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September 26Th: Community Hot Topics!


September 26th Community Hot Topics  

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Let's see some more Mastery-locked Market items.


[Events: Disliked]


I dislike not being able to do events at my own pace, which I imagine also contributes to other players' complaints about burning out on tilesets, enemies and mission runs.


I believe each and every event should be added to the Starmap permanently, with their rewards also available permanently. Then players can run them at their leisure! If they want to run that particular node for their reward a hundred times in a day, let them! If they want to spread it out over a period of months, let them!


They'll only have themselves to blame if they burn out in search of goodies, and content that goes away again is a waste of development time, money and resources.

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there should be mastery rank restriction in Void..  recently i was invited in to T4 DEF .. and there was guy with M.R. 3 and MK1-Barton .. WTH ... 

mastery rank should also mean the weapon power .. and there should be more end game weapons .. for exp .. im playing warframe like around 2000h or more cause i started playing in first close beta .. now and im soooo %$%$ bored ... i have nothing to do .. 

what brings another thing .. give us More Lore More quests something to do  ... and Start Thinking about old players not just about new ones .. 

maybe change a little bit game play .. from hack and slash and running like crazy from point A to B ..  or  sitting in one spot ( def and survival )  


Stop giving us S#&$ty weapons like Buzlok or Karak ( what even this weapon doing in this game )  

or make the gameplay that those weapon make sens 


give us Challenge .. cause now in warframe there is none ... 


for exp .. boss Lethavis or what ever he is called .. i was hoping for some challenge .. but when it came out it was a joke .. 


Combos u say ... what combos .. they should be called Attack Moves not combos .. and why we need them if all things dies from first or second blow .. So LINK the animation of this Attack Move with the animation of the enemie death .. that i would see how i jam stab bash etc those enemies ..and not the empty air ...cause all around is vaporize .. 


Kubrows .. ok .. but i want to equip  Husar for Nekros and ASH .. Raksa for Rhino .and so on like sentinels .. not just one at the time.. 




etc etc etc 

Edited by SethSamson
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I've been away from Warframe for a while but I think that taking a break has given me a fresh perspective on certain aspects of the game. First of all, Mastery Rank. There is very little reason to go past MR8 since that is the last rank when new weapons unlock (Embolist and Dragon Nikana, I think). I suggest adding unique cosmetic items that are unlocked starting at MR9. Small items such as a badge or armor piece per rank would be great. That said the only mechanic or feature that should be MR locked is the Focus system. There shouldn't be any activities or areas that are blocked off by MR.

Events- this is a topic that has always been on my mind. Basically I think that the current event archetype is terrible, and is hurting the game. By current archetype I mean: week-long event that uses a unique piece of content (likely a rule set that will soon after be implemented into the game) to dole out themed rewards that will be unobtainable (at least for a long period) after the event ends. Not all of this is bad. I love the fact that an event usually means some new and permenant addition is coming soon. But the exclusive rewards have gotten ridculously out of hand, to the point where they are actually imbalancing the game. For example the dual-stat mods were such a large issue that the community demanded the permanent availability of at least the Cicero set. You guys complied, which is great, but now there are 3 more similar sets that are unavailable, and Gate Crash indicates that a similar physical set of Mods will soon exist. I would like to see that'll of those mod sets added to the game in some permanently available way at most 3 months after their event ends. I don't want them to be easy to find though- making a Vor miniboss and putting the Cicero mods as his drops was an excellent idea, and I think that the other event mods should be added in a similar way. Not necessarily as a boss drop, but as a reward for completing some kind of high level activity.

To summarize my thoughts on events, take a look at the Survival event- which is in many ways my "perfect" event. The Survival event added a new, permanent gametype to the the game and introduced an exclusive mod that was later made available as a drop from the highest-leveled boss in the game. The only ways to improve on that are by making it last a week and by having it introduce new lore. Cryotic Front is a step in the right direction by having new lore, a new permanent gametype, and a new tile set.

Last thing I have to say about events is regarding weapon rewards. It's probably too late to change, but Vandals and Wraiths should be skins instead of separate weapons. Also I personally would prefer it if events introduced a brand-new weapon that later became available (ex. Brakk and Detron) through other means.

Finally Mod tables. I think that having mod drops associated with enemy type is fine, but there are three major problems with how mods drop currently:

1. Rarity of enemy- Certain mods only drop off of one rare enemy that must be specifically looked for to obtain that mod. Enemy spawning needs to be looked at to prevent certain mods from being rare only because their respective "dropper" is rare.

2. Ability mods- Abilities and precepts shouldn't drop from enemies, period. They only serve to clutter the tables and frustrate players. Please just put then in the Market for Credits and make them non-transmutable/fuseable.

3. Drop chance based on rarity- Currently the way that drop percentages work seem to be ridiculously imbalanced. I almost never see Rare mods drop and when they do there's an extremely high chance that it's another Ability mod. Rares should be less common than Uncommon obviously, but the rarity of Rares seems too high right now. This might become a non-issue if Abilities are removed from the drop tables though.

There is one example that stand out to me as a combination of everything wrong with Mod drops- Kubrows. Feral Kubrows only appear on Earth and have a limited number of spawns per map (about 2 dozen). Kubrows have 16 mods in their table, with half of them being Rare Precepts. All 3 problems collide here to make Bite one of, if not the rarest and most expensive Mod in the game.

That's my 2 cents this week. I hope the Community Hot Topics are proving to be useful to the devs!

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As it stands now mastery rank only represents how many frames and weapons you have managed to max out. I think that mastery rank should mean more in this game. Like rewards for getting the next mastery rank or content that can not be accessed untill you have reached a certain mastery rank. Like maybe new solar systems that can only be accessed after you are a cretin rank. 


I do not have am answer as to what exactly but mastery rank needs to matter more in this game. There needs to be a reason for getting that next level o mastery other than just bragging that I now have mastery lvl X. 

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Mastery rank should lock some things.  For example, the Boltor Prime is regarded as one of the best all round guns.  It takes farming to get, but also people should be limited by how much they have played the game.  Is it really fair if they can just buy the parts with plat and suddenly have a weapon as good as mine?  Sure, but it takes away from the game and learning to love the other guns.  I think mastery is an intrinsic part of Warframe, and helps new people explore their options, rather than to just google "best warframe weapon" and plat buy it.  

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DE If you're actually read this thread please consider these two simple suggestions:



1.) one of the daily login rewards is the Gorgon. The Gorgon is REALLY REALLY BAD. I tried. Many have tried to make it a good gun. But now amount of forma can make it even mediocre. The Gorgon Wraith however is amazing. Please buff the old Gorgon to have stats at least somewhat similar to its Wraith Counterpart. I really feel bad for any new players who waste precious resources making the old Gorgon and wonder why they are killing enemies at like 1/5th the speed of everyone else they play with. That or remove the Gorgon recipe from login rewards and replace it with the Gorgon Wraith recipe instead. The G-Wraith is lovely and I'd like more people to experience its glory.


2.) Make Shadows of the Dead not rely on Strength mods. Please make the amount of Spectres it summons affected by EFFICIENCY. Everyone builds Nekros for efficiency anyway. Also please make the Spectres that Nekros summons have noclip for bullets. The ghosts actually BLOCK teammates and their bullets. They actually provide MORE obstacles for your team instead of helping. It's already bad they block your teammates movements. But their bullets as well? That's ridiculous. If you can fix those two issues with Shadows of the Dead, Nekros would be a great great frame with alot of utility. That's all that really needs big changes about him, the rest of his abilities are up to par. It's his summons that provide the biggest problems of his toolset.

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Mastery rank is the thing I don't care to see tied to anything in game.  I get the point that it's there to encourage a player to try out ALL the things, but it also exacerbates the issue of purchasing weapon/frame slots and the idea that most weapons in game are "mastery fodder."  Worse still, with the number of current exclusive items that have contributed to mastery rank, there's a real potential issue with mastery rank disparity unless so many non-exclusives are introduced that we'll get mind numbing saminess.  Braton (MR0) > Karak (MR2) > *Korka (MR6) > *Gikora (MR12) as the generic assault rifle line-up up to that point?  *Made these up and going with the Grineer theme.


To add to that, linking weapons to mastery rank also exacerbates another issue - power creep.  Not that I don't expect more and more powerful weapons (and mods both for weapons and warframes) to go with eventually more and more powerful enemies, but after a point, it's like you're developing a weapon knowing it will only have a lifespan of about 4 hours before being jettisoned for the next step up, and devstreams seem to indicate that this is NOT the direction DE is trying to steer gear in - or the game for that matter.  For instance... what comes after the primes?  Better primes from T5 and T6 Void?


What I did find amusing in mastery rank are the mastery tests, which would make for awesome training simulators, but are instead made slightly stressful by their purpose and as far as I can tell, unrepeatable?


If a reward is to be tied to mastery rank, cosmetics and minor functions (like trading) usually do well.

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In regards to Mastery Ranks, I believe a balancing pass for weapons needs to be finished first, so that they (the weapons) can then be categorized accordingly. Why is it that the weapon most people consider the best (Boltor Prime) is just a rank mastery 2 weapon when the Soma is a mastery 6? This kills the sense of progression in the game. Why get other weapons when I already got Boltor Prime at MR 2. 


Void keys should be mastery locked. Something along the lines of Mastery 2 for Tower 1, MR 4 for T2, MR 6 for T3 and 8 for T4. 

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My favorite events were probably Informant Event, Sling Stone, Breeding Grounds, and Gate Crash. Although, Informant event was the only one of those where the reward was quite easy to get. I like them all for decidedly different reasons as well.


I liked Informant Event because it meant you had to keep an eye out for the drones (even checking your minimap for static felt fun). I liked Sling Stone because it fostered a sense of "working together." I hardly saw anyone stray from the defense  objective in Sling Stone, although, that's just anecdotal evidence.


I liked Breeding Grounds because as I played it, I discovered the new tileset. It was nice, but building up your score felt a little monstrous (as a time sink). Although, the environmental hazards provided an interesting slalom to navigate.


I liked Gate Crash because I actually like the Sheev; Grineer designs are actually pretty cool in my opinion (although I love Corpus designs too). Also, it was the first time that abilities proved ineffective (although it totally castrated Trinity's healing potential, I got about 15 health per Blessing by the end of it). As well, Energy Vampire seemed bugged in that casting it didn't actually give me any energy, that is, it was a literal waste of energy. It could be because the range decrease, so I may have been out of range each time.

Also, the caches in Gate Crash were pretty satisfying (if only for the Void Keys, but other players probably also want the Oxium).


Also, concerning Mastery Rank, I think that the matchmaking should be a little more dependent on it for the first planets. Rank 4 and under players should probably be prioritized as being matched first and then 5 or 6+ should be matched. Then when there's few squads on the node (1 or 2), just match anyone with anyone.


It makes higher ranked players not have to deal with lower ranked players slowing them down and lower ranked players can stay together. I usually try to stay with the teammate that's furthest behind for solidarity, but then the people in front are probably resentful that there's 2 people "slowing them down."


The only problem with matchmaking based on Rank is that lower ranked players might need help on a node and have a lot of trouble with it, which is made worse when a lower ranked  player joins your game and acts as a hindrance (by dying frequently). There's issues with both sides of the scenario, but it seems like both camps resent each other when being matched in  a mission (the fully decked out rushing camp and the newer/slower/intentionally less-decked out players). Maybe we can see how it works out and then revert a change if it proves to cause nodes to be desolate?


Sorry that this post seems kind of sucky as far as feedback goes.

Edited by Otenko
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Login rewards needs to be improved.

Mastery Ranks needs to be more rewarding to reach. (Cosmic Break rewarded players with upgrade materials and trickles of premium currency).

Nekros' big problem to me is Soul Punch and Terrify bring less than useful, rather than Desecrate being his one good trick. Targeted single damage with VERY unreliable secondary effect and AOE scare which doesn't help thin the crowd, but rather only delays the inevitable.

Accessories: IMHO they're okay right now, but could be better. Again, like I have started a numerous times: I'd love to see alternate chassis for done of the simpler frames, and singer ones for the busy-looking ones.

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Should Mastery Rank influence more things in game?
Yes, as others have said, people should be able to choose match making based on mastery level.Besides that, DE really needs to make some high tier weapons requiring ridiculous amounts of resources that do insane things that only really high mastery can unlock. IE, like in Mass Effect, Spectre class weapons.I'm not saying we need OP weapons, but it would be fun to have a special set of weapons that require you to do some serious leveling and mod upgrading to unlock their full potential. You know, to give us super mastery rank people something to toy around with on a longer time-scale.What mastery rank should NOT do is make the game easier in any manner, we're already at the top, if anything, we need more challenges that'll unlock at that level. Maybe more insane nightmare modifiers? Or special Master Rank alerts with rare rewards? (these alerts should only be able to be attempted once)
Which even was the best?
My answer is the Gradvius Dilemma, because even though it was repetitive as hell, the lore and dynamic feeling of the factions fighting was so intesting to be a part of. And the fact that the community was arguing about it was awesome too!
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I absolutely think mastery rank should influence more things in the game. Not just factoring it in to match players with similar ranks, but reward the player too and encourage them to keep playing Warframe for another 100+ hours or so with things like cosmetics, item slots, or rare resources like cells, formas,  or fieldron


To make a comment about events, Id have to say Cryotic Front blew every other event ive personally played away. Why? No endless grinding. The only thing that was ever asked of the player was to get better at the game and form a decent strategy at keeping the scanner and excavators fed and protected. What did we get as a reward?? The chance to play on a brand-new and beautiful tile set, and event badge, event mods, a weapon and a skin, as well as cryotic. Breeding grounds was close, but asking the player to play over, and over, and over again, just to accumulate stink just makes the act of playing it all the more boring as you continue to inch your way up towards a better score. And it sort of punishes the player for sucking it up and continuing by eventually having a map full of npc's that can one-shot you by simply breathing in your general direction. Cicero was even worse simply because the leaves we need just to produce the anti-toxin may or may not spawn. So you were forced to play endlessly until RNG decided to give you a break and spawn the thing you need to scan. To simplify it, Cryotic Front, sense of progression for players and actually fun to play after you've gotten the rewards, Cicero and Breeding Grounds, Mind numbing grind and punishing players for powering through it.

Edited by (PS4)VariantX7
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Breeding grounds was close, but asking the player to play over, and over, and over again, just to accumulate stink just makes the act of playing it all the more boring as you continue to inch your way up towards a better score.

The other problem with Breeding Grounds was, that your mission score depended not only on your performance so far but also on stuff that you had absolutely no control over: The right hives spawning (RNG) and the performance (total score) of your teammates - which led to a friend continually scoring a 46 or 47, until he finally gave up on Prova Vandal.

Edited by Bibliothekar
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Mastery Rank at the moment is nothing except a status symbol, it is no longer a judge of how good a Tenno is. I mean this from the PoV of someone who enjoys exploring maps and opening chests and looting, I'm a rank 15. I'm still not bored of this. There are players out there who enjoy playing a map as fast as possible, looking for exploits and rushing through. Whilst there are some times speed is required, this is not my style, two Tenno ranked the same can have different conflicting styles.


Having a reward for mastery, would not stop the above, but might give it a little bite more of a personal meaning. Rewarding Tenno with higher level gear, or prime parts or a rare armour set, or any cosmetic might encourage people to think about it a bit more.



RE Void drop tables:
It's pigging annoying getting nothing but other keys in the drop tables! Please can we have something to swap them, or not have tower/derelict keys in a row?!

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What are your favorite types of cosmetic items?


Anything that's not a ripoff actually. Kubrow color pickers are in the ripoff category, Yes. We already had numerous color palettes, moving in new ones so you are forced to pay again is evil. Put in tons of fur patterns, body variations, collars, dog armor even, and you have your extra shinies.


What suggestions do you think would improve the Login Reward system?


First of all, the login rewards should scale better with login frequency yes, but less so in rarity and more so in value.

- COMMON | XP bonus for your equipped items, evenly distributed so that all points are used up (starting with the one needing the most). Depending on the usual scale of 7, the XP can be 1000-7000 (the max. amount isn't guaranteed, it's just possible!). If all items are 30, the game automatically rewards the following reward.

- COMMON | Credits bonus. Depending on the usual scale of 7, the amount changes between 5000-35000cr.

- COMMON | Resource bonus. Depending on the usual scale of 7, it provides either a 500-3500 of a common, 30-210 of an uncommon or 1-3 of a rare resource.

- COMMON | Random gear item, like health reacharge. Would be nice if lower ones would be awarded here or bought on market, med ones in clan house and high ones dropped from lockers/armories. Depending on the usual scale of 7, the amount rewarded changes from 1-7.

- COMMON | Fusion Core reward. Depending on the usual scale of 7, a common, uncommon, rare... rare5 core is added to the player's collection.

- UNCOMMON | Blueprint of a random item from the droptables. Possible value changes with the usual scale of 7 where on 7 even void items get a slight chance to drop.

- UNCOMMON | XP booster of 35%xp. Depending on the usual scale of 7, it's duration changes between 2hrs-14hrs.

- UNCOMMON | Credits booster of 35%. Depending on the usual scale of 7, it's duration changes between 2hrs-14hrs.

- UNCOMMON | Mod reward. Depending on the usual scale of 7, a single common, uncommon or rare random mod might be added to the player's collection. On 7 even extremely rare mods have a (n albeit slight) chance to drop.

- UNCOMMON | Forma (bp). Depending on the usual scale of 7, it gains some dropchance - "stealing" it from other uncommon or common items. Rares are never affected by this! On first login after a while it cannot even drop, on 7th login it might drop a Forma instead of a Forma BP.

- RARE | Platinum purchase coupon. Depending on the usual scale of 7, it varies between 15-75% cost reduction when purchasing platinum. Single use, 2 day duration (banking reasons).

- RARE | Platinum cost reduction coupon. Depending on the usual scale of 7, it varies between 5-35% cost reduction when purchasing items with platinum. Single use, 1 day duration.

- RARE | Platinum bonus (not usable in trading). Depending on the usual scale of 7, it varies between 5-35p.

- RARE | Reactor/catalyst blueprint. "Takes" some chances from common/uncommon drops depending on the usual scale of 7 (so on day 7, the common and uncommon drops become a little bit rarer while the this becomes a bit more frequent - other rare drops have no change in chance so people won't start speculating if it's better to log in less frequently to get plat).

- RARE | Temporary vanity item. Depending on the usual scale of 7, the player is awarded a vanity item that is not in his possession yet for a duration varying between 1-3 days (can award it if it's in his possession as a "temporary" item, resetting the duration). The player can purchase the item with a 5-35% off promotion while the duration lasts. When the duration ends, the item is removed (if color, then reset to default, but only where used). Maybe putting in less rare versions too, where not a full color picker is leased to the player but instead only one row/column of it, or a syandana that is not colorable.

- RARE | Purchase rights on ultra rare item. Depending on the usual scale of 7, the player is given a price for which an ultra rare item is put up for purchase. These are things not obtainable by any means in the game, things like Snipetron Vandal, Snipetron, Misa Syandana, pink shorts. Yea, I get it, but it was worth a shot, I really like Misa Syandana but I for one sure as hell won't pay a full game's cost for a virtual scarf. Make it cost 800 plat, fine. Anyways, things like event only mods could be put up here for an immense cred or moderate plat price. Preferably up to the player to choose paying method if he wants it. This way Primed chamber and other sought after things could reappear and even the market could go busy :) I honestly feel bad about Founders having a mastery-point advantage but that's not all that bad (I do like how Excalibur prime looks though)... anyways, lost and ruled out things could be added through this reward and all-in-all, DE would profit them again. And so would we.


Should there be rewards for completing mastery ranks? Should Mastery Rank influence more things in game?


That's a neat way to motivate players (for more playing for example). Also I would actually award planets on mastery tests - helluva annoying meeting rank 0 people on Xini just to carry the whole party. Yea, not all lowranked people are a liability but those not should take that test already anyways!

As for possible rewards, well, a weapon slot on every second rank and an additional frame slot on every 5th sounds fair towards both players and DE. Also a badge depicting the rank's logo. Many of those look real neat in steam achievements. Hell, steam emotes, cards, etc. could be awarded even. So many possibilities... :P


Which Nekros abilities need a revision?

More like "What kind of revision do you think the following Nekros abilities need?". Seriously.

Soul Punch doesn't even do a thing, hard to use (just like Freeze, you have to actually aim it at an enemy) while the effect is meager (usually the ragdoll effect is inconsequentional). Yes, I too heard people saying they can use it - then they explain how good it works to them and you laugh, thinking "you call that using huh?".




[Last edited on 2014.05.28.]

I'm a necromancer to the core. In every computer game and rpg (real ones where you sit around with books and character sheets) that has one I always play necromancers. So this little guy here is kinda important to me - thus I have my opinion on all his aspect obviously. Forgive me for this.

1. Soul Punch
I've liked this but lately I think it got nerfed, it's ragdoll effect that is. I'm sad. As for a necromancy themed frame I believe a lifesteal or control skill would be best instead of damage. My version:


Soul touch

Description: “Nekros tears at the very existance of enemies in front of him, stealing their energies to heal himself.”

The skill causes 100/200/300 damage to enemies in a line in front of Nekros healing him 25/35/45/55% of the amount caused.


2. Terrify
Not just that it looks a lot like Radial Blind but overall lacks in utility. Even it's armor reduction effect is rather mediocre - would be better if it was a 25% resistance reduction effect altogether, without the victims "fleeing". A full 10-30% extra incoming damage aoe... now that would be wicked :) More like an ulti at that point actually. Idea:



Description: “Nekros invades the minds of enemies around, trapping them in a nightmare.”

In an area of 5/10/15/20 units enemies are stunned and only stare ahead blankly. They take damage of 10 health(!, no resistances apply) per second for 9/15/20/25 seconds. Every instance of incoming damage lowers the remaining duration by 1 second (go heavy hitters!). Bosses are at least staggered but better if slowed. I would make most CC skills manifest as slow on bosses.

3. Desecrate

Actually this is Nekros's most used or at least most useful ability. Pretty much a true savior during Survivals, and overall very useful for prolonged fights or farming. The fact that in some cases you literally need it and it has no substitute... well, that's a big no-no. Forcing a choice on players is never good.

Still, normally it's not that needed. Actually you rarely have that many corpses lying around that it's worth using this skill especially that it doesn't always work - and then you have to cast it again, and... you get it. With even a team of relative beginners you can expect to be revived when you hit ground head first so the abundance of health globes this skill provides isn't that useful. It heals your sentinel though so by no means would I call it a waste even during general missions.


In some cases it might yield useful loot (not much chance, let's face it), I would have it changed to one of the following, given the chance (and change RNG so you don't have to realy on this):



Description: “Nekros preys upon the residual energies of the recently deceased, granting regeneration to him and his allies.”

Nekros buffs the team for extra regeneration of health, shields and energy for 20/25/30/35 seconds. The amount gained per second is the exact amount of corpses within a range of 4/8/12/16 at activation of skill.


Black mark

Description: “Nekros marks enemies around him to leave behind supplies if killed.”

The ability marks enemies in a 10/15/20/25 range radius around Nekros (preferably with an eerie looking effect, like a slight energy colored aura and/or small energy colored globe above their heads) for 5/10/15/20 seconds. If the marked enemies are killed they drop one of the following besides mentioned loot (chosen by RNG on spot):

- commonly an energy orb

- commonly a health orb

- commonly an experience orb

- commonly a small support unit during survivals

- on uncommon occasion, a speed orb, granting movement and attack speed bonus

- on uncommon occasion, a damage orb, granting damage bonus of 20% for 30 seconds

- on uncommon occasion, a shield orb, granting 25% damage resistance for 30 seconds

- on uncommon occasion, a shock orb, stunning enemies visible to players for 5 seconds

- on uncommon occasion, a trauma orb, slowing enemies (by 40%) visible to players for 30 seconds

- rarely a “revitalize” orb, healing everyone to max.

- rarely a “recharge” orb, setting everyone's energy to max.

- rarely an “insight” orb, granting 25% extra experience from all sources for 30 seconds

- rarely a “wrath” orb, granting a damage aura to all players, dealing 1% max. health damage to enemies in range (of 10?) for 30 seconds

- rarely an “enlightenment” orb, randomly leveling an item on the player (as long as it's not on 30)


Thus the ability no longer affects the drop of valuables, only stuff that is useful “on the spot”. In fact numerous funny stuff could be added :) If only the common stuff drops, that's good already.


4. Shadows of the dead
Right now it's a limited version of Chaos (Nyx). While Chaos affects all enemies around, SotD only uses a preset amount of minions. Against bosses they don't pose a threat so you would most likely use them to battle numerous opponents at once (like reinforcements). During SotD you have about 12 minions tops fighting against the enemy while during Chaos they fight amongst themselves so not just that you have potentially higher damage (it at least scales with the number of enemies not to mention their rank:D), you even stop the group from attacking you (as long as you are not the closest target). SotD has no such effect, your minions are not even priority targets thus even during a defense mission, they have a high chance to be generally ignored thus Chaos fares better. Hell, if we take into consideration that your summons are enemies killed that means they are most likely from previous waves - thus weaker than current wave. All-in-all you are better off with Chaos for defense.

Oh, and the extra limitations:

- You have to kill an enemy so you can summon it. If your team is particularly good at stealing kills... well, you can guess the rest.

- Once you summon a minion it's gone from the "list" or “buffer”.

- Only last 20 enemies are remembered by the "buffer" so you can only summon 20 before you have to kill more (and the kills of summoned minions do not count). Thus you have little to no chance to replenish them during a bossfight (meaning this ability is just as useful against a boss as Chaos – or maybe less, dunno if Chaos produces some effect at all).


If I wanted to make this particular skill viable I would do the following:

- "Buffer" or "memory" does not get cleared, summoning minions does not erase any of them, you don't have to replenish them.

- Stronger enemies overwrite weaker ones when "buffer" is already full (if the HP*DMG number is much higher, rank is at least 2-3 higher or they are higher class, like heavies over lights etc.).

- Make it spammable, no "power in use", like... evar.

- You cannot summon more minions than the maximum number stored in "buffer".

- Focus and damage mods affect the size of "buffer".


Hmm, to stay to the usual format I will write additional replacement ideas here:



Description: “Enemies killed around Nekros have a chance to return and serve their new master.”

For a duration of 10/20/30/40 seconds, enemies dying (don't have to be killed by Nekros!) in a radius of 10/15/20/25 units have 30/45/60/75% chance to spawn a minion (preferably after random time, 1-1000 milliseconds to minimize lag in case a Nova goes wild), that exactly matches their characteristics, preferably right on their corpse or in case it's "out-of-bounds" (thus fallen or something) next to Nekros. The minions live until they are killed or 15/20/25/30 seconds elapse.



Description: “Nekros summons the recently deceased to aid him.”

Nekros stores the characteristics of enemies he has killed, 1 for each rank of the card (starts at 1 on rank 0). When the "buffer" is filled, significantly stronger enemies (if the HP*DMG number is much higher) overwrite weaker ones. When the ability is activated, the first stored enemy is summoned with double health and damage, staying until killed or for a maximum of 15/20/25/30 seconds. The spell doesn't have a "power in use" property, it can be activated as long as there is enough energy. On repeated activation the next stored enemy in line gets summoned. The Nekros can have as many minions summoned at once as the mod's rank+1. The moment he reaches "the end of the line" and still further activates the skill, the first minion dies and gets respawned with full health. These minions must have very aggressive AI and a rather high priority as targets for opponents (also a strange affection for the player, following him/her around).


The latter version is more gentle on the rig and allows for a better built relationship between Nekros and his minions. If there was a way to choose which enemy you want to store, that would be even better but then again, making a skill too complicated negatively affects gameplay.



What do you like most in an event?


I like new events because they provide a change, a bit of a difference compared to the everyday grind. Much like alerts. In fact it would be cool if akin to alerts, there would be 1-day events appearing randomly with their own game modes. Somewhat how invasions worked at first but those become dull VERY fast even after more game types being implemented. When you need to do the same map over and over again, it is plain repetitive.


The question is usually the reward - even though invasions are repetitive, many still do them for the reward if it's good (though there really should be a minimum duration for invasions since in case of forma/potato, they are gone in minutes and that's obviously not fair to players that don't cling onto the game 24/7).


What do you like least in an event?


Repetition is obviously bad in any situation. You don't need to do much to easy that pain actually, just add spice (including the occasional Sandworm). Instead of doing the same mission 25 times, you would do better if you actually made the event into a quest of sorts, spanning over multiple maps, maybe multiple planets. Preferably predetermining certain things, certain rooms for every mission so they are surely different yet even if you play them multiple times, the random dungeon generator still keeps them relatively fresh.


By the way, if you want to spice things up overall, you could try putting mutliple designs into a single mission. Similar to frozen corpus planets where at one part you are outside, one part you are inside, it would be neat if Earth would have more complex indoor sections too, or space-ship maps having some kind of in-mission variety. Sometimes I would simply switch off lights (mid-mission, not at the beginning!), also I would put in environmental hazards mid-mission too so the landscape can change (imagine a used pathway now blocked by ice or rubble - you have to around through a path that you couldn't access before!). Of course that would make maps more dynamic and that might prove more challenging than it's worth.


What is your favourite event?


Cryotic, by far. No, I personally deeply LOATH the new resource (just like Oxium), they are only there to hinder us, unnecessary and annoying to even think about it. No, I'm not into the new ice-gun either - reached rank30 with it, never seen it then. Actually never seen it in anybody else's hand either! Make Frost more frosty instead. Seriously.



What I liked about that event was the new, stunning maps (apart from the constant health loss due to nearly all players in public attacked the heat generators, thanks to them being showns as red entities with red healthbar), and the game mode. It was nice even though it wasn't easy to understand right away (like what has health, what doesn't, what to protect, when do we lose, when can I actually put energy into that machine, why did the % stop, etc.......... so bugged and annoying as hell), but still, it was very nice. The concept is fun and though the start came off rocky (as usual, sry but true), it was refreshing (and lorewise neat too since survivals on open landscape are... you get it).


In your opinion, are you more concerned about Mod Drop Tables or Prime Gear Parts


"Both" would be more fitting. Drop tables are overall fu... in need of some revision. What I would do:


- Grouping mods to enemy "sides" is good.

- Grouping mods to certain enemy types is not good.

- Making mods that are rarely used, rare to find is not good either (Punch through for glaive for example). Not rarely used as in useless, rarely used as in few people use Glaive at all.

- Making necessary mods ultra rare by making the already rare mod drop from an enemy that's a rare sight to begin with is pure evil.

- Tiering mods within an area, tilting the chances towards rare drops as the enemies are getting stronger, eventually reaching the bosses that.

- Guaranteed rare mod drop from bosses or rare enemies (Stalker) is good.

- Tiering rarity of mods to different sources. Common enemies (fodder) drop common cards mostly, rarely uncommon and nearly never rares (that's how it goes right now); heavies or rare guys drop uncommons and sometimes rares while eximus and other uber enemies dropping rares most of the time.

- Introducing mod-packs as drop, that give X random mods instead of just one. Would make neat mission-end reward. Honestly normal missions could use random mission end reward. REALLY. Like you get a reward anyways, and it can be even forma! Like once in a thousand years... but still, a loot table for common missions, would be cool and would help a lot with mod distribution, like:

- Grouping mods depending on source. Some would drop from enemies, some from lockers (that could be hacked if closed IF you have the Master Thief on -higher ranking, more time to hack or some other benefit, no "chance" for the locker to be hackable), some from armories (a room closed off, you can hack your way into through a locked door, all players on team get 1 try - make it hard, at least like those in the hacking mastery test). Like a void parkour room without parkour :D Here it's the hacking that tests you. Would be neat to have different challenge for every "side".


As for the prime parts, I would put in the parkour rooms as before and give a Vault at their end (similar to the Derelict ones, without dragon keys though), which is worth running them - giving a prime part. Mutliple such rooms could be present on a single map, maybe one per Tier? Honestly I would just plain remove the prime parts from the end-mission reward table and put them in like this. Maybe even adding void "bosses" that can drop stuff like this and instead put forma and other good stuff into the table.


https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/79196-concepts-of-mine-consumables-merchant-gambler-and-void-cause-i-like-that/#entry863293 (first chapter I think).

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One of the things I wanted to comment about my choices is that of the Mastery Rank influencing more things within the game.  On the one hand, that'd be a great incentive to rank up; but on the other hand, I feel it would leave behind those who cannot gain enough MR to achieve that next big perk.  I've commented on this in the past, and basically I feel that if a player cannot or will not spend money on this game, then they have a sort of "soft ceiling" to their MR, and therefore will probably not earn as many ranks as someone, like me, who has spent money.  Granted, yes, the player can trade prime parts and rare mods and all that to earn more platinum and therefore "buy" more slots (and if they don't that's their prerogative), but inadvertently forcing them to do so isn't exactly the best way to do it either.


I agree that MR should have more of an impact, but we need to be careful not to completely ignore those who can't achieve them as easily as players who've paid real money.

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Mastery ranks need a rework. They should affect more things, and get you some kind of achievement reward, like a badge or small piece of armor or something.


Mastery rank could grant bonus exp while leveling forma'd gear, it also could unlock the ability to play nodes on nightmare and so on. So much stuff could be done with this.


Tie the Mastery Rank to Faction Ranks whenever that is done, so you don't have to do really basic tasks when those missions come (Oh, we see you are a veteran, so we are sending you to Pluto!).


Also those dynamic alerts you did once? Mastery Rank could play a role with those.



Now, Nekros. My biggest problem with this is Desecrate, and  I am surprised how it was one of the least chosen.


It is boring and completely uninspired, not what it does, but how it works. Spamming the ability and keeping you locked in place? While Vauban can throw vortexes while reloading and running? Make it a castable aura that lasts X seconds and turns you into some sort of spooky ghost that desecrates an area while you are fully able to move and shoot, increase the casting cost if necessary, like a world on fire of desecrating.

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Im sorry if its already mentioned but the Mastery Ranks are a kind of useless.

The only things they are good for are weapons.

I think the highest mastery requirement is 8 and it doesnt do something else.


So it does way tooooo..... well nothing.


So please improve that for e.g every 3rd mastery one new Warframe Slot, Weapon Slot or even a Forma or Potato...


But.... well.


It may take a while to attract interest by DE...

Edited by XenoFant
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2.) Make Shadows of the Dead not rely on Strength mods. Please make the amount of Spectres it summons affected by EFFICIENCY. Everyone builds Nekros for efficiency anyway. Also please make the Spectres that Nekros summons have noclip for bullets. The ghosts actually BLOCK teammates and their bullets. They actually provide MORE obstacles for your team instead of helping. It's already bad they block your teammates movements. But their bullets as well? That's ridiculous. If you can fix those two issues with Shadows of the Dead, Nekros would be a great great frame with alot of utility. That's all that really needs big changes about him, the rest of his abilities are up to par. It's his summons that provide the biggest problems of his toolset.


I wouldn't mind seeing bullets passing through ghosts as super-charged like with volt's electric shield.  Super-charged with spirit juices.

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I'd like to see mastery rank inform how the game characters inside and possibly outside the Tenno faction behave to a player.  A rank 13 tenno might provoke more a reaction from the Grineer or receive less basic, more familiar communication from the Lotus/Darvo, for example.  Something to indicate that your contribution to the game's events is building toward something.  


I don't think Mastery rank should directly provide tangible rewards, only social ones like new lines or unlocking additional rank badges etc.  Mastery is something to pursue for the love of getting better at being Tenno, and I think that has enough intrinsic value.  I don't think it should be a goal to chase and cross off.


I liked the gatecrash event best.  I think the events have gotten better and better lately, and this one had fantastic elements.  Story arc tie ins, increasing difficulty, varied terrain and enemies, fast back and forth, and a not insane grind factor.


I also really enjoyed the Darvo tasks, and wish for the Lotus to take more of a role like that, with specific goals that come up and more voiced transmissions.  Those transmissions from the warframe characters really serve to lift the game into something amazing.  Especially Vor's communications in the new liset quest, which was really incredible and engaging.


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I only chose to modify Shadows of the Dead (as it is quite underwhelming), but Desecrate could use some tweaking as well, whether it is making it scale with mods, or just making it 100% chance to re-roll the drop tables.


My favorite even was probably the Tactical Alert with the all the CC and flames. I did enjoy that greatly, but then I built my character explicity for that event. Regardless, it was a lot of fun.

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Well, I like skins. We should have a lot more skins for weapons and Warframes that completely change the appearance (like proto armor, for example). 

I don't like Syandanas nor armor sets. 


About Mastery Ranks, they could give some free weapons/warframes slots and something more. Nothing really important however, to don't force people to level up everything. 


And, at the end, the Mod drop table is really something without any sense. 
On one hand, there are mods that are so common to literally allow a player to max them just using duplicates, on the other hand there are mods so rare that also after several thousands kills of the same unit they still don't appear at all. 

Edited by Latronico
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This polls results are skewed on the Nekros question, there was no option to vote for leave them all alone.


if you tried to leave all four unchecked it would not let you submit the poll forcing you to falsely tell DE you want something changed.

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