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Kick Ability To Remove Leechers, Key-Botters, And Afkers.


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I've said if before and I'll say it again.
The day this game gets a kick option is the day the game begins a slow road to death.


A vote kick might possibly be viable as it means multiple people need to be jerks and not just 1 in the event that some people decide to kick people right at the end.


You'll have your typical rusher with multi forma'd gear running through every lvl15 and under planet kicking people for not rushing to the end as fast as possible. The opposite applies for people looting every crate and locker in sight not wanting rushers in their game.

Hosts will be kicking people at the end of alert missions, and T3/4 void runs just for the lulz.

Hosts will kick people for not being a meta template? (A Banshee? GTFO out of my game /kick)


I for one hope hosts will NEVER be able to kick people.


And no OP... you're not going to get me with that "Normal Public Response" BS "If you disagree then you must be an AFKer" argument. It just makes you look foolish and incapable of coming up with ideas to solve this that can't be abused and then try to defend it with that PATHETIC little statement.


As to the games you listed where it supposedly works. I'm just going to assume that you don't play them that much or if you do, you do so at a casual level. As soon as high level play comes into practice kicking for silly reasons quickly becomes rife in most of the games you listed.


Another problem with Warframe and a kick system is that time and effort goes into playing the game to level up, get rewards from alerts, or to simply challenge themselves by say getting to the highest wave in defence or lasting as long as possible in survival. Upon being kicked you would lose that progress and/or the bonus XP.


So not only will it give a cruddy experience to thos being kicked for the inevitable BS reasons but it can then be abused by hosts kicking people to avoid defeat and losing said XP and/or bonuses.


All in all... a flat out kick option is a stupid idea for Warframe... but I agree that systems do need to be added to prevent some of the leechers. A simple AFK timer would be a good start.


Pattern detection for macros shouldn't be impossible to do either.


Players should not be policing this.

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I can assure my fellow forumite, i have hosted parties and had leechers in recruiting chat, they are barely distinguishable from normal players but you can see they're not participating in combat, and as shown on the end of mission stats screen that they have the least kills (melee or even range), least damage done or even abilities used (example desecrating nekros would have little damage done/taken but a MASSIVE abilities used).


Regardkess if carrying, all players should be pulling thier weight. It's acceptable if you're a freshly new/formaed fame and you're playing carefully, but it isn't an excuse to leech.


Well, I will certainly say that you have more experience with that than me. It´s just sad what people will do to get a free TIV key then.


However, I will stand by my oppinion that overall a kick system would do mcuh more harm then good. Payday2 has proven that to me multiple times over and over again.


The only thing that works in my oppinion would be: An automated reputation based system. It sort of "ranks" you to certain criteria and shows that ranking publicly avilable. of course, this would have to consider skills like desecration just as well. it would be pain to code, but anything player / community based is open to abuse. If that´s the choice or rather have no system? The answer is clear for me.

Edited by Vanguard4
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Not to parade my own topic, but I brought up a similar point awhile back. It's here 


if you want to take a look at it. It's lost a bit of steam since started but getting input from the community to come to a potentially agreeable mid-ground for this function is still a desired outcome. If you feel this is out of place I will be more than happy to edit this message out, but I do feel it quite relevant.

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Why does leeching bother you so much anyway? Going into public games is a gamble and you know that and you just so happened to find leeches. There are other solutions rather than kicking people.


I like to play to wave 30+ not the constant wave 5 to 15 and leave because someone isnt even there or is running around claiming loot but not participating or pulling the trigger once.


Putting it Metaphorically:

If you were paying the bills for some elses large expenses, and they refuse to get a job and keep sleeping on the couch you normally watch TV from, you would know exactly what to feel and say.


You would say... "Get a job" (participate) "or Get out!" (kick)

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Will only cause more trouble and further segregate the already dwindling (imo) community.


It will turn into who can outnumber and kick the outsider first rather than specifically kicking afk/leechers.


Just like in Left 4 Dead 2, if you aren't perfect in every single way, chances are you are getting kicked. If the majority doesn't like your weapon choice/how you sound/having to tell you things, you are getting kicked.


Just like in Chivalry, if you do literally anything in that game, you can and will eventually be votekicked for it. And since WF has no servers, you can't pick and choose what server you join to prevent mass votekick garbage.


I guarantee that it would cause more harm than good. 100% guarantee it without a shadow of a doubt.


Free game + ability to kick anyone for any reason = bad idea.


If you owned a server though you can do whate-oh wait, WF has no servers.


Kicking would further ruin this game and community as a whole.


Edit: Also, this would just add more work for the already overworked support staff by people taking screenshots of them getting kicked from games "for no reason".

Edited by darthdart
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I like to play to wave 30+ not the constant wave 5 to 15 and leave because someone isnt even there or is running around claiming loot but not participating or pulling the trigger once.


here´s the point - after wave 5 nobody can join anyway, as far as I know without a host migration. So, kicking would not even solve your problem. There is no guarantee a replacement player is more inclined to high wave numbers than the guy you jsut kicked.

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Luv when everyone gets their clans in to flame it as fast as they can, yet, have no alternative.


How else will you continue to leech and not play afterall.


So fast and organised on the 'Like' button of a post. Its evidence enough.


You come across as paranoid and insane here.


On topic, a host-kick option is a horrible option.  I've already had hosts doing that "switch to claim" at the very last second of ODD bit that gets the entire team kicked with zero reward.  There are way too many immature people in PUGs for host-kicking to be a good idea.  I say that having had leechers around before.  Leechers are the lesser evil.  If a leech gets free stuff in my Dark Sector run or whatever, then yeah, that's a little annoying.  If host does something like what some ODD hosts did and deprives me of 30min-1hour of actual effort, that's 10 times worse.


No, no, and no.  Horrible idea.

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leeching is a non issue. If you want to go far in defense/survival you won't do it with pubs. If you just want to go 10-15 waves, you can do it alone with three leechers easily unless you're really bad at the game.


If you truly need help dealing with a mission go to the recruiting tab.

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Seriously, people come in and simply say "No, it will be abused. Here are examples of how it is abused in other games." Yes. It's abused. People are douches, but unless you got a better idea than "auto afk kick" which can be fixed by just moving your mouse every couple of seconds, which can be macroed or botted, then this system is the best we got.


This a perfect system? No. Nothing every managed by humans will ever be perfect. There are always bad apples. But allowing the host of the session to kick people is the best option at the moment. So unless you have a better idea than this, don't say "No, here is why." Never just say "No, here is why." Say "No, Here is why, HERE IS HOW YOU FIX THAT." Please.


Tired of all this "No, no, I don't like that, I don't like that, I don't want that, that can't happen in MY game, I'll get kicked by people because of X, Y, Z, reason!" Then you don't play with those people, make some friggin' friends in this game, or keep hopping around until you find some decent people. Seriously, if all the people you run into in the game are douches, why do you still play with randoms? Why not make some friends?




I'm tired of people arguing back that "Oh it'll be abused!" So? Only a very small percentage of players would be that douchey to actually abuse it, and as stated, there are very little alternatives. Whether you're the host or not, if you see someone afking, there's nothing you can do but let them win or leave the mission. No es bueno, folks.


A kick system IS needed. Perhaps not just "host kick", but more of a vote kick. Majority rules. 3 people vote to kick, the dude's kicked. If 2 people vote to kick, then the dude gets a warning. 3 strikes and they're out.


Can it be abused? yes. Any type of kick system can be abused. But will it stop afkers/leechers? Other than the ones that are given permission from friends to afk/leech, yes. It can even be incorporated into that honor system DE wants to implement. You get kicked, you can't join that particular host's missions for a certain amount of time. (days, weeks, etc).

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Seriously, people come in and simply say "No, it will be abused. Here are examples of how it is abused in other games." Yes. It's abused. People are douches, but unless you got a better idea than "auto afk kick" which can be fixed by just moving your mouse every couple of seconds, which can be macroed or botted, then this system is the best we got.

This a perfect system? No. Nothing every managed by humans will ever be perfect. There are always bad apples. But allowing the host of the session to kick people is the best option at the moment. So unless you have a better idea than this, don't say "No, here is why." Never just say "No, here is why." Say "No, Here is why, HERE IS HOW YOU FIX THAT." Please.

Tired of all this "No, no, I don't like that, I don't like that, I don't want that, that can't happen in MY game, I'll get kicked by people because of X, Y, Z, reason!" Then you don't play with those people, make some friggin' friends in this game, or keep hopping around until you find some decent people. Seriously, if all the people you run into in the game are douches, why do you still play with randoms? Why not make some friends?

The problem is that it's not your game the devs have made their decision regarding this and have determined that the cons outweigh the pros. Many players agree many don't. It is a solution but not the best just the one you want. Most of your arguments are double edged swords that can be wielded equally effectively against the pro-camp i.e. You feel the need to kick leechers cause that's all you run into? Make some friends in game or bounce around until you find a good group and don't feel the need to use it. Good for goose = good for gander. Edited by NevanChambers
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It would be abused. There's no "might" about it.


So, no, it's not going to happen.


As to using void keys, well, you'd best keep an eye on who is joining your game as the key holder. If someone looks dodgy, dissolve the game and start over. Admittedly, this isn't ideal, but you can usually spot the worst offenders with a bit of effort.


The WoW argument is actually pretty illustrative. It does get abused in heroics, but actually in practice isn't too bad. What you see in WoW actually doesn't apply in Warframe. Most abuse comes from guild groups angling for certain drops. They WILL kick a perceived competitor in a hot second. However, A******ry in general is more prevalent in this game. Clan groups will do it just to do it; and it's YOUR key we're talking about.


Restricting a kick option to the keyholder would not really address this. Not completely. Frankly, leechers don't bother me that much. I can carry a fair amount in T3 or T4--long enough to be useful.


What we do need is a some form of matchmaking in void groups. That would be a huge time saver and alleviate the present hassles with the ad hoc system we have now.

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Oh? Got any proof? 

Thats a good joke.

first off whats with the  attitude. im not attacking you. 


second yes. the trackmania series games have an idle kick feature. same with loadout and farcry three and lfd2


stand still for too long... booted by computer.


someone lock this thread before op has a hnnnng 

Edited by T4LCOMX
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There will always be problems with a kick feature weather it be host kick or even vote kick. I myself at time tell my party i need to afk a min to talk to family or to feed my cat and most times they respond kindly here in warframe, in other games that have kick feature however weather I said brb explaining why I need to afk just for even 20 sec or just jump off real fast being idle for a short time I always got the kick from host or vote kicked because the party doesn't pay attention and just hits enter in most cases to get the popup to go away from there screen so they can see resulting in being kicked.


There will always be trolls and rude people who pop the kick feature just because it's there. The funny thing is in most cases in other mmo's I've played the "host" or the one who offers the vote kick is someone who afks allot and no one else does anything but then when they see someone afk the kick them.


Not sure how many game have the feature of defaulting enter button as "Yes" for kick feature but I saw it in 2 games where it was a huge popup in middle of screen and people are too lazy to click with mouse yes or no so they hit enter and it votes for kick by default. If it was a small popup in corner and enter wasn't defaulted and had to click on yes or no it would help with the trollers but then no one would pay attention to it at all if it was a legit kick to someone who should be kicked so either way it would have probloms.


In my case I tend to go solo in most games now unless endgame dungeons don't allow it in which case I find a good guild to party up with who understands that I have a life and cant be on 24/7 and need to afk once in awhile.

Edited by KiraReitsu
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Host kicking will be abused, vote kick will also be abused.


I support kicking in lobby but i wont ever support kicking ingame other than autokick for afk.


Also payday 2 shown its too easily abusable, i wont even mention how many times ive been kicked after carrying team through whole 3 day heist(up to 1hour gameplay) just because some guy didnt like that he wasnt 1st in kills or gave no reason at all.

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