repetitive. Once you've done Mercury you've seen every single mission type and that's within a day of playing. The only difference is they get slightly harder on later planets and harder still in higher void missions.


Take invasions. Yeah it gives something to do but it's pretty much just exterminate missions. You can turn off your brain and just skip through them. 


I've seen people come and go with about 10-20 hours played, they got bored and moved on. To blame it on a single weapon is ridiculous.


People that like to take a breather from their clan or don't have one try and find groups on higher planets and they are dead. Getting a group on anything from Phobos onwards is horrible. I pretty much abandoned the higher planets, I got the frames from them and left them with the majority of their missions unfinished and that's probably how it will stay. Yeah I could solo them but I don't play co op games to solo, i've got single player games for that.


Long story short, too many planets and missions for a population that isn't bothering with them, every planet is just a repeat of the last and once you've got your frame of choice maxed and your weapons there is nothing else to aim for.


I like shooting stuff in the face and i'm easily amused, it's not a problem for me, but i've seen people drop the game because they have got bored pretty quickly.


You can blame it on a single weapon but the game itself doesn't have a lot of staying power for some people. 

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