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Buzlok #problems.


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Sometimes when firing the Buzlok when I zoom in (after killing a marked target) the shot comes out of the lower right hand screen makes no sense and when firing from cover prevents markage. I will take a screenshot for an edit/update.


This thing either needs a crit boost or a status boost. Its a homing Karak with Travel Time, please boost either its status or crit. This weapon needs a little more punch. Not alot. Just a Little. Status would be perfect. Crit may be excessive. D:


Also really ammo inefficient I highly suggest increasing the ammo cap to 750 like the grakata as it runs out faster then the grak.


Bout it though, other then that. Hella rad, and I love using it!







Mechanics Break Down for those of you who don't know. When you zoom in you get Semi Auto, you fire a "Marked" bolt. Then after you fire this you take off zoom and every bolt tracks to that bolt. Mark another enemy rinse repeat.




there is no way to use this gun normally. Unless you don't mark any enemies. Because when you kill an enemy it is not auto unmarked. All your shots still track to the body EVEN TEN ROOMS AWAY. When the enemy is dead tracking NEEDS to die with it. or if we zoom in and out twice really quickly then the tracking is canceled. We need a track cancel mechanism. End of story.


I love this weapon because I can fight from behind cover and even shoot up to hit my enemies its amazing I love it, all it needs is a way for you to cancel tracking on your "Tracker Bolt".


Also, this thing is shoot bolts... why don't the enemies rag doll?


Cancel Mechanism, Crit. OR Status boost +high ammo cap. I ran out of ammo on TERMINUS MERCURY This is a major issue, I am a very accurate shooter. (What would help ammo economy is a Cancel Tracking Mechanism)




Oh my Jesus this gun makes the sexiest sounds.




Punch Through needs to not apply when firing the "Tracker Round" (Becuase it goes through the enemy and hits the ground.)




More on the Trackers though mabye they should make it like the needler; the shots just track whatever enemy you happen to have your sight on?


The Marking Rounds should be HITSCAN, And do 2x to 3x the damage, that would allow us to use this long butt gun for what it looks like SNIPING.


This gun also needs a damage boost. In either Status/Crit. Damag type (suggest: Blast). Or Just normal damage types becuase JESUS THOSE ROUNDS ARE HUGE.




Buzlok rounds should have minor targeting/tracking capabilities when there is no mark out, and tracker rounds have not been set into enemies. mabye up to 10% or 15% course correction? (Longer the shot the more course correction but up to a point.)


Unmark button, or command.





Other ideas: If punch through is left alone on the tracker shot mabye as compensation we could get the rounds to explode when four are in a 1m or .5m cluster on any wall or enemy. with increasing power as the number of bolts increases:


4 bolts: 200 blast damage 2m radius

5 boilts: 250 blast damage 3m radius

6bolts: +50 BD +1mr


Ideally though punch through and travel time are fixed for the tracker shot. (I.E. Hitscan/Punchthrough does not apply)


UPDATE 7: Fixing Punchthrough


Easy fix when punch through is applied the bolts hit every traget the Tracker shot went through then head to the resting place. So if you have a line of enemies running toward you and you shoot your tracker shot through all of them the following bullets ATTEMPT to go through every target the tracker went through.


UPDATE 8: Fixing Splitchamber!

Alrighty so more problems with this weapon. SPLIT CHAMBER FRICKAL FRACKALS THE MARKER! We need split chamber and punch through to TURN OFF during the marking process this way you can equipped split chamber and have it actually mark instead of just cuase all post mark shots to derp off.. Also why did DE add a weight to the marker shot? the thing has  a rang of like 20-30m before it runs out of mementum and hits the ground. FIX THIS PLEASE!




Projectile speed could really really use a boost. Also the accuracy seems to be a little bit off (Probubly just me but requires further testing.)


Mabye Projectile speed could be effected by shred (60% increase in bullet speed as well as fire rate). Just a thought.

Hitscan for the marker/tracker round. WE NEED hitscan for that shot. It is practically impossible to hit enemies that are moving from long range with that shot. It needs to be Hitscan. Even if it costs 15 ammo, make it Hitscan. 

Edited by Olivionic
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You don't even need to mark enemies (with the tracking shot fired while zooming), you can mark a spot in the room and create a death ray of bullets. Puncture/Pass though mods will seriously supplement this weapon!


... Maybe zooming in again should disable the mark?

Edited by DSMK2
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You don't even need to mark enemies (with the tracking shot fired while zooming), you can mark a spot in the room and create a death ray of bullets. Puncture/Pass though mods will seriously supplement this weapon!


... Maybe zooming in again should disable the mark?


I agree and I love that. Thats why I didnt suggest having a shot at a wall disable it. It just REALLY needs a mark disable. More then anything. And mabye an ammo boost. (I would love status on it. just make it 20% or 25%)




I said zoom in and out twice really fast (or just reload?) simply because sometimes I like to zoom in just too see where enemies are. After all changing your angle with punch through can let you hit like 30 enemies.

Edited by Olivionic
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I was talking to my friend the other day, and said that a HMG (heavy machine gun) In Warframe would make me so happy, then I see this rifle, and gaze in glory; But the gimmick kinda ruins the weapon for casual use :( I have not tried it, but from what you described and the video I saw, the mechanic seems very unfitting. 

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Well i liek the gun so far but i have one major problem. It happens to me very often that i hit a target with the makred bolt (red retictle, little dmg popping up and hitmarker) but then all following shot just go into the ground where the target was standing. This happens alot when you are higher then the Target and shoot the trakershot from above.


Please look into this, its highly annoying.

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The only thing I'm a little perplexed about the Buzlol (buzlok has such a strange sound) at the moment is the damage: impact, so a strong weapon vs corpus shield.

BUT considering the Buzlol shoots tiny homing rockets, wouldn't be better for it to deal blast damage instad? It would promote the weapon to a more widespread use imo...

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We are ripping off 5th Element now?

Guess there are only so many new ideas out there...

On topic, really don't like the sound of the mechanics.

Wouldn't it work better if the tag round was an alt fire?

Separate to zooming in, we have different keymaps for this if I remember correctly.

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Also really ammo inefficient I highly suggest increasing the ammo cap to 750 like the grakata as it runs out faster then the grak.


How did you possibly manage to do that? enemies on terminus dies in 2 hits, and they're like, 35 at most.


another thing. Increased Ammo cap =//= Better ammo efficiency.

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Ok i did a bit more testing and when i played a mission and was hosting the gun was working perfect. The shots were acutally tracking the targets and not the groudn where they were standing when i hitted them. The shots fired while a tracker was in place also were hitting. Shots fired without any trackingmark active also were hitting targets


Then i tried it again and let my friend host. The Shots weren't tracking the Target, they hitted the groudn where the target was standing when it was hitted. IF they followed the target over 80% didn't deal any dmg at all. Shots fired without any active trackingmark weren't hitting any enemy.


As it seems alot of the Problem i have are realted to hosting/not hosting (same lik emissing partice effects for melee channel when not hosting for example).

Its sad that this is still a thing after such a long time (also because it was fixed already twice). Hope this gets adressed asap because as it is right now you can only use that gun if you are hosting.

Edited by Evers
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"quick unmarking" by zoom in-out is great idea.


The marker bullet has some flight time, and it is single shot by semi-automatic.

I felt, it is very difficult to mark the weak point of moving target.


I hope the marker bullet to have more flight speed, ideally to be hit-scan.

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there is no way to use this gun normally. Unless you don't mark any enemies. Because when you kill an enemy it is not auto unmarked. All your shots still track to the body EVEN TEN ROOMS AWAY. When the enemy is dead tracking NEEDS to die with it. or if we zoom in and out twice really quickly then the tracking is canceled. We need a track cancel mechanism. End of story.


Why not just remove a preexisting tracking bolt when you fire another tracking bolt?  Seems like you'd never need more than one anyway!

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Why not just remove a preexisting tracking bolt when you fire another tracking bolt?  Seems like you'd never need more than one anyway!


because its sometimes more usefull to just spam shots instead of carfully aimed once (for example hugh groups of enemys). But if you have an active tracker it will always just shoot there, so its very unefficent against groups.

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I love this rifle, infact it was love at first sight.


But as people have already mentioned it has a few problems, so my idea for a couple of changes is this.


1: Lower the ammo cost of the marking bolt to 5, then I wouldn't be as upset when that pesky Grineer trooper which I'm trying to snipe across the room steps 5 inches out of the way and my bolt hits the wall behind him.


2: The mark dies with the target because when I've just killed a marked enemy and then turn around to face 5 more ready to replace my childhood memories with lead I don't feel like having to mark them one at a time, especially when each mark bolt costs 10 ammo.


3: Enemy marking only, this is highly debatable but it ties in with the previous point. If now a mark dissapears when the enemy dies, what happens if I would hit a wall? The wall can't exactly die, so what then? Solution: It'll only go after marked enemies and not innocent walls.


I would love to hear what you guys think about this and if you maybe have some better solutions. :D

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